FREEDOM DANCE FRIDAY, SEPT. 27 8:30 p.m. , EMU BALLROOM 1 SPONSORED BY LESBIAN. GAY & BISEXUAL ALLIANCE P()U)| Ralph Laurkn Slot'll I l'< I llptllf's I IIK’sl special I \ slOl V k'.ilui in;’ ilk' i'« H n pit'It* Polo lint' I \ t' i \ I limp lii'in lo classic casual vvcai % Steven J •Ml () \k s I \< l<( )SS I K( >M 1 III (»\ I Kl’ \Kk m Hi' r i ■ •(« ,.ona . typeset e . »'tter Perfect Graphics 346 4381 9 5 Mon Fri ENTERTAINMENT Late For Dinner’ delivers syrupy but sweet plot Hi W L Ala For [hnrvtr Wow showing at Ctnsma World Ralsd PG « "* *or> l (-•»—» • • '*••« In nv'i. * * • ' wkm * tew* ww What would happen if you wont awakonwi (mm .1 1 ryo jjcnic sloop of twenty-nine years ns If ono day had passed7 What if, also, after all those years, you returned to your friends and loved ones who iissumixi you 10 or uranr Well, nsidi! from I ho improb uliilitlirs, you’d prolxibly encounter u f;iir nmoimt of cullum shock. oxtnrisivo uuxli nil n.iprob- |_^_-aa|r.. abilities, you'd proba bly encounter a fair amount o f i it It u r e shook. exten sive medical prodding and lucrative of fers from tab loids and telo vision movie producers to lull your sto ry II, however, you're In the middle ol a movie, you’re more likely to get involved in lice romance that you left behind all those years ago. Such is the c ase with Lulr lor Dirmri It involves an unemployed New Mexic an milkman. Wit Husband (Ui Kin Unmoor) arid his ; iti as a button hut slow willed brother in-law. Frank (Fetor Derg). After lining unjustly accused in the • hooting death of tile henchman of a cru el land developer, these brothers high tail il away from homo. They end up in l’i nimi.i, California, where Willie has to top because of the gunshot wound ho suffered in the shooting. Thi-v ctonvoninntly land at the door si p of a doctor who is oxporinionting with cryogenic research (the freezing of ham ins in the hopes of bringing them ! ; k to life .it a later time). The doctor talks Frank into submitting Willie and himself to the process by promising that they will wake up fine and that Frank will have access to a new kidney that he ;11 t!s due to a disease he suffers from. Twenty-nine years later, they nre brought out of their frozen state by a fre k ac cident. It is lucre! that the picture CourtMy •Hvoio Colleen I lynn is reunited with her long-lost uncle, Peter Berg (left), and her lather, Brian Wintrier starts to accomplish what it originally sets out to do. We follow the boys back to Santa I'e, where they left their loved ones. Of i nurse, things aren’t as they left them. Kidaiming their lives after almost three decades is ,i w• } iv task. Sure, the nw . hokey and more ll. in ,1 little j;r able. but on llu; level it reaches lor, it's qailn successful. I his is thank? costly to some assured "’riling \vh; h . r ,ifistic within tin? con text of theciintr.1, ,| premise, and win ning, perform mi tVimmer and Mar cia (.av Hardi : ,vho plavs Joy, W'itn ntur's wife. Slit? has had , productive! life since the accident and lit. ..ippily with her boy frientl. It is th" vmpt by Wimmer to gel his old life hat k that works best in the movie lie retains his l')50's ideals about the world and uses this mind set to warm the heart of his wife, who is a j n d e d t li a n when ho left. Sure, this is as syrupy as t ti a y c o m o. hut it works, riid only big problem with the movie is the decision to concentrate on the set-up to the real plot for so long Not that it's any more or less realistic than, say, a time machine, but to spend so much time on that prem ise only in vites criti cism. Hut on tin? whole, this is a warm trib ute to love, 1 a m i 1 y a n d friendship ! he kind of •ontlc? film that hasri t boon soon in sorno iino. By Lucas J Gutman [T.?rwnk1 C* /'.tnbutor Coi«rtt*«y PtKJtO Marcia Gay Harden and Brian Wimmer try to recapture their love alter 29 yearn INTRODUCING OUR NEW LOUNGE MENU. Ilium II only S i 4S you t .m enjoy i likHit m il in tin- Oregon EJct Hit Si Hum Lounge l 1n« ne from over W menu items mt Imling our ms Nut ho Supreme, l ull House I u lets. 1 Vep I rtrd Morzarella, Cashew (. hicken S.iI.k), I l.iliimr S.iiklwit h. IVk on ( 'Lew Hirger, H um me Mannara Parmesan , I’nme Rib .uui mote OUR LOUNGE & PATIO HAVE BEEN REMODELED & REDECORATED. Q o SPECIAL OFFER! After S I’M, only try our lounge you can get Oregon Lice tru St,itu m Ison if oeuvres, vil.xh, vimlwiijics or light dinners from the lounge menu and get the wvorul id coital or lesser value ■FREE! ] Mirt* (<> y S »i 10 l ugtmo • !>lh ‘.Imm'I F’uNn M.irkr-f • 14.' BIO.’ • |).uiv 10 <> Proper dress requited meons Converse All Star Oxlords Classic styling, timeless good looks All-Star Converse on sale for $24.99 (reg. $31.99) Proper Dress Required S _jL * 57 W. Broadway 687 0139 and 957 Willamette St. 342 1789 Expires 10/16/91 convcRSC IVORY TRADING CO. \<‘\t lo I .lljirnr \llilrln in |)uwlllimll l.ii”rlir Quality (usual ( lathi ay A Shuts fur the NW Lifestyle