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A group of freshman House Republicans, at a news conference, said anything short of full dis closure would not satisfy the voters If we re not up front alxrut this it looks like a whitewash," said Rep Scott King, R-Wis. Rep John Boohner. R-Ohio, said if holey dei sii't identify the offenders, "every member of l ogress gets tarred We don't w ant to get tarred nor feathered." The group sent a letter to holey demanding "a listing of each insufficient fund chock that was written and the name of the member who wrote h insufficient fund check " So as not to be ex : pted themselves, the group said the list should mtinue to the present time Although the House is not releasing a list, law b have been notified they may request from " House bank their account statements and then n I sise them publicly if they wish. I! seemed unclear, however, what those state ments would prove. Charles Mailon, who man ages the bank, said the statements would never show a negative balance. In cases of insufficient funds, the bank covered tin; obligation with its operating funds and set the checks aside It would not debit the members’ ac ( ounts until enough money was deposited to cov er them, he said. A group called Americans for a Balanced Budg et said it was asking all members who wrote no overdrafts to identify themselves in a survey. Some lawmakers obtained letters certifying their purity from House Sergeant at Arms Jack Russ, the House officer who oversees the bank l oley on Thursday said he had complete confi dence in Russ. Foley said the staff members who disobeyed his orders to crack down on that prac tice and to stop cashing big checks for non members— would not he disciplined. I have decided that we're going to make it clear that . in the future I am going to hold mem bets of the bank staff accountable,” he told re porters. 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Alabama Sen Howell Heflin, often a pivotal vote on the com mittee, ami Wisconsin's Herb Kohl said they had decided utisl Thomas But Heflin and other critics conceded he is likely to be confirmed handily by the full Senate, even if he gels a worst-case, 7-7 tie and no nmmendation from the com mittee Heflin took the Senate floor to deliver a harshly critical as sessment of the nominee Thomas displayed "deceptive ness at worst or muddlohoaded ness at best" when he tried to disavow past writings in which ha- had advocated using natural or higher law principles to in terpret the Constitution, Heflin said. While Heflin noted he had voted to confirm other conser vative justices, "I am not for an extremist right-wing court that would turn hack progress made against discrimination as well as progress that has been made for human rights and freedoms in recent years.” Natural Fiber Clothing To Live In! 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