Intimate Candlelight Dining in Histone Building Fine Italian and Continental Cuisine Live Jazz 7 Nights a Week —No cover— 25‘) Fast Fifth Avenue 343-8488 RESUMES Have your resume professionally typeset at Letter Perfect Graphics Suite 500 EMU 346 4381 9-5 Mon-Fri UNIVERSITY Health center gets new directors By Colleen Pohhg Lrrwxakj Roportor The Student Health Center is starting the school year with two new administrators Gerald Fleischll started work as director of the health center on Aug lf> and Weston Morrill be gan heading the University Counseling Center on Aug 15 Flolschli, 51. was mod leal director of the University of Nebraska's health ( enter for almost 10 years. Hn replaces Or James Jackson, director since 1979. Jackson re signed to practice as a health center physician. Morrill moved from Salt Lake City, where he was the counseling center director at the University of Utah for 13 years. Hoischli said, "I found the (University) Health Cen ter to be absolutely out standing." Looking ut the staff and their qualifica tions, the student opinion surveys and the range of ser vices • - it's all very impressive.” Fleischli said he is interested in what the future has in store for medicine and the University com munity. "Given this excellent program, 1 guess the ques turn would l>e what is there to do," he said "And my current thinking is what wo need to he doing is planning for the long term. •'We uro trying to develop plans with contin gencies to see where wo will he In the year 2000." Fleishli said. He plans to develop a committee with students that will delve into some issues that the Universi ty may face in the future. Floischll's responsibilities include develop ment and Implementation of clinical health ser vices, planning program, budgeting and coordi nating health center services with those offered bv the Eugene medical community, ami various campus groups. Ho said ho does not believe Measure 5 will have a direct effect on the health center. Howev or, he intends to scrutinize the whole program to ensure that it is operating as efficiently as possi ble. Eleischli, who received his medical degree in l>)(i7 from Stanford Medical School, will receive ‘We are going to put an emphasis on group programs and try to be efficient in getting people into the program," he said. “Our challenge is to make the best use of our resources but there will be limitations — Weston Morrill, Director. University Counseling Center >JVJw (1 ill Ml U I I V IUI III'' work. Morrill, the now director of tho Counseling Conter, said ho chose the University because of fond childhood memories of Eugene and his impression of the health center staff. "There are some really good people on tho staff and 1 felt 1 could make a contri bution," he said. "1 am im pressed with the efforts the staff makes to help the stu dents have a positive uni versity experience. "This is a safe place for diversity and I value that," Morrill added. Dm1 to Muasuru 5, the Counseling Center will lose one senior counselor after this academic year Morrill, 50, has some ideas on how to mini mize the impact. "We are going lo Put an emphasis on group programs and try to be efficient in getting people into the program," ho said. "Our challenge is to make the best use of our resources but there will be limitations." Morrill, who replucod retired director Shirley Wilson, received a doctoral degree in counseling psychology from the University of Missouri, Co lumbia, in 1966. His annual salary is $62,000. One of Morrill's plans to improve the Counsel ing ('.enter is to have the counselors see the stu dents for their first visit on a drop-in basis instead of putting their names on a waiting list. THELMA & LOUISE ARE BACK! Now’s your chance to take Get-A-Life 101 SUSAN SARANDON GEENA DAVIS - A IIDUiY SCOTT FUJI THELMA3UHNSE IfiiTIMXXJOTN-MAYHt.-. .rean haln™™..RiDi*;Y sanT~ sisaniaaandou oeenacwts THttiUfcLonsr narvey eeitei UKTH McBRIDE t HAN'S ZIMMER WAN (MffiN-CALLIE IHOITU JSTHOM !¥*i "KS NORJUS SrtNCEl .SKS; ADRIAN BDMiu. "T CAIUE IHUIRI ftIDtfY SOTTT-.ICIMI POU “Tf RIDI.EY SCOTT • -gp«. niHMWfMMMD COMING TO A THEATER NEAR CAMPUS ON SEPTEMBER 27 FIRST-YEAR STUDENTS k COME USE US 4 (even when you're healthy) WE RE HERE TO SERVE YOU YOUR Student Health center ext.4441 Chevron Wt* will be on campus Thursday evening Septem ber 26, 1991 to host a Chevron information night and entertain questions regarding the interview process. Location: EMU - Maple Room Time: 7:00pm - 8:30pm An Equal Opportunity Employer