Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 26, 1991, Page 3, Image 3

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Continued from Page 1
Women's League, NOW, and NARAl.
"Wo got burned once with David Souter, and
we're not willing to do it again," Widoff said.
"We're not Interested in sitting quinth bv while
women's rights are being eroded "
Another concern expressed .11 the rally was
Thomas’ apparent lack of concern for affirmative
action and equal opportunity.
Thomas' track record in the public system has
been almost totally against what the National As
sociallon for the Advancement of Colored People
has stood for in the last 82 years, said Creg Evans,
President of Oregon/Washington NAAOP Coun
"Wo did extensive research on the Judge's re
cord going back to his full public record We
found Thomas not only inconsistent on his pos
ture of affirmative action and equal opportunities,
but he was resistant to it," Evans said
"Clarence Thomas has shown arrogant disre
gard for women, minorities, anil senior citizens,"
ho said.
Hvuns said the NAACP voted to oppose the
nomination of Thomas -I'M. He said that “ole..!
ing Thomas would he a reactionurv judgeship
one that is not going to lie tolerant of i ivil liber
ties as outlined in the constitution."
Carmen Yokum of the Older Womens’ leag . ■
also accused Thomas of discriminating against
older people while he was in charge of the Kqual
Kmployment Opportunity Commission
Linda Zukitis, co-chair of the National Lawyers
Cuild, Siiid that while Thomas was in charge of
LhOC, he said he "forgot" 7lt discrimination
claims filed by senior citizens Thomas then
changed his figure to MOO, and finally to 7,5(H)
claims. Congress learner! later the number was ac
(unity 9,000.
All speakers asked people to call their senators
and urge them to opposo Thomas' nomination for
the Supreme Court. The Senate Judiciary Com
mittee will vote Friday on whether to recommend
Thomas to the full Senate
Continued from Page 1
what to do, Hausman said.
The lawsuit may not have
been the best method of chang
ing animal research policies, he
"1 think the lawsuit further
polarizes tin; two groups, and
that educating each other and
learning from each other might
have accomplished more,” he
Hausman also said much has
c hanged at the University since
the lawsuit was firsl filed in
ltlflti A prime example is
Hausman's appointment to the
IAUUC, a move he calls "a
great gesture of faith” by Mose
ly anti the University.
"This is the first time an uni
mal-rights activist has boon up
pointed to an animalcare nnd
use committee anywhere in the
country," ho said.
A similar ease, brought by
I’KTA and SKTA, has boon
brought to l.ano County Circuit
Court. Th.o suit targets the
lACUC’s approval of l>r. Rich
ard Marroci.o's rosoarch on ma
caque monkeys.
Cuba now topic of presentation
Pre Law Society officers
meeting tonight at 5 in EMU
Century Room C. Call 344-0094
for more information.
KVAK, campus radio, will
have an informational mooting
tho station's nows department
tonight at 7 in EMU Codar
Room A Call 340-4091 for
more Information.
Incidental Fee Committee
will meet tonight at 5 in the
EMU Board Room to discuss
internal business und a special
request from the Survival Con
Christian Science Organiza
tion will moot tonight from 7 to
H:30 in EMU Century Room I).
Call 346-8224 for more infor
American Institute of Archi
tecture Students will moot to
night at 7:30 in 206 Lawrence
Call 484-6995 for more infor
Lesbian, Gay und Bisexual
Alliance is sponsoring a volun
teer mooting tonight at 5:30 In
EMU Suite 319. Call 346-3360
for more information.
Medea Benjamin, uuthor und
Latin American activist will
speak ut u presentation entitled
"Cuba — After the Cold War"
today from 11 u.m. to 12:20
p.m. in the EMU Fir Room. Cull
346-5002 for inoro information
Graduate Teaching f ellows
s<x:ial will tuko place tonight a
7 in the Collier House. Cull
344-0832 for more Information.
Creating u world class com
munity with respect, accept
ance and sensitivity is the topic
of a discussion taking (duct! to
night from 7 to 0 in the Hamil
ton Complex Call 346-1134 for
more Information.
White Bird Clinic is offering
its quarterly volunteer commu
nity service training program.
Sessions begin Oct. 10 Credit
can he arranged through the
University and Lane Communi
ty College. Call 342-8255 for
more information
Career Planning and Place
ment Service Orientation Ses
sions will take place today from
noon to 1 p.in. In 237 Hen
Interview workshop will
take plucu Itxiuy from 3:30 to 5
p in. in 100 Hendricks. Sign up
in advance ut 244 Hendricks.
Lectionary Bible Study be
gins toduy ut 12:30 p.m. at the
(excluding pies, supers and giants)
New location only
1888 Franklin Blvd.
V'\! to 7-11 on \ illard
I he Country** fkst hnjurt ■
CtHiJMHI t‘\/H/C\ Sept. M, mi
Wesley Foundation, 12:H* Kin
caid St. (next to the University
Bookstore), h'voryone is wel
come. The session will Iwt led
by campus l’astor Janet Crom
well Cull 346-4t>f)4 for more In
Deaiilino lor submitting El uls
In the l.inerald front desk. EMU
Suite iOO, is noon the day he
fore publication i'.t ids run the
day ill the event unless the
event takes plain before noon
Noth es of events with a do
nation or admission charge will
not he accepted. Campus
events and those scheduled
nearest the publication date
will he divert priority I be Km
eruld reserves the right to edit
notices for grammar and style
. —11 - 1 — - " " I
an evening with
i “ '"vVY\ •
v4Sss: .fir#'
Wednesday October L
Beall Concert Hall, U of O
School of Music
(Alder between 17th & lHth)
performances 7:30 & 10:00 pm
General Admission. 5J6 U of 0, SIM Gen Public.
Tickets on sale EMU Mam Desk, Ralladeer
Music, Cat's Meou’ & CD World
Oregon Daily
Ifni O»gon {>**.> I 'twhW r% V\t>k%t-+MA vimfy Monday ifwoogh * '»!ny du/.ng '■» v KxJ
yeas <»fxj and Ihurtdoy du'w^g tf*» wnvno# Dy i?*» Ow^on Day I murokl PubfeNng
Co Inc fU tNi Urwv«r*»Jy of Owgon. t ug«mo. Or agon
Ih« t rra*»*J opofiV-u* HtJuponduntfy of tf*» Un«vtKvfy *:‘h o^xv, u' •» ICO of lf4i
{ rt> Momorwii Union «v%J « n (W'tw of Itw AMOcmifld Pf»wt
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Carl Javahead Jones and his
chopped espresso maker