Cookie Giveaway Today! — In front of Bookstore — Sign up with us today and receive free cookies No cost to students or faculty to sign up or use! Call Mike at 485-1415 for more information. OMF1I* **• OMAir* rxCMAMfif J I EMU CULTURAL FORUM PRESENTS AT THE EMU BALLROOM THURSDAY OCTOBER 10 OOORS OPEN AT 8, SHOW AT 8 TD TICKETS $10 U of 0 Students. $12 Genera! Public, available lot EMU Main Desk face the Music Record Garden, CD World! HANDMIXERS closet organizers «S!UO BOOKSTORE —" nth 13th 4 Kincaid 346 4331 M F 7:30 6 Sat 10:00-6 GARDEN Continued trom Page 16 hut one of the main attrac tions of the Deer Garden is the live music. "Wo are very selective about the bands wo con tract to perform at the Beer Garden in that we try to give pntrons a variety of ways thought about play ing at tho University some day, nnd now wo aro," said guitarist Tom Hemphill, adding that until recently, the hand has boon playing tho Portland circuit more than tho local scone. With what fans Idontify as their driving IJ-2ish mu sic with its uplifting mes ‘It’s a casual, social setting where often you get groups of people running into each other, and usually from there they make plans for the rest of the evening.’ Dennis Carr bands, each with their own Miami," said Christine Baker, regional concert co ordinator for the Boor Gar den "They must be play able." To satisfy the campus' diverse community, bands are picked from all over the West Coast to render th blues, mi k 'n' roll, and even jazz lead lire the entertainment - . mg is a local rock :i group, Red Over White, whose first perfor mance tonight at the Beer Carden nrarks a milestone for the -t member band. "fix ing here in tfils cam pus community, we've al sages about faith, hope and tin: power of love, Rod Over White (their name was adopted from a Susie and the Banshee's song) hopes their performance will earn thorn two more shows at the University. With their yon for rede fined, creative music. Red Over White, with singer Matt Morgan, bassist Dana Avon, drummer Bill Black, and Hemphill, will he dishing up mostly original compositions from 5-7 p m. tonight. “The entertainment is free, it doesn't interfere with your studies, so just take time out to kickhat k a little," Baker said. sftemj' Glen wood Furniture BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIALS On Quality New & Used Furniture "Visit SHERRY'S BARGAIN ATTIC" Tree Local Delivery 4245 Franklin lilvd., Eugene • 747-6023 sHcrnj' Bargain Hut BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIALS On Used Furniture & Fiousehold Goods Bikes, 'i \"s and More 'ft : De ver> • . «;vaway> __ 140 [ 14th, Springfield • ~4 1 -244~ 3E Glnsses/Contacts/Exams C omplete lab on premises for tii>t service rainbow optics 343-3333 766 E. 1 ^ih Ave Eugene ‘ ' parking in back