iso MQTQRCYCLESSCOOTERS '08 Yamaha Rfva Onty ? 000 m-ww J1 ; Ttm. 74 7 6593 l «*av» iS5 BICYCLES CAMPUS CRUISERS nice o*1 iftt »>fu .. •.puad cruw-ur* RocondHionad arid ready to rtde Good mm* ton !•. — $30 $60 Only'* Tnet.rm Po*-‘ '■ V1 Rrver Road 688-374? Thu' fr and Sal On»y Mans 1 990 Oanx,'.; I i p A* u ' f ondo'V rack, locks. rr\iv>v g-iutn, C1K> Shift GrM 00**1 • $3 7*> 1 envu mMAAQO 545 ' .-4) Mourvain Bill. F rshor SuoMy. 18 tram*. Wue color. 1 cwd. very good condition Asking $375 Tom. uu 7 or 343-9M? New Schwinn Sian* r' ‘ bsku • lim«, Firm $375. a? $. . t „* I i-Jx V M ;* • ‘ 24-' 10 speed, gcud If.rispona: $35. ?1" 1? ftp, »»« .. <«m| cond ’ $V‘> P.i » a 4 • 2 Raleigh 1? ftp«»**3 r. [ * i. •» • OoncWhon $95 each or beftt olt«*' 485 7707 after 5pm 165 COMPUTERS ELECTRONICS Word procmor A ns trad (r**r-. PCW8258. monflor nrybonM p' w l rka now S?00/o8«»r 60.3 8449 286-386-486 Best prices in town! Cali for $ quote Mercury Open Systems 94? 9070 and 94? 0 780 Compaq Computer MCK MAM 20MH MO, 5?V dw 5450 cl __603-436? Computer IBM f wrt'H. books inr $•'♦ • i Af 1 earnout 51 GO obo 34.' .” 3 HP 28S adviinood ft Never used $150 O' *u 1 -885-4??9 _ Kaypro 286I 20M0 M. 1M0 RAM 1.2MB 36CK diskette o ... . .» .. serial podT. $650 6b* '■ Great student compiler 80 mug drive 4M I AM l ?400 baud modem, Prtsoii. C. W'.cxJv 5 ■ Cn/l Pel or, 34? 3360 Plus 4 ( omjft/ler monrtor drftk dove • i * x $350 461 0003 '..ruth Corona PWP100C with Corona I »'m ri>tx>n& ft.'xi disks Perfect1 , $700 $350 895 333? '.imth Corona l*WP ?OOQ Persona -■ • • ./> I yjer.' ' kX $?.’5 or ' • 4ti4 ?134 Corona IW3 V. .>*.,or-typewriter. $260 obo r x *44 1606 Word Procaaaor. Panasonc KW A ' keyboard, monrtor, and printur \ • F-ippy disk $400 34? 4831 170 SOUND SYSTEMS Carver pre amp (CT-7) ar*J Carver • 1 disk (Mayor Only C month* } $900 Ray $44 3914 Complete stereo CO system only %' Pad $950 Technics piayur, In ’ . ...mi's plus over 60 CO at $7 Sony 1*> wall drgiUli r«**».viw. ADC ' .i :t»r, $100 kx both or ' ‘ m '44 5404 i -s INSTRUMENTS T ABl A (Fast Percussion). . , p .mo. guitar lirvsony rentals A k'Hmi*«tge*ibie. «»»p*#no7xjwj' 484-9305 195 TRAVEL I raveling Soon? Apf>iy for a credit card f ly anywhera in the USA for $ 189 less Call TOOAY!! 405-8039 College Students Units! Jom CAM "US CONNE CTION'S national ockioge pe-p.i b P09.571 7990 lor mlo 205 OPPORTUNITIES WOMEN 1 ' L_; SAFERIDE vr”‘" O NEEDS YOU! Volunteer Drivers Needed Permanent drive's one ? hour Shift pf" wt-i-n A 'o'mi’o dnvwi are on ca:i «is ncyxfcKl to *pc*.a ’■■ronw required These and a W«»*.i P-<>{>i4Sh»nfl. Bo* 64* f9 i o. OR 97403 Know tutor* Ygo Go.” whui to * rk. Iiv* and aki tr»« In Colorado a ra-korla Currant Guide to Aap*n. i Hr*ckanrldga ar>d mor*! |16 95 I | Oregon Daily Emerald needs you! ».i; 4c in*Mi and writing cJ'pft by «■. * g a*> a ff»u*' h -..i! *:n moor ng Miyutay I MU M.^w Moom. ot .*• t: - M-rrw346 55n Shara storaQ* tn double garage. M • soaye Jcy^n. Boj» 3104. I Qo y) 97403 _ hoc car r*f*r**a needed afternoon It I 464 ?406 CM KkJspod* • "} t (nave message CHALLENGE YOURSELF • , : . * ;ng a votunt#** m a Pubfcc • x\ :y !wtrv*ce Agency, cy - *kx>i Henry ve upper dnn • r- the I SC.API f H ID i , PR < .HAM kx vo ;>'<«*•*• >g •: ck come to M 111. f MU •- l SC API FIELD STUDIES PRO GRAM r-g to» students interest r«:J rn being coon.5'-.i'O's ' R '*• ' IfxrMi positions offer e* «»pu once m kudo'ship. l ‘T>e rna *■ into* persona1 & gni-.rp ti>■*■" sX.-fcs f or more ifcxmtf . 346 4151 or cwn# to M 111 | I.' YOU CAN MAM A Dlf I I Ml U( I lk* P an auPstic child «*» »nd f a Volunteer m a Oy a-' i f ‘ «• kMrrurtg program No oepeno' - u t SC Ai l Ca. 49 18 n? HELP WANTED f-iam« shop ' : and pan time pt>s< 1 f '••«»; «y PitMiM • . •. ' « and cover Writer to 1*0 9/440 _ Great f>art tima saioe posllton ['*«» - Cm KLH loudspeaker in retail .. «.'« 1 ■? woekends per month N. «*'-ce necessary $7 per hour ♦ ’>, • l’«n‘« can Cameron a>nd U7 or msg ,t 1 900 988-1957_ Hou»«Ww*|mm it'd alter v.fHXk Soper '.v ' :n gfc*)« boy Two to lhr»a» * a.. * , ? X pm to 5 30 pm. V * HubKiytoaa and cai rugwral . I S5 WITHOUT TH{ HARO S€tl • •• mmyx ing M>cro ()*ut C\r> ■ Cti ! JacpL^e. lrxJ«*p*yxH*nt ; *.* f>t#*4 Adviior today at EARN MONEY liu,«! t> - S30.000 >r moorriM potu : u [ )«*!.» •. Eiparianca Eugana % .>*<» trx> art p»asma c«; :«f C.» ia • lM arvt w»U! tell you tvo* hop yO< ’of a/xt otf «4>'s l.ipanarcac lecBor.y* TacFn aan Job requy«mems uk *lo t) fU», t '-g a/xj calibrating electron a- uni oio»iro mechanical uqiapmonl "-s • :»5t»s trouble shooting arxiiog and dg tai c r cuitry to the compono'i! love’) i') Ccw’ airucimg orx> ot a k.iYd soerMific instru ments 3) Modifying equip ment 4) Maintaining printers and p«»i sonal computers 15?0 hrs SwueA |7 00-tv Mtrsl be a UO or ICC *4u dent It interested, contact Dave BrumbWy. lf>st'1o!o of Neurosca* \u at 3464516 210 HELP WANTED I amity wrth thr.Mj v^x**' (%Q* Cfxfcjron .<■ ■-• Nr • y ky tw^a and a*!** *•»*, r/wn car Room A <•* t\ar>gm 'or 3 4 hours p**r , . ; • 4* i*kj:s»orw*i modest Min , Ca t44 1083 M Nanny M ” Housekeeper ” Wav’ ■r jtor- [XT area F nwnd'y tahftty a ' cohftstion t/>uri warm «>','• i -t m» ;<*r* or wr>c g«*n _. rw*y lovwt * -?•»•• ►«•,; '.n* «•*>*■■ g and after vcfxxy .-.•»♦ . *• >t (8 ar>d 10) Ch-kJoara >* o a'k1 Oiner t itsnse natjufacJ jxy*.» wetoome Prtvu-n room, i" {•»...' «* TV. nod ■* >,-.?ed • V, no T wm If'* CjiI or wio Gaxtyn CoAms. 301 6M 417ft. 33 ■.■■■' ■- • NEED A JOB? We are your SOURCE! Jobs ol all types to last through the school year OR year round Don t delay, openings are tilling Iasi Apply Monday-Friday 9 00 AM - 4:30 PM at Temp Source ..—— INC Out ft t da I i»f> t growing marVoling , • g F .r*»v!cynt look*hQ fcy • - ■*»' .;«*!< poop*** *CK ItttO ^ »*. •>" ng hourt $ i *> $30 t.r At- . I •»«! IHTW 1-800 3?3 7558 Pad-ttme, ?.j! urn® positions avatiabia ’■or yoftfd A, pry rn porvxt ‘.*i ptywood. Mwy 90 A l » h [ agon* _________ Pi" i.u Cara Assistant .. !;• ?,p«'X) !•” *« .. • ■•«*» Pan t^se 10 l f> a - » $’> *K)*XK2f Kathy WANTED: CREW COACH M< i d Woman* Varsffy Craw !?.* at Dailer Ftasarvou and r [ , *. . Aiih Wa»t Coast Schools t r i is ."formation contact Sandy i at C Uit> ‘d>orta, 346-3 733 $7 SO hour ( ; ■• •> ■ ha'pori over ttt * a «1 ■' ■ Km» c UO 4H4 *>4**3 afw' . • ?is WORK STUDY WOK* STUDY POSTON At A.. ABi.[ FA a/xJ 1 ng .vh tv tors notidui: ;> Up* tt! Bound Program 4 12 ho ’*> pt»f ***»*• l wrong* and NuijfJay P' v •< 346*3501 220 HOUSES FOR RENT BIG HOUSE 1 Bloch F rom Campus 6 8 bad room. 4 bath Ovu* 3500 SQuaru ’*«»' - • . r r*#hry.?pHaJ on KtUlu . ■ . -j U. huge McNan and u •-ig C3ritian»?.rxid " th tt ‘‘ ti'yanl SJ QU 9104 "Turnished 490 f 34th 3 tn*Jrooms, i b.i:’ *. ;> . s ftl firwp'ti.: o. gartsgo wt>a:r.iaft2**l, u. 'y 2980 Ol IVE ? btaJrooms ♦ la" .> (Of t'-’d Ixadrtxim) Ava abl® t.Vt 7\' l “>0 UNFURNISHED 3630 E AMAZON 2 txKJrooma garage. SbSO. 304? PAM 3 bedroorry*. 1 baths. oppUancos. t’• •»: X'1 '.*5 14 3 f. ' _ r:i> APTS DUPLEXES ~ A LARGE, Cl EAN, QUIET . >jffh. 1 bn U of O AvmioDw now I . 5*g • ■ ’n*o, OW*g cK* (.-• r4f¥t **»um. lots of par* i ■«vy *. 'xtorfc 683 81*1 9 L_» Now F of MOVE IN SPECIAL Now & Beautiful 1 4 2 BEDROOM FROM $505 ' * COVERED PARKING . * WASMl M DRYER HOOKUPS * EUHOPf AN KlTCMl NS * f fTNESS ROOM * CONVENIENT TO VALLEY RIVER CENTER 1811 Kirvgsloy Rd 343*4549 NORRIS & STEVENS Mafvagernenl Co 'DUE BLOCK TO CAMPUS !1eai/tifu.'fy (•niod«l»d Iwo t>*d form with new carpets in fourplei. 'urni'shsd optional 1452 E I9ih, *4 $494 Ask About our move in bonus* _>4 3 6000_ FREE RENT ! 'MM* m N> .emtxv iiw A>: '.«*/ . budrtx>m. $*>45 &07 06 • ■ («rr p.;S V»»ry spftCXKiV * ' , .1 - ntT ry _ sondttCfc & w. 146 4P67 • EH < U K TO CAMPUS 2 Bedroom Apt .! . Sun 1452 and 1456 $53 U Can .1436000 1 BLOCK TO CAMPUS l g 1 bdrm apt* 1 2 bfc from UO in very i i«•' • CJK'i*lO*y r T.^n: n» pftvai* fXtfiO fraa cabla TV, ».» * to school txrf covered ;>■. * ; that ipsoai VcVksw?ig I V»*,*k*rf Manage# #2 :u> sar>? Keystone ReAl F&tfkta 746 1 402 Roomy two bedroom apartmant. I2lh A P*f1»r»on No pats $500. 484-1057 2 Bedroom - $395 10 blocks to campus Very largo a'xj clean l oas« No pots Unfurnished 2045 Wtllametie 683 9104 Small 2 bdrm fumtsbed •;>' near W Bog A3 70 References. Ca a"or ?PM Rrtgewood Apts i 5 ’t 4 Studio, one and two bedroom apartments Pool laundry facildies weatharUed F»va buildings. 15th & Mifyard location 484-99?? Sobiaasa now' One bedroom apt lor $445 Util arid cab'i* included C ■..>•*< to campus Can 683 8014 lor moro info. T Ml COL l I OIAN ' -v ■ • a leasing upscale s'xJont ho-jv-g mdudmg meals 34 9 i?5S_ » 111 OCK I MOM CAMPUS f, „ . it. furnished ? bdrm apt V m.u >K 4 760, 683-490S_ UNIVERSITY MANOR SOUTH RENT NOW I OM FALL! 4 CLO‘. I TO CAMPUS a PARKING a ON-SITE LAUNDRY 2 ♦ bad rooms $575 3 bedrooms from $685 Call 683-0729 NOW Jsnnlnga ♦ Co, 683-4219 U ol O, [ 16th, *4 ' a . • furnished Nirw I'ixil $4 9Ve*ise Dnve by a?xJ c .t 688 ?107 1 BEDROOMS Joty - • ’ ? blocks to campus, Ofl • 1 , . - g avail $355AT»onth Will Ballco 345-2255 t twdroom apartmant liai! block from .. ’iff ! ca rpus ’‘un carpeting, park S 68 7 08? 1 or eves 485 7878 1 bedroom - $345 *j to campus Unfum l ease V 4 5 Wi'utrrvetlo 683 9104 1 BLOCK TO CAMPUS >4 5 | ”rh 1 twxlroom with parking :rnj laundry 1360/month Call 344 ?C8? 2 badroom, on MHrace m 4 pio* uf O QUILT, on sue rndry. 5 • • 4M5 IV 07 2 badroom, furnishad, '•» block from campus Call 485-3091. 2 BLOCKS TO U OF 0 Millrace Apartments 1805 Gardan Ava 2 bed,-*om lUis with prrvaie patios 2 ' ■» urn 2 siory lownhousm PATIOS a PARKING 4 LAUNDRY aTi L)on now. 344 5695 Janninga ♦ Co 683-4219 t bdrm turn, ciean. quiet. DAW, die pus .) kundry. covered parking J365/mo ’I orry 343-3318. 225 APTS DUPLEXES 2 txl>m turn, ckxan, qu*et. OAV. dupe* ► ! prtfV-ng $49Vmo i ».-y 343 3310 * A A A A ’: Block To Campus 3 bedroom apis N “ y r» • .»!n>erl garage park .nory, appliance*',. furnished . *, 715 1? F Ifth (boh-nd /.• .1 • .. Mar agor r> #9 $725 1 Call 343-6000. l: Block To Campus * * * * ★ 240 QUADS Beat the rush* Rent now and got 2 f REE. Private onpancs to theso '<5 ' f **iJq ./KJs Can 343 4109 ★ $225 ★ 441 E. 17th Clean. q.not complex W =x . in's & 4vok3 the parking hassles $50 move in bonus' Of F STREET PARKING AIL UTILITIES PAID Call 344 9290 ♦ Co. 683-4218 AFFORDABLE 1360 Aider Si. 345-5949 N ee. clean. woB maintained quads available A Furnished, util, paid * Laundry facility, covored parking * $229month 245 ROOMS Only $200month include* utilities. S100 deposit 3 mile* from campus 746-0940. Room and board m excha go lor ch-kt car© (2 children). Mun f ri. 8 a m noon 344-7078 Room for rent, in beautiful older home aose io campus S280Tnonth includes utilities Caii Bill at 687 2393 250 DORM CONTRACTS For Sale Multifile dorm lee Contact Tracy Simpaon at 484-2936 255 ROOMMATES WANTED ~ Female graduate student seeks ma ture 'enaifl to share boauMui spacous South Eugene duple* Very large bed room Private bath S315 rent ♦ : h*. * deposit 485 2931 Female housemate wanted ' turn home i larUwi>od firs Wt), s*y ‘•ghts C*oft« to b t ku $250/mo util 345 2321. evevmsg Mature responsible In ’ •. <» to share nice. 2 bdrm apt. likes qutof ' v 3 Non smoker, no pels Hoar 18th a ■«: Mill Jen. 683 9025_ Roommate for 2 bdrm hex .mi, huge 1 v ing room, kitchen garage, backyard, pcych 23rd Agate I pda, 345 4 *,44 346 4135 S330 Two active women - u**j third to grtws house ciot.o lo ca ! p..s $2V dudes all 345 €4*44 evoi gs 1 roommate wanted 1 or house «fi 2581 ikiyerd 7 b'ks trom campus $230*no ♦ $70 refundable dep 34 3 3221 1 Roommate for house. 18th 4 f nendly WD, 15 bath, housekeep er. garage, yard, clean, quiet $l*Q0month * 1 utilities 683-7652 4 bedroom, 2 bath house largest room available 648 W 8th Street near Jefferson on bus line and b«k© route S23Q/mo ♦ % util Can 343 4916 Free room, garage 19th and Universi ty for responsible, mature mine stu dent 464 5423 265 GARAGE MOVING SALES Many things you need tor your U of O Irving Good condition, low prices 1075 Sharon Way Oil Coburg between Har low 6 Cal Young 9 5. f riday & Satur day 12 4. Sunday Moving sale! Saturday 10 5 TV. fire Ajod Mute, an kinds ol Stuff. 1737 Co lumbia Moving Sale. 2410 Riverview (the Lftu m. M distnci). 9 5 Saturday. Sept . 'ith Includes household furniture. Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU MU* COM havca OATCCR 'tOJOWrAet, MtHtet ICC*V7 nan xx< you havi CAU M Theme CALL'LL ON HAVE A rHt HHCNE ' HU l+’JVE BOCPSte, THAT'S Mi a ID THE MOST INANE... XIK / MOTEL. r iVN'r Beutve TH^‘ 1 LX’ NOT... a cum uus TveecAutv PYA POX ON m fWNc. \ xT OKAY.HOVJ ABOUTnr HOwAean VUHATfHfC /S 7W/5* FOR INVITATIONS BROCHURES FLYERS POSTERS RESUMES AND M O R E £ 6 T r f R PERFECT Graphics SUITE 300 EMU