WPPSS nuke plant back on line RK.HLANL), Wash. (Al‘) — The state's only commer cial nuclear power plant has resumed operations after a fifth and final control crew passed qualifying tests The Washington Public Power Supply System Plant No. 2 w.is originally shut down in April for annual maintenance. Its July 1 restart target was delayed twice because some of its operating crews failed requalification tests given by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Operations resumed Wednesday. "Saturday morning wo will ttegin generating elec tricity.” WPPSS spokesman John Britton said Thurs day. "It will take five days to get up to full power " The fifth crew passed its test Wednesday and restart procedures began almost immediately at tJie 1,100 megawatt plant. Troubles began in March, when 15 of the 40 opera tors failed tin: NRC exams. The NRC allowed the plant : operate until Its si hedulod shutdown Two crows failed again in June, and U’l’l’SS officials dri idi d to revamp their emergency proredures tram ini; program. Drltton said. In early Septeinlwr, new tests were given and four of the five crews passed. Members of the fifth crew passed individual written and verbal tests, but laded to satisfy the NRC during simulated accidents Reservoir concerns environmentalists SAl.hM (AF’l The federal bureau of Land Man agement is proceeding with construction of a livestock watering reservoir in southeastern Oregon despite warnings from state water officials that filling the res ervolr is illegal without a permit Construction of the Willow Untie Reservoir uml pip o ; system began in early August 1'he Water Resourci's (lommisslon rel ieved the per mit apple ation Aug 10, hut has not granted it l-lnvl nment.ll groups have asked the state agency no to 'pp:ov<* any new water withdrawals in the area to ion stream How for a threatened species ot cutthroat trout 1 Vivid Atkins, manager of the ill.M s Jordan Valley K souri e Area, asked the state to allow construction of lie- Wdlow Ilutte Reservoir and piping system The s\ stem is part of a project to allow the nearby Whitehorse Ranch to continue grazing cattle in the ha sins. At a Water Resources C.ommission hearing Wednes day, Atkins i onfirrned thn construction of the reservoir was well under way. Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS si rn sail r a nRAiTioss '\l W OUt k BUt kS: i! trr * frr»hfl'jr • V »*m V M \* »>*•*' I HI I J» ' v.viup**r> ! coupon per .utl.imcr plr4«r‘ Sf’IN-N WIN: t nmr lo Kinw W1 1 Mi '•«-;* ,M i Vt 4 l ■< #,•<•«’ I » .m* -o < \Jvrr'.-» - « S l SOI. 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