The shape of things to come John Moseley, vice president ol research, speaks Thursday at the dedication ceremony tor the completed remodeling of the Science I ibrary Photo by John Stoops THE CAMPUS SOURCE FOR THESE GREAT TAPES & COMPACT DISCS ON SALE NOW Redeem this ad for a free "Deja I lefty” cassette featuring the best new music 7.99 CASSETTE 11.99 cd TAPES & COMPACT DISCS 886 E. 13th Across ttic’ street from ttie IK) Bookstore 345-1010 S IUUC Sale prices good through 10/3/91 ('Oil MHI\ Supplies limited epic House Republicans want phone transcripts released WASHINGTON (AIM — A group of 10<) House Ropubll ( ws on Thursday appealed to President Bush to declassify ! ransoripts of conversations bo Iwi'i ii members of Congress ,md officials of the former San (ijnista government of Nicara gua. The conversations were picked up by U.S. counter intelligence efforts in the mid 1980s, during a time when American policy toward Nica ragua was among the most hot ly contested of political issues in Congress. Led by Rep Mickey Ed wards, R-Okla . the group asked Bush in a letter, to make rec ords of the conversations pub lic bouiuse they an> "potential ly so damaging to national se curity and to tlie reputation of the House of Representatives that we believe the American people have the right to a full public review." The intercepted conversa tions wore confirmed last week in testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee by Alan I) Tiers, a former CIA official who pleaded guilty to two mis demeanor counts in the Iran Contra afluir. T iers said he was outraged af ter lie learned of contacts be tween Democratic House mem bers and their staff with the Sandinlstn government, anil prompted then-CIA Director William Casey to confront one lawmaker, Democrat Michael Barnes of Maryland, who no longer is a member of the House. But Senate Intelligence Com mittee Chairman David Boren, D-Okla , said preliminary re ports from the CIA havo turned up no evidence that anything improper was conveyed in the conversations. One House member in volved, Democratic Whip Da vid Bonior of Michigan, said the private conversations wore to relay what members also wore saying publicly: that the Sandinistas should free politi cal prisoners, allow freedom of the press and make other re forms. Bonior, Barnes and other Democrats have sought to turn tin: issue around, saying the use of anything in an intercepted conversation for political pur poses is improper. Asked on Wednesday wheth er Bush would release the inter cepted conversations, White House spokesman Marlin Filz water said, "We don’t have a position on that issue." But he added, “Wo have al ways expressed our disappoint ment in situations when; Dem ocratic members of Congress chose to become directly in volved in foreign policy mat ters. And, of course, is a matter of great concern to us." >N ■ TH liA %\ g s ow sa. i Wt 14 • S IAAT i3-T vst- KAVfc N(7{ S MOVI{ S K>H US GOQO SU TM — • SHS U SO • KJi>S V » A/W CONDI TK>N€P' 2 r Nghtif 7 20. 920-Sun Mai 4 00 “AMAZING... Beautiful lively and intelligent! One amazing performance after another!' MY t auh irs r,t ■■ -m NiyhUy 7 00. 900 • Sun Mat 4 JU -l ■mb bbbmb Dcrmot Mulroncy I I Iili Taylor S*m Shrpard “TWO THUMBS UP! A VISIONAin KtJAlJ MOVIE." IKMtiK! » IU»*HT BRIGHT ANGEVi Neit B*'f■ HARK OBSt VilQN mm •• inn n mm* i i l . I i IJ Al'liUin Nightly 1110 “Spectacular! 1 hdiatCwtiu M NttUM MADONNA I III I II 01 l)\ltl ■V . : H Vf « j'U> Mt NO Nightly 10 ib ’ u-r I cut unit,I t m.'\fiibhm l(on\e c^vi/n*/ /u fftij iM (Ins iltii/ Siit ui tiii11 Limner lur^Ln/ SunJiit/ s oc iooo II OO J 10 i. losfj on Manila/ Slitt ion \jHtirr l Uijenr *mJ tier' m [hr Uulc