ENTERTAINMENT The Daddies kick off fall term at WOW Hall Ry Mia Bertelsen Emerald Contributor Eugene's hottest dance hand is hack after a six-week break and is ready to play fur its fa vorite audience tonight at U'.O.VY. Hall, 2‘)1 W. Eighth St l'lit; Daddies are guaranteed In appeal to almost all musical tastes as they entertain with their unique sound that ranges from funk, rock, swing, dixie land and )a/.z to country. The Daddies draw a wide va riety of people and have a sound th.it is easy to dance to This is a thinking man's dance hand that deals with social in sights," said Rob VValdman, The Daddies' manager. The strength of The Daddies lies in their ability to use a vari ety of styles of music to form their own unique sound. They can play to almost any crowd and boast of the talent in their horns sei t ion. All of the hand members are from the Eugene area and they like the crowds hero becuuso they are the most supportive. Three of the hand members are self-taught musicians and the other remaining five are Uni versity music school graduates. "It's the great combination of trained and self-taught people that gives it diversity and uniqueness,” VValdman said. the Daddies not only want their audiences to he enter I erred tun they ,ilso want them ei think about the lyrics, lyrics ' ll ri fle; t their politic ,il ideas 'The Daddies ( (insider them ••Ives a liberal hand but do not identify themselves with the far left,'' Wald man said "They 1. ivi: problems with both the It and the right. They see a k of humor and enjoy poking * an at both extremes. " All songs are written and suin’ by NIC. Largo Drink, whose mime was chosen to poke fun at rappee, and the on . : fast food industry Hpwoy a. thename is not permanent s he is thinking about chang ing it to Buddy Low, one of tire ; haraefors in jerry Lewis’ Thu Salt y I'rofi'ssor. "1 feel that anything ridic ulous is good." M.C. Large Drink said "I prefer music Ire ; ause it's an easier lifestyle." He writes cynically about the lollies of the middle class. He especially singles out "the trendy, pretentious people who are trying to ho hip." "My music has no solutions in that it only talks about the problems," he said He also writes about the impossibility of one person communicating to another. "People should lis ten more," he said. The hand has been playing in the Lugene area for over two years and has been busy tour ing Oregon and Washington Their future plans include Courtesy The Daddies, made up ot (clockwise L-H) Drum West, Chris Azorr, Brooks Drown, Dan Schmid, M C. Large Drink, Dana Heilman, James Phillips and John Fohl, will perform al W.O.W Hall tonight expanding into California, es pocially in San Franc isco and Los Angeles "We are oxi ited to play in San Francisco iieeuuse tint town has a lot of good funk hands hut nobody has a horn section like ours," VValdinun saiii. The Daddies gained notorietv two years ago with their first name. The (iherry i’oppln' Dad dies. This name offended many people with its connotation of incest. Waldman said that their intentions were to give a feeling of a dixieland jazz band with the use ol the word "daddy." "A lot of the lyrics in ju//. ,irc very risque with .1 stormy love connotation," Waldman said "The word daddy is used a lot in the lyrics also We didn't mean to associate daddy with father " Next week they will begirt re cording their second album which is still waiting for a title Previously, they rut an K l1 called Four From On High and an album called Ferociously Stoned. These records are available In most record stores in Oregon ami Washington M.(Large Drink's goal for ilu? futurii is to make us muny albums ns In? crin " I want to follow my must?. I'tl like to n: ike each album ill a com up tua I way. "I'd like cm li album to lie a story with each song telling a part of it ktmi of like musical books." be said "bat b record will lie different." Thu doors for tin? show open at ‘I p III with the muslr start ing at 0 JO Tickets an- $H .it the door. USE YOUR ILLUSION USL VOLK ILLUSION I ft MIRIM- DON I ( fO • l IV I *\1> III Dll GUNS N’ ROSES ON SALE 7" Cassette 11" Compact Disc Sale prices good through 10/3/91 Supplies limited LSI YOUR ILLUSION II IV l l Dl s YOt { Ot I I) HI MINI • l IV II VVAK • kV)( KIN ON Ml 4VI Vs IHM)K GUNS N ROSES Use Your Illusion I O GEFFEN TAPES & COMPACT DISCS 886 E. 13th Across the street from the UO Bookstore 345-1010 JZucelkJJl s u/uc GUNS N' ROSES Use Your Illusion II