HIGHER EDUCATION UPDATE Research center gets new director The University's Center fur tbo Study of Women in Soc iety lias brought Sandra Morgen on board as i!s new director. Morgen, formerly an associate professor of women's studies at the University of Massachusetts, will be c nine an associate professor in the University's Depart ment of Sociology. The center is a nationally recognized, multidisci plinary feminist research organization It supports n search on women and gender by university and com munity sc holars, and sponsors speakers and events concerning women Morgen has edited and published two books (U'luU'r .i/ul Anlhrnpolopv Crtlicnl Wev/eics (nr Ri-.i~.in h urul Tent hinff and Woman nod tlu~ Politics of Empower ment. She is presently writing a Icook alxiut the wom en's health movement. Morgen graduated I’hi Beta Kappa from the Univer sity of Texas at Austin and received master's and doc total degrees from the University of North Carolina. A public rec option for Morgen will be held at A K) p in, today in C.erlinger Mali's alumni lounge. University Foundation elects new officers i lie University Foundation has elected four new of In i is and appointed seven new members to its board of trustees. The foundation is governed hy a 57-member board of trustees and provides opportunities for individuals, Inundations and groups to support education and stu dent programs at the University The newly Heeled officers arte Board President Charles Warren, a 1962 University graduate and presi dent of bxcalibur Cutlery and Gifts, Inc . of bugene; ( i.airman Robert Atkinson Jr. of Portland, a 1954 grad . :Ie. First Vice President Carolyn Chambers of bugene. a luli l graduate; and Second Vice President Arthur C armir hael Jr of San Jose, Calif , .1 1962 graduate The new hoard members are John Herman of Bea verton, a I960 University graduate. David Sparks of bugene. a 1906 graduate, Peter Williams of Portland, a 1955 graduate; David Petrone of Sail Francisco, Calif., a 1906 graduate, Richard Jernstedt of-Chicago, 111 , a i ‘ICO graduate, bdwin Artzt of Cincinnati, Ohio, a 1951 graduate; and Jolirt Kageyama of Vancouver, Wash . a 195B graduate. University program receives Portland award The University's Applied Information Management Program received the Portland Chamber of Commerce Pi gram Recognition Award on Wednesday. The award recognizes university and college pro grams lh.it servo adult students and specifically con tribute to meeting labor and employer needs in the Portland metropolitan urea. The program is based at the University’s Portland (rjter, and was established in 19BG. AIM is a fully accredited, multidisciplinary master of science degree program designed to provide manag ers and other professionals with the necessary knowl edge and tools to operate as loaders in the rapidh changing high technology field. Assistant director for research institute The Advanced Science and Technology Institute has chosen Cheryl Coate to fill the newly created position of assistant director. Coate will assist in marketing the research capabil ities and technologies of Oregon's four major researi h universities the University of Oregon, Oregon State University, Portland State University and Oregon Health Sciences University. The institute's primary goal is to make university based research more accessible to the private sector by serving as an access point for research programs and faculty expertise at the four universities. NEW ITEMS. FLOOR SAMPLES. ONE OF A KINDS THEY’RE OUTTA HERE - REGARDLESS OF LOSS! POLK AUDIO 5 74 CAR SPEAKERS SAVE $20 $ 79 PAIR GOLDSTAR VIDEO CASSETTE RECORDER $inq SAVE $60 | PANASONIC AM/FM CASSETTE With OtgitTi-' Tuning it's! 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