ENTERTAINMENT Gallagher to liven up Hult stage with catchy comedy, personality som; and dance FRIDAY, SETT. 2 7 Zi*b and the Red Heads, u rhythm and bluos band, will perform from 5-fi p.m. at Si mon's Off Broadway, 30 K. Broadway. Admission is free, and fiKid. boor and wine will be available. SATURDAY, SEPT. 2tt The Eugene Symphonic Hand will host its third annual garage sale and concert from il a m. to •1 p.m. in tho Very Little Theatre parking lot at 24th and Hilyard. The concert will begin at 11 a.m. Stone Biscuit will perform their blend of psychedelic tunes at 9:30 p.m. in the Community Center for the Performing Arts, 291 W. Eighth St. Opening the show will Ik! Skip Jones & Hen ry Vcstine along with the Ken Babbs Band. The whole show will be topped oil with the ef fects of the Phanta/.agamoria Light Show. Tickets are SO at the door, and the doors open at 9. SUNDAY, SEPT. 29 Whitecross, a Christian hard rock band, will perform at 0 p m in the South Eugene High School auditorium, 400 E. 19th St. Tickets will sell for $10 at the door. WEDNESDAY, CX ri‘. 2 Gallagher will perforin at 8 j) in. in the Hull Center's Silva ( inert Hall. Tickets, soiling h i $2 1, $18.50 and Si J 50, can he purchased by calling the lltilt Center box office at (187-5000. Branford Marsalis will perforin at 7:30 p in. and again at 10 p in. in Beall Concert Hall, Al der and 17th St. Tickets are selling for $10 students and S1H general admission, and can be purchased at the EMU Main Desk. THURSDAY, OCT 3 The Eugene Highlanders Bug pipes and Dancers will perforin at 12:15 p.in. in the Hull Cen ter’s plaza, weather permitting Otherwise, the show will take place In the Mult Center lobby. The show is free and open to the public. VISUAL AMI'S AND WORKSHOPS FRIDAY, SEPT. 27 "Bat Habits,” an exhibit focus ing on 15 species of hats, is cur rently on display in the Univer sity’s Museum of Natural Histo ry, 1(180 E. 15th Ave. An open ing reception will take place from 7-9:30 p.m. In the muse um, u n d specialist Stuart Perimeter will present a slide illustrated lecture about bats. (The lecture is fruo and open to the public. The exhibit will continue through Dec. 22, and RECYCLE THIS PAPER. 'i museum hours ant from noon to f> p m Wednesday through Sunday. A one dollar donation is suggested. MONDAY. SLIT 30 Faculty works will he on dis play in the LnVerno Krause dal le ry, 1100 Franklin Blvd, through (lit 11 There will he an opening reception from 7-0 p in. in the gallery. The exhibit features studio work by more than 20 faculty members On display are drawings, paintings, fibers, jewelry, sculptures, pho tographs and computer graph ics. to name a Tew. The gallery is open to the public from n O o n - 4 : -l 5 p . in . Mood a y through Friday WLDNTSDAY, OCT 2 The Spirituality and the Aits Project will lake place from 7 0 p m. in The Wesliiy bounda lion. 1230 hi non id Si Tin* workshop features .1 consultant who will touch purlidpants how to create urt works that re flect their spirituality. The workshop will Ik* repeated for the next three Wednesday nights, and all are free and open to the public THURSDAY. (XT 3 “Teenagers in Their Hed roonvs” is the title of the latest exhibit on display at the Blue Sky Uallery. 1231 N.W. Hoyt St. There will he an opening re caption from 0 <) p.m. in the gallery. The exhibit features a color portrait series by Adri enne Salinger in whir h she photographed New York teens in their bod moms The exhibit will continue through Nov 2, 1 OR6 MONTI IS,TRYSOMETH IIN(i REALLY EXCITING WHI N YOU OPEN ONE •/OUR CHECKING ACCOUNTS. DONT PAY FOR IT Right uoiiSjg| although not for ex ft, sou can open almost am i nei k - m ^ account we sell at U S Hank, anil then spend six months not paying a tin kel tor it I he offer is only good through November If, 1WI for new. individual accounts, as opposed to business ac counts. But for all you individuals out there, it 's a very good deal 11 e hair ii complete tint% of < hti kitig »i. < ounf% yen ’ll enjoy not paying for I .>r on entire 6 montht »£spt*( 1.1IK miu i p you'll .llso t the Mb bi(4^ist ncttuiik ut 1 >.il ik hr.iiu lies, .mil .2*4-lx mi hank in.li hi lies, in tin state dI C >ri*m>n fust i till our handy toll free nurnhrr, I SOD- 422-S7(>2, or get in tmu li v\ it li our nearest hr.tin h We ll help make sure you get no more, or less, of a i hei king .u i mint than vou really need We’re all in this toge gether ^LAsJl BANK C f/vj l i.iifilStiii ' Hank ■»<**>* >. M. m»'< r M >l< PoT5W«y T'Koti George Kokts will exhibit his ceramics in tho Faculty Art Show, opening in the taVerne Krause Gallery on Sept 30