1ET ALS Bat specialist to give slide show, “bat walk” tonight MEET1NCS Ihe Chronic Fatigue Syn drome support group will moot Sunday nt 3 p m. at the Emer ald Peoples Utility District Building, 3:)7:i:i Senvoy Loop Rd. ('all 686-0310 for more in formation. Pre-Physic a I/Occupational Therapy C.lui) meeting will take place Sunday at 1 p m in EMU Cedar Rooms A and B. Call 3 15-43*15 for more information. Rultura Pilipinas, the Philip pine student organization will meet Sunday at 1 p.m. at Koinonia. Call 083-3625 for more information. SPEAKERS Stuart Perimeter, a hat spe cialist, will present a slide- il lustrated lecture tonight at 7 at the University Museum of Nat ural History, 1080 E. 15th Ave. 1 olio w i n g the 1 e c t u r o , Perimeter will lead a “bat w a Ik '' at the C u t h b e r t Ampilheater in Alton Baker P.irk. Call 346 3024 for more information. MISCELLANEOUS Barbecue at the Butte, a wel come hack event for it 11 stu dents is sponsored by the Cam pus Restoration Ministry. The barbecue will take place Sun CUBA Continued from Page 4 Amendment, sponsored try U S Sen. Connie Muck, D-Fla. and that would prohibit U S. sub sidiaries in foreign countries from trading with Cuba, she said. In addition, part of the freu trade agreements with Canada and Mexico ironically stipu lates those countries must also cease trading with Cuba, Benja min said Thu United States has also attempted to squash other foreign investment efforts in Cuba, Benjamin said. "In Congress, few are willing to speak out for normalization of relations,” having been influ enced by the conservative, anti Castro Cuban Amerh an Foun dation. Benjamin said. This same foundation just es tablished an office in Moscow, to lobby the Soviet government against providing further aid to Cuba, Benjamin said. At the same time, the United States "arm-twisted" the Soviet Union into withdrawing its troops from the country. Inside Cuba, the pressures promote increased complain ing, she said. “There's less hope about the future (and) people are starting to question tlie internal system.” Among most) questioning tnc systoin, tho young — tho GO porcont of tho population that grow up uftor tho revolution — soein tiio most critical. Benja min said. "They’re tired of free education and health cure. It doesn’t mean the same thing to young people.’’ Benjamin added it was ‘‘diffi cult to gauge how (they) sup port the system, or whether they support tin: system. People (still attend) demonstrations but "the spirit isn’t the same." Internal criticism has mount ed to the point where Castro has called for a Communist Par ty congress in October, only the fourth since the revolution. H.1V n! 1 p m .it Skinners Butte Park Call 14 3-491 4 or ■ HfS-fi ’22 for rides or more in formation. t nnl salt* will take place Sat urday from 9 a m. to 5 p m. ut the Newman Center. 1B50 Em erald St. Call 34(i-4K)H for more information. Club sport swimming will meet today from 3:30 to 4:30 p m at Leighton Pool. Call fill!) ,r)33.l for more Information. VOLUNTEERS Wlulc Hirtl Clinic: is offering its quarterly volunteer commu nity service training program Sessions begin Oct 10. Credit can be arranged through the University and Lane Communi ty College Call 342-8255 for more Information OPPORTUNITIES Career Planning and Place ment Service Orientation Ses sinus vy i!| take plaoo today from .! to to -1 ,!() p in. in 207 Hen dricks ki:i.k;ion Weekend Massi's will take plaoo Siiturduy nt 5 p.m and Sunday at 0 a m . 11 a m and 7 .10 p m at thu Catholic N'uw man Center, 1HS0 Emerald St Call .ttti--l ir.il for morn Infor mation Chi Alpha Christian fellow ship moots tonight at 7 In IS'* Straub, Mvrrvnnn is welcome to attnnrl tlull (>HH 112 1 lor morn information Deadline /nr submitting lit ills t(i the lunonibj front desk, HMD Suite .700. is noon the day be fore publication lit uls run the day of the event unless the event hikes place before noon. Nollies of events with u do nation or admission charge will not he accepted FAST FAST FAST FAST INTRODUCING 1 HR. m DEVEL0PIN6 AT THE UO BOOKSTORE Everything is FAST these days...fast f(x>d, Fist cars. So why wait for your pictures to come back from a slow photo lab? Our photo experts will process your film in 1 hour using the Kodak Colorwatch system for guaranteed quality. You'll get big 4” prints on Kodak paper, with FAST service, just the way you like it! FAST SAVINGS SAVE WITH THIS COUPON! r I r i i i i 1 HOUR LAB COUPON $1 OIF 24 I A | M Ml IT $2 (IFF .v> I \|*MIIV ) ( 'i >li » |» ml till 11, • !’ ‘ | nil Us (ASnim i mlv ) N« rf \ .tlw I Will l .u I-. > 4l » 1 • if l< I 111 .11 | *1 V.ilil llk'll/fl i 1JTH fit KINCAID M-F 7:30-6 SAT 10-6 346-4331