■ZMiM:m:iirreyi A brave new biosphere ORACLE, Ariz. (AP) — Four men nnri four women on Thursday embarked on a two-year journey Inside u stationary fti.iss ark — a fast-food-free trip into what they hope will ho an environmen tally sounder future of planetary colo nies. 1 he eight are stewards of Biosphere II, a self-sustaining environment materially sealed off from the world they call Bio sphere I — the Earth The private, for profit projec t is intended to develop technology to colonize space us well as to understand and improve the earth. After the brief ceremony, the crew members ranging in age from 27 to 67 waved to onlookers, exchanged final hugs and kisses with relatives and r stepped through airlocks Into the 3.15 acro compound that rises out of the de sert 30 miles northeast of Tucson. After the doors closed, the crow stopped to wave briefly through u win dow, then disappeared into the main building The glass and-steel geodesic-framed complex is the size of three football fields Inside it can he found: a rain for est with waterfall; an ocean with coral reef; savannah, marshes; u farm; and a modern human habitat. from it. the "blosphcrians" will guide the fortunes of it,800 plant and animal '■cies on which they'll depend for ir food and with which they'll share or, water and waste recycling Planners wanted to use solar panels, hut because of the expense, opted for generators powered by natural gas the only im [i :t from tho outsider world Communications apparatus will Ho thorn into n control contor a fow hun dred v.irds away, and to tho rest of tho world Spate Itiospheres Vontures, the developer, allows paving tourists to vis it, though they can't penetrate the seals that contain the environment. Black democratic rivals to meet WASHINGTON (Al‘) Virginia Gov t, Douglas Wilder and (esse Jm kson, po tential rivals for the Democratic presi dential nomination and for him k votes, have agreed to meet Saturday at the gov ernor s mansion, aides said Friday Jackson spent part of this week in Vir ginia drawing attention to inequities in the state's school financing system, a trip mimv viewed as an utlempt Id em barrass Wilder I ho two black loaders are planning a t) a in. breakfast on Saturday. "Politics will tie discussed, and I wouldn't tie surprised if presidential politics came up." Virginia Democratic Chairman Paul Coldman. a Wilder ad visor said "Thoy’vo boon friends for a long time and I don't consider this a rivalry at all." Coldmun said "They are two indi viduals who Uith know we need .1 break from the polite s of the I'ilUls frank Watkins, a Jackson spokesman, said Jackson would talk about some of the causes he tias been promoting, in cluding equity In school financing, same-day voter registration and slate hood for the District of Columbia 900 IDS. 01 Fresh Potatoes Says BUBBA’S PLAGE Has The Best Fries Around.’’ Units right. Imagine 9(K) lbs. of fresh potatoes. And that's just in the average weekend. That doesn’t even include the french fries we serve up during the week! Fresh tries, skin and all. In regular or Cajun-style. Bubba’s Place 1249 Alder Street i Across from Sacred Heart on Aider i 344-1960 OPEN LITE EVERYDAY GO DUCKS! Celebrate at Bubba's after the game. Open Until 2am! WORDS Freedom of Expression, the University and the Media Everette E. Dennis Executive Director the Freedom Forum Media Studies Center Neii' York TUESDAV OCTOBER 1, 1991 ♦ EMU BAI LROOM, 3:30 P.M. 1991 CONVOCATION Sponsored by the School of founinlism hollowing the convocation lecture, member* of the university community will join l tennis for a panel discussion on first Amendment issues. I he panel will he moderated by journalism dean Arnold Ismai h. ( hlier panelists will be Tim Cileason Assoiiatf I’roti ssur, journalism James Klonoski Protossor. I’olitu.il Sorniv Paul 1 lolbo Associate Provost tor Academic Att.nrs I.auren Kessler I’rotessor. Inurn.ilism Christopher Blair I iiitor, ()nyon l huh/ l mcraUi Public Reception, EMU Ballroom, 3:30 p.m. University of Oregon School of Journalism