Canada approves extraditions OTTAWA (A I’) — Two American fugitives, Including or it; ( hargud with at least a doz en sex-torture killings, rain bo extradited even though they may face the death penalty In the'United Stales, the Supreme ( anirt of Canada ruled today In a 4-3 decision, the high court cleared the way for wind ing Charles N'g to California and Joseph Kindler to Pennsyl vanlu. Ng, .1 Hong Kong nutivo and former U S Marine, is accused of taking part in in a series of kidnappings Involving torture and murder in northern (ail I for ma He faces 18 charges, in cluding 12 for murder Kind ter was convicted of hi iling an acquaintance to di !I. with a baseball bat to keep iho man from testifying against him in a burglary case in Philadelphia. I lie (.nurt ruled th:ii the pro ■■■.on lit the Canadian Charter of- Fights against cruel and lin ns.,a! punishment does not ap ply iK'iuitise the possible nxocu t.oos would be carried out un der t S law ag.iinst US citi zens ! FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 1390 Pearl Street, Eugene 344-3524 Sunday Service Sunday School for young people through 19 years of age Wednesday Evening Meeting -av vs.-- ^ -a-w -a-w -a-V -^w 10:00 A.M 10:00 A.M. 7:.'10 P.M. a <•> CHRISTIAN SCIENCE READING ROOM HI live Street, Eugene 344 6341 Open d.i \ i Sundays and holidays Mon Thors H 30 5. Fri 8:30-8; Sat 10-4 Weekly Bible lesson videotape for viewing, also mm ked books for reading Free lending libnm for book> and tapes Available to read or purchase: • Authorized Christian ience books and literature • Bibles, concordances, r» cnee books » The Christian Science Muniti laily newspaper ■rs- -^*s ON CAMPUS Christian Science Organization meet <*kly. Contact EMU scheduling office for in Corn. The Christian Science Monitor daily newspaper is . in the Campus Hook Store Free Christian Science literature available at Erb Memorial Union, 13th Street entrance and main lobb> OUR BEST TO YOU FOR A SUCCESSFUL SCHO< )L YEAR. INTERNATIONAL BRIEFS Mother Teresa wants to build Vietnam center IIAN'CKOK. Thailand (A1 ’} — Mother Teresa has visited Y ir. im to look for a site to build a center for orphans, hand . .:(>[ i d people and tin; elderly, the Vietnam Nows Agency . ported Thursadv. The fit-year-old Roman Catholic nun and Nobel laureate (pmpleted her three-day visit to Vietnam on Wednesday, said the ofTinnl report, monitored In fiangkok. She visited a home fur the elderly in Ha Son Itinb. about 25 miles from Hanoi, and toured several other sites the Vietnamese government Icis offered for her mission Mother I eresa went to Vietnam from Cambodia, where she also looked inti’ the plight of the needy, the official Cambo 1 an new* , V reported earlier V : re in in Alabama, founded the Missionaries i f Charities ■ u 1 he society, based in Calcutta, India, • ..’is homes for n c of thousands of society’s outcasts. Shi won the Notx’l Peace Prize in 1979. Dalai Lama visits Moscow MOSCOW (API— The Dalai Lama praised the Soviet peo ple for foiling the hard-line coup hut warned them of the re spnnsil dities of democracy. Tass reported Thursday. i'ho Buddhist spiritual leader stopped at Moscow's Shere , ,1'tyeso Airport Wednesday night on route to the Mongolian ■ ipital of Clan Itator, the Soviet news agency said. "The 1917 Octolxir Revolution in Russia was accomplished bv means of force," he said. "The 1991 August revolution was accomplished in a non violent way. ... I ardently congrat ulate Soviet people on the historic triumph." But he added that democracy "signifies that people must now assume a greater responsibility." "If democracy is accomplished by responsibility and u sense of self-discipline, it has u bright future," ho said. After a three-day visit to Mongolia, the Tibetan monk and Nolxil Peace Prize winner said he would visit the newly inde pendent stale of Lithuania at the invitation of its government. Kenyans release opposition leader NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) — The Kenyan government on Wednesday released an opposition figure who had been cap tured by police the day before. Ahmed Salim Bamahriz, a member of a six-man forum pro moting multiparty politics in this one-party state, was cap tured outside a midtown hotel Tuesday and taken to criminal police headquarters. U S Ambassador Smith Hempstone had protested Bamahriz's arrest, calling it part of an "emerging pattern of harassment of the advocates of peaceful political change." Kenvan President Daniel Amp Moi has been criticized for :ng to buck the trend of democracy that has been sweeping S.d. iran Africa in the past year, leading to the fall of die ’s or one-party states in 1G nations A 1 1 law made Kloi's Kenya African National Union the • nl: ■ soli; political party. vCvv$N S\\\\\v\\ ALL ART BIN ART BOXES & TUBES oc o/ OFr 4C3 /O WET AIL S, Abates stainless STEEL RULES or* SaxJ Corti *r*g \ 30% RETAIL 1 , „ “ • ALL 3M SPRAY ADHESIVES 30% EU • New 9*rr*ount • Tt Spray Adhesive • Spray Mount • Spray"-'*-' • PH • V PENTALIC HARDBOUND SKETCHBOOK n*j 10 M 1 N**ut»e p* P4p**r V PT. '6.95 J BEROL PRISMACOLOR PENCILS NS STRATHMORE PREMIUM VV RECYCLED DRAWING OR SKETCH PADS • Merit f PA Gu>iJ**in** Hu A*cyCt*d P*p*' . 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SAT lO-A Sr|H. 23-24. 7JCM> ScjK. 25. 7JO-7 oo CONVF Nlf N I F AST & AF F ORDABLF U l jK , t li '-li --.v \ ft IMF i ['tHlvh, viilv, /Mmft'f>t - iti'J ..mJ / t r i »v huu ' L Kf//> M'/u u irft dmi 'i t,-fh Ui<\ ' und i:K s \\ i shtml I’M J hid/lorio( l JUM >/•». »U lc' dtlii rt U;rsu|s U I “Fn ht //» <>n H'/ttt (he teehnujue | VOh Mil'll fo LOmpicU VOlir pill nets U i ,j*i f<> urmjdeti >nmf ifi <»nf\ J uotkit)£iUi\* ini J rush fee, Ut* o//t T hour turn uronnj At LETTER PERFECT Lthifshic* sou’ll foul our ftrui‘\ ucn designed mth the student budget in mind (>?«r ioni eniem i M( ' location tlUikcs jjv iiw in ■t%i \\ i, Kited ut MX11Ml • fak (hi l ii dinm from the fnhht I t< (he third flour, follou th( ugn /« ? rhi Oregon /Xlth Emerald und