ENTERTAINMENT Beer Garden offers festive place to unwind Ry Mmg Rodrigues Fmorale! Contributor It's boon a part of the Univer sity for somo time now, but it's n ore popular than ever, and it : i sn't i ost much to join in the fun. Could it be tho elective to see i through to mak i ng the ile towilrti j>rariui*tion? Per h ts if you know how to re 1 ax and take n lire.ik from tiie ii ml academic grind end too good to ixi true? Then just stop bv tile EMIJ i .detenu (next to the Fountain ( ;it) tonight and almost every Friday evening and see what ii. ■ i red its for a weekly course •in live music. bu//mg conver .:i:i'ii, and low-priced, even ■ . refreshments are worth Tlte Beer Carden, the rumpus watering hole which opens its fin t night of the year this even iiig,, has been keeping students, a ulty and staff happy with its deal on budget entertainment lor 20 years The only prerequi site you must be at least 21 vears-old. It's conveniently lor ated so von don't have to step off rum pus to unwind It offers a time ly respite {-1 -7 p m ) from a week of academic overload And it n< commodates 300 -100 rev elers, far more than the aver age bar or tavern possibly ran. And what more could you ask for when there's no cover charge for the live bunds, free cinps and salsa (4-5 p in.), and the $1.75 or less deal on u 16 ounce serving of beer on tap On lop of that, if you use your relillahlo 12-ounto mugs, one dollar is all you will pay. K C«y PftOtO I ocal band Red Over While will dish out some good old fashioned rock n roll tonight at the Beer Garden in the l MU Cafeteria Furthermore. something now on the Beer Garden menu this ve.ir Is speciality micro boor. Al students to gel together. enjoy uno another's company and just simply relax," said Dennis and usually from there they make plans for the rest of the evening." ‘We are very selective about the bands we contract to perform at the Beer Garden in that we try to give patrons a variety of bands, each with their own sound' Christine Baker s. i cup, ihis is for those with u i : crtiing tasti! fur the tirew. "Tho Boer (iarditn provides » nico social brook, espociully for (,.irr. I.MII fot xi services diroc ■ r "It s a casual, social setting where often you get groups of j -pie running into each other, The Boor Carden Is Jointly ■ I insured by the EMU Cultural Forum, which cooniinotcs the live entertainment, and the EMU Food Services, which pays for the bands and arranges the weekly set-up, drinks and munchles. It originally started in the 1','MU Ballroom before renova tions relocated it to the cafete ria. where patrons could hotter mingle and have fun in a small er, more controlled environ ment. But while letting it all hang out and having a good time may ho the only thing on the minds of patrons at the Beer Carden, Carr said another pri mary role of the Beer Carden is to “provide a forum where stu dents can engage in socially re sponsible consumption of alco hol in a controlled, responsible setting." And toward that priority, all i.D. is chocked before anyone is allowed to enter, the Boer Car den is put on hold when there are high school or major confer ences going on at the EMU, and even the free chips arc served unsalted as part of the policy not to put a premium on beer consumption. The emphasis, in other words, is on having good, clean fun. And so far, the no-nonsense, bottom-line has worked. Carr said he hasn't encountered any trouble at the Beer Carden. Along with its rules is its other goal, as with any business, and that is to draw in the crowds. Each year, a survey is con ducted to see what more pa trons want out of the Beer Car den. During the year, promo tional and special events like comedy nights may be held, Turn to GARDEN Page 18 SOFT SIDED PORTFOLIO P»Q A&T . •* .«•! • buii » Coduf a fat.-- v witf' !*n*d invitt) pOCKet • 20 x 24 (PRO 7420) Ml C» 4/ 00 SALE $37.00 ?5 i Xi (PRO 74?5l HI G 59 00 SALE $47.00 ' AT THE CENTER OF YOUR ppo APT ELECTRIC ERASING AIRLITE METAL EDGE DRAWING BOARD 23 x 31 (PR0 2255M 31) REG 31 40 SALE $23.95 P«Q APT . 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TRIANGULAR ARCHITECTURAL SCALE fcH£ G?49C2f 180 P. 12'scale SALE $1.29 CIRCLE TEMPLATE aar^tefj from 1/16" 10 i 3,8" (C2F 40 P) REG 2 49 SALE $1.59 ?4'7 M-apm, WEDS«pl. 25, 7:30-7pm I M-F 7:30-6 SAT 10-6 346-4331