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Soviet Jews ask for anti-semitism ban MOSCOW (A!’) — Tho umbrella organization of Soviet Jews called on tho Soviet leadership Thursday to ban anti-Semitic political parties and organizations, which it sold were "igniting ethnic: hatred " [ he resolution was adopted at the end of the lost international conference on anti-Semitism ever held in the Soviet Union, at whic h speaker alter speaker c ondemned an upsurge In anti-Sem it:- m and government inaction The resolution said politic al parties and groups Which openly dec lare as their goal the forceful 'iilutlon of the Jewish question" should he banned because they "ignite ethnic hatred and anti-Semitic: footings In the country, which is clangorous not only for the Soviet people but for the whole world 'The conference was sponsored by the Va’ad, ihn confederation of Jewish organizations and ((immunities, which backed Russian Federation President Boris Yeltsin and thn pro-democracy forces in the Aug. 18-21 abortive coup against So viet President Mikhail S. Gorbachov. As the republics spin off from the crumbling Soviet Union in the aftermath of the coup, Jews are concerned they could face restrictions on emi gration. said Va'nd co-chairman Iosif Zissols. Wad urged that the laws of the Soviet Union and the republics on entry and exit from the country meet international standards. Va'ad executive Roman Spector said the emi gration of Jews 700,000 have departed since the early 1'HiOs will continue because of growing Jewish consciousness and worsening political and economic conditions. Back To The %. Future In Our Electronics Dept.: -'U SEE l S AI THE UAL K OF THE MAIM HJX)K! Brothei (wr iwoi WORD PROCESSOR • . h / /. t)nvc • («. • t ./■' h • ‘ ONLY *429.95 TDK SA-90 FUJI T120 HQ AUDIO TAPE VIDEO TAPE NOW ONLY NOW ONLY IP'S, f.79 2.99 TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE LOW PRICES! 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JOtb) A99 6*9 H Ml AM UO BOOKSTORE yuu numDer brings Pope to your phone VATICAN CITY (AP) — With some reluctnnco, tho Vatican has made a concession to tho p hone - fot to rod , fax-happy ltttiOs Now there's a tolephono service that lets your fingers do the walking all the way to St. Peter's. The program, nicknamed Dial a Pope.” permits callers around the world to dial a 900 number, or similar special-cost line, and hear a recording from one of John Paul IPs recent speeches or sermons. The Vatican receives at least f>() percent of the charge for eat h trail to the service, official ly called "Christian Messaging Prom tire Vatican," organizers say. Promoters claim the service could help build a fund-raising network, and bring the pope's message home — literally — to the It75 million Roman Catho lics worldwide. "We have invented tho world’s first electronic collec tion plate," boasts Michael i ahringer of the London-based Clobal Telecom Ltd., which runs tilt; service. The Rev. Arturo Martin, a top Vatican fundraiser, said the Holy See endorsed the service because of popular demand !nan the phoning faithful. In addition, it wanted to curb a r e.h of unauthorized dial-a . ope lines, some featuring es not known to the Vati (ho said At least we know what it the new service) is saying," he But how much has It earned lea the Vatican? "That’s a very good question actually, nothing so far," ,1 Martin, a Spanish Jesuit working to reduce the Holy Sue's SBO-million deficit. "So far, it's a failure." He said thu church hail re ceived ahuul $5,000 from the service "not even enough to cover the cost of the records" of papal speeches provided by the Vatican. Nonetheless, Martin said, public reaction to the service has been "very positive.” The papal messages, which change each day. can be re ceived worldwide, in English. Spanish, French and Italian. Fahringer noted the pontiff was available "at any time of day or night, in thu comfort and priva cy of your own home.” In the United States, callers reach the service by ringing 000-568-7733. The Spanish language service is 900-568-7799. The cost is about S4 n tall.