Mobley to run for Kopetski’s congressional seat SAl.LM (Al>) — Al Mobley, who ran ns an independent In ihn Iasi gubernatorial election, announced Thursduy he'll run as u Kcpuhllcnn for tho soul held by freshman Democratic l) S Kop, Mike Kopotskl. Mobley Is tho only COP can didate to announce a hid so far for the 5th District seat. Mobley drew lit percent of the vote in the governor's race last year against Democrat Bar bara Roberts and Republican Dave I-rohnmnycr. Some Republicans believe Mobley’s conservative candida cy siphoned enough votes from Former gubernatorial candidate expects GOP support l'rohnmayer to put Roberts into ther slate's top office with loss than n majority of tho vote. Despite that, Mobley said Thursday ho expects substan tial OOP backing in his bid for ('.ongress. ”1 think tho Republican Party is going to be solidly behind me except for a few soreheads you get in any campaign,” he said. Oregon Republican Chairman Craig IJerkman sail! he thinks any bitterness caused by Mob ley's independent run for gov ernor has largely disappeared. "1 liiink people have moved no from last election," Burk inan said in an Interview They're not focused on it and they don't care about it." Asked whether most Republi cans could back Mobley’s can didacy if he wins the GOP nomination next May. Berkmon said: "1 think wo most likely will, especially If he runs u mainstream campaign, which he will have to do in order to win." Mobley, (>•}, is retired from ::.t: t'S Army Corps of Engi neers end lives in Monmouth. His gubernatorial race had the backing of the Oregon Citi zens Alliance, a conservative, anti-abortion group that refused to support Frohnmayer. M o b I o y, who r e c o n 11 y stopped aside ns alliance's vice ( hnirman, siiid Thursday he no longer has any formal ties with the group but still backs its phi losophy. No top alliance o f ft - rials attended Mobley s news conference. liven so, Lon Mahon, chair man of the organization, said tin: group expects to help Mob ley in his hid for Congress. "Obviously, Al lines up with our political philosophy," Mahon said. Kopetski, n former state rep resentative, unseated five-term Republican Rep. Denny Smith in the r>th District contest last year Mobley called Kopetski a "liberal, i’ortlnnd-style politi cian who is out of touch with the f>lh District.” THE EMU CULTURAL FORUM PRESENTS an evening with Marsalis Wednesday October JL Beall Concert Hall, U of O School of Music (Alder lu'tu'et’H 17tli & ISth) performances 7AO & 10.00 pm ff Cenenil Admission $16 l o/(), SlHG’en PuMu Tickets on sale liMl Main Desk, Balladeer Music, Cal's Mcou & Cl) World Oscar the Freshman Neal Skorpen I l Weasel’s World Kraig Norris •V -»- \AVr « ' V > ;t %•*.*£ V*. .^==2 -cv» y? ■ ■ ■ c nos «S_ X- v»:; h ~i 1MCE* ‘hi ' - **£•,' CCW i.if ~ ' ■> "HiNH tf» Wi S That I shall never see ... Graduate student Katrina McGrath examines a tree outside Lawrence Hall for her landscape architecture class. Students in the class must be able to identify all 106 species of tree on campus Photo by John Stoops Rhythm & Blooms Roses $4.95 O/2 dozen with baby’s breath & fern) at 13th & Kincaid “Under the i hubrella ^ Recycle ☆ this ☆ paper. ^ TERIYAKI ALLEY 9 PIECES OF SUSHI FOR $2.50 Beel or Chicken with Broccoli Teriyaki 8eel • Chicken Curry Beet or Chicken Fried Rice or Noodles We Also Hane Side Orders Pot Stickers Egg Rolls Chicken Nuggets 1306Htlyarcl • Exp 12/9 You can find stamps & envelopes at the UO Bookstore.