Thomas vote to come up Friday Vote will end week of confirmation hearings WASHINGTON (AH) — The Sen ut«* Judiciary (Com mittee announced Wednesday niglit that it will vote Friday on tho heavily de bated nomination of federal ap peals Judge Clarence Thomas as an associate justice of the Su preme Court. Committee Chairman Joseph Biden (D-Dol ) set 10 a m. HL)T for the vote on the 43-year-old conservative, accused by critics of concealing liis views during n week of Sonata hearings Supporters countered that the critics are merely con cerned that confirmation of Thomas, who rose from poverty in the rural South to graduate from the Yaln law school, would reinforce tin; court's conservative majority. Judiciary Committee approv al would send the nomination to the Senate floor for a vote on NATIONAL BRIEFS Congressman offers resolution for Inquiry at bank WASHINGTON (AP) — Speaker Thomas S Folev made an unusual appearance on the House floor Wednesday to head off a Republican attempt to make political hay with the rampant check-bouncing reporter! at the House hank Rep. Toby Roth (R-YVis.) was prepared to offer a resolution calling for an official inquiry to identify, at least to House of fleers, the biggest abusers. But he stopped short after holey delivered a strongly worded address "Members will have the same rights, no more and no less, than any other member of the public," said Foley,' adding that actions he ordered Tuesday included a halt to the free overdrafts. Foley announced then that he had ordered an end to the free overdrafts and loose check-cashing privileges ut the Houso hank. He told reporters a system similar to that of a commercial bank would be sot up, Including penalties for bounced checks, but the details hud not boon worked out. "Members should la! on notice that I have told the bank that there will be no exceptions to this rule," Foley said on the floor, and bank employees who grant such exceptions would be fired. Mysterious cracks found In space shuttle Atlantis CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) — Space shuttle workers removed thermal seals from Atlantis' wings for Inspections Wednesday after mysterious cracks were found in some of the protective gaskets. NASA officials said it's too soon to say whether the prob lem will delay a military mission bv Atlantis in November. Technicians discovered the cracks during routine inspec tions of Atlantis in the hangar. Workers pulled off throe of the -14 reinforced carbon seals Tuesday to check for damage from the ship's lust flight, in August. All three hud hairline cracks, said NASA spokesman Milch Varnes. Flvo more seals were pulled off. and four of them were cracked, Vurnes said. Shuttle managers decided Wednesday to remove all the seuls to check for further damage. The seals - 22 per wing - servo as expansion joints for the reinforced carbon panels thut protect the leading edge of the shuttle wings against the Intense heat of atmospheric re en try. “The issuo is not at this point so much u safety issue,” Vurnes said. “The concern is how did these happen and why are wo only seeing them now." Glasses/Contacts/Exmns Complete lab on premises for fast service rainbow optics 343-3333 766 E. 13th Ave.. Eugene One block from L' of O. Free parking in bac k Hours M-F 8am-6pm, Sat 8am-5pm confirmation. If confirmed. as critics con cede is likely, the former chair man of the Kqual employment O|)port u n i t y Co m m 1 ss Ion would become the second black to serve on the high court, succeeding the retiring Justice Thurgood Marshall BEST DISK PRICES IN TOWN! KEY ADVANTAGE COMPU'F « & SO( 'WAVS 4M Wrat IHth A Will»m«*tt«v *4 Kugrm*. OH 97401 (503) 344-612 4 •Quitl it \ Product* •(’.unto in Trmnin# •l p^radr rvpatr •On siU* Srrvict* •and Mon* UINKN DS/DD 5.25' $0.35 IXS.111) 5 35 $0 55 D8/DD 3.5 $0.59 DS/HD 3 5 $175 r Kr. K SYSTKM SKI HI* With any Sy«U*m S«J«* FK.KK CONSULTATI()N How li» chtMMM’ H»nlwnr«' &. Software 1 -lint 2 0 .Aid jeMakei A jllWritw Pr. 'manForm ’owerPo nt SmartForn- Designer Aldus Persuasion AppU^S ; CAD M:. ''OCiQil^VVcllj MacWr li A ItJS I t>] npaot Worcii'Vf Microsoft t F:uliF Low educational discount prices on software for your Macintosh or DOS computer. ALDUS •ASHTONTATE • CLARIS • LOTUS • MICROSOFT • WORDPERFECT AND MORE... Microcomputer Support Center 202 Computing Center Monday - Friday 9 AM - 5 PM 346-4402 / ducat tonal discounts available to eligible I/O students, faculty and staff Looking for a good deal? Read section 130 in the classifieds.