-GRID PROFILED FRESH START An apparently untroubled O’Neil looks ahead to (JSC By Jake Berg Emerald Sports Editor The sports anchors untl cam eramen wouldn't endure a 90 dogroo oven for Just anything. And they aren't. As they stand outside the en trance to Oregon's football practice field, the only thing that the newsmen are getting is sun, not interviews. Hut when the first of the foot hull players begin to file across the street that divides their looker rooms from the field, the cameras am hoisted onto shoul ders and the tripods are drug onto the grass, where the glass eye of sports fans across the state try to get u quote from the latest media darling of the Ducks, quarterback Danny O'Neil. O'Neil arrives on the field in full uniform ubout halfway through the emigrating pack, and the cameras prepare them selves for the smiling No. 16. Upon his arrival, O'Neil is es corted to the front of a camera What happened in the loss at Utah? ono newsman asks. "I've learned a lot from Utah." O'Neil says, looking ut the blue sky "1 learned how to prepare bettor." A few questions later, the 20 year-old redshirt freshman is moved into the view of another camera. How should you prepare for a team like USC? the newsman asks of the Saturday night game. "I don't think there's a spe cial way to approach USC," he says Into the microphono Cameraman #3 stops into the picture next, focusing on O’Noll. How important Is the game against USC? the newsman in quires. “It's a big game." O' Noil says. “Obviously the biggest one so far " Cut. Threo-o-r.lock. Time for practice. And come 8 p in Saturday, the biggest game of O’Neil's young career. More than just three local nowstatlons will have him in their sights. The nation will be watching ESPN's live broadcast from Autzen Sta dium and a projected record crowd will be on hand to watch the evening contest All this for a redshirl frosh man. Hut his whole plan coming out of high school was to play four years at a major college, and that major college was al most not Oregon, out USC, nonetheless. O'Neil, a native of the Los Angeles area, was recruited heavily by the Trojans during his senior year at Mater Dei High and was No. 2 on their re cruiting list. That was when O'Neil visited Eugene. What O'Neil had to say fol lowing his trip might have boon a shock to his parents, who wore leaning toward USC. "I came home (from Oregon), and 1 told them 1 had commit ted." O'Neil said. "They urn very happy now with (my divi sion)." Who isn't? Considering his Listeners of the Oregon Sports Network will still hear Todd McNim. who switched from KEZI-TV to KVAL-TV KVAL acquired the rights to Oregon sporting events from KEZI this year 2B Oeqon Daitv Emerald Oregon Football Friday Soptember 27. 1991 ■JM_J PncrtO by Andre Ran ten freshman quarterback Danny O'Neil says he's put last week 's defeat in Utah behind him. O'Neil and the Ducks face USC Saturday night at Autzen Stadium. lack of experience at the col lege! level, O'Neil did a terrific job of filling in for departed god Hill Musgravo in the Ducks' first two wins. "Danny O'Neil has matured very quickly," USC Coach Lar ry Smith said. O'Neil looked like anything lull a freshman In leading Ore gon to two straight wins to upon the season, over Washing ton State and Texas Tech. His numbers in the two contests were Impressive us he complet ed exactly half his passes for 421 yards, had only one inter ception, and threw for six total touchdowns, I n c I u d i n g a school-record-tying four ut Tex as Tech. Then cumo last weekend's loss ut Utah O'Neil's performance in the Ducks’ 24-17 downfall at Utah is hardly one anyone would want before such u game us USC O'Neil saw nine of 23 passes completed for only 103 yards He threw an Intercep tion, und had a fumble that ended the Ducks’ fourth-quarter comeback. He was sacked eight times and left the pocket 18 limes, for a net gain of nine yards. "You never know how a young quarterback will react in a game," Oregon Coach Rich Brooks said. "I was fooling pret ty confident that ho wusn't go ing to have those freshman jit ters.’’ He did have the shakes, but at least he got It out of his sys tem. "Individually, I think I played poor," O’Neil said. "I don't know what happened, but it's going to bo on exciting game (against USC), and I think everybody will bo ready to play." O'Neil better bo ready be cause Brooks says the weight of tin; win sits on the freshman's Turn to O'NEIL. Page 7B OSN broadcasts available on KVAL By Jayson Jacoby Emera 1 Sporls Reporter Oregon football and men's basketball funs needn't worry when they can't find Oregon Sports Network broadcasts of the Ducks on the television sta tion KEZI. They just need to turn to KVAL. Thai's because earlier this year the OSN signed u new contract with Eugene’s COS af filiate station to broadcast Ore gon athletics. The OSN's thrue-your con trait with KHZ! ran out at the end of last year, said Dave Heeke, Director of Broadcasting and Marketing for the i, liversi ty's Department of Athletics. Because the OSN fulls under the administration of the state's higher education system, every local television station was giv en the opportunity to submit a bid for the next throe-year deal, and KVAL won the bidding process. At present, KVAL is sched uled to show only one football game this season, the Arizona Statu game at Tompe, Ariz. on Novombor (). Heeke said four Pacific-10 Conference men's basketball games will be aired us well. This University is unusuui in that it has it's own self-support ing broadcasting network, Hooke said. "The OSN is really a strong benefit, not only financially but also promotionally." said Hooke. "It's a grout public rela tions tool for die entire univer ‘It’s been great Everybody’s been real cooperative. We’re picking up where we left off.’ — Todd McKim, KVAL sportscaster sity.” Because the OSN broadcasts on 23 radio stations across Ore gon, us well as on affiliates in Anchorage. Alaska and Mt. Shasta. Calif., many university alumni can also follow the Ducks iivo, said Hooke. Some women's busketball games will also be aired by the OSN on radio, although those games will be carried only by the; liugene AW station Kl’NW. b'von though the OSN is re stricted as to the games It can broadcast because of competi tion from much larger net works, Heoko said the cable sports channel Prime Sports Northwost often uses OSN broadcasters Todd McKim and Mike O'Brien in its own tele casts. Prime Sports shows Ore gon football games on tapo de lay, and plans to show Oregon men's and women's buskulball, volleyball, wrestling and track, as well as golf und tennis pre view shows. Television viewers shouldn't expect any major changes In OSN coverage this yoar, as McKim also made the move from KbZl to KVAL. Hooke said because of McKirn's experience covering Oregon uthlotics, the move is logical. “It's boon greet," said McKim. "everybody's boon real cooperative. We're picking up where we left off.” Heeke, who started work in his current position in mid July, said the OSN is commit ted to broadcasting Oregon sports. "We would love to do us many Oregon sports as possi ble." he said.