Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 27, 1991, Page 19, Image 18

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    U.N. accepts plan to end standoff
'IONS (AI’) —
I Moving to defuse
Mho lalost standoff
with Saddam Hussoin, tho So
i uritv Council on Thursday ac
cepted an Iraqi proposal aimed
it ending the throe-day deten
tion of IJ.N weapons inspec
tors in Baghdad.
Tho inspectors have boon
holii in a Baghdad parking lot
since they uncovered docu
ments describing Iraq's secret
nuclear weapons program.
Under the plan, diplomats
said the documents, photo
graphs and videotapes will stay
in the possession of the inspec
tors while they and Iraqi au
thorities prepare a catalog of
Iraq had initially demanded
that the team relinquish the
documents, which the inspec
tors refused to do.
Later, the council also issued
a statement saying that it “de
plores Iraq's repeated violations
of its obligations" under U.N
resolutions and demanded its
cooperation in the destruction
of its terror weapons.
The statement said the coun
i il reiterated its demand for the
inspei tors to he released imme
diately, but didn’t object to "a
joint inventory of documents
and materials in this particular
i ase."
Rolf Likens, head of the l!.N
Special Commission charged
with disposing of Iraq's weap
Iraq wants list
of items taken
oils of mass (Instruction, esti
mat.si it would take loss than
i hours to catalog all tho doc
uments. film and vtdootapo,
and that not all 44 Inspectors
would ho needed for tho task
However, it was not certain
when the inspectors might ac
tually he released
Kkeifs said "we are not talk
ihg hours" before the team is
i eleased because arrangements
c d to he made with the Iraq
is- Hut he added: "Wo have
u rkoil tint very sound arrnngo
1 Ilf's, and we expect Iraq to
say ’yes' to that, and then we
i in work quickly."
Earlier Thursday, Iraqi citi
zens held government-sanc
tioned demonstrations across
the nation accusing the U.N.
/mis experts .of being spies
I Vath to the.enemies of Iraq' "
banted the demonstrators, the
III all Iraqi News Agency said
Encircled by Iraqi troops, the
.peelers have struggled to
k> |* their spirits high, holding
inlt- ries to make calls home
and improvising touch football
games, the U.N. team's Ameri
can loader said Thursday.
"Everyone's in very good
spirits, good health," David
Kay told The Asso< sated Press
in a satellite telephone inter
view from Baghdad.
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Beforo the Security Council
decision, key said the mspec
tors had the ability to catalog
tin! documents if UN officials
decided they should do so
"All wo need to know is
what are tin? guidelines ami
what is practically required and
wit'll worry about finding ways
to do it once policy is set.'' he
key said the documents were
secured in one of the cars "in
the center of our little t in lit'' in
the parking lot
In Vienna, meanwhile, David
kvd of the International Atomh
Energy Agency said 1 hursday
that information from an Iraqi
defector, as well as from other
sources, had helped the U N
team locate key documents
ubout the Iraqi nuclear weap
ons program.
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