??5 APTS DUPLEXES Small 2 bdrm ' misled ajv M *• B*lg $ i r0 Reference* • •.* R*-,»wood a, ••- 1 v » Spacious Studio cc’Xt, garden at r-*g 9 months Lejue S3 3 Smooth $.'60 depotf 6 99 Coburg Studio, on* and two bedroom aptrlmtnts Pool-laundry facilttw# waathert/ed F»v# buildings, 1 Sth & Hifytrd location 464-9922 Sublease now' 3-e bedroom a; • ' ' S-i4‘j I./ and cabki included C>os*»to . .irrpuS 3-all 683-8014 kx mor© ■'-to i THC COLLEGIAN -H-* Ak)*r now I ims ng Upscale student housing n j 1 d-Xl-'ng meats 343 1?S5__J UNIVERSITY MANOR SOUTH RENT NOW FOR FALL! a CLOSE TO CAMPUS 4 PARKING * ON-SITE LAUNDRY 2 ♦ bedrooms $575 3 bedrooms from $685 Call 683-0729 NOW' Jennings ♦ Co. 683-4219 U ol O, E 16th, #4 Two bedroom, tor n-snud Now carpet, paint $525i«aso Drive by and cal' 688 ?107 2 bdrm turn, clean, quiet [) W dispos at. laundry, covered park.ng $405/mo 1200 f erry 343 3318 _ 1 BEDROOMS Very clean* 2 dkjcks io campus, off street parking ava $355.mon:h Will Ballco 345-2255 1 bedroom apartment Hai? block from center of campus, new carpet ng park mg $375 687-082’ or eves 485 7878 1 bedroom - $345 10 biocks to campus Unfum lease No pets 2045 W amet'o 603 0104 1 BLOCK TO CAMPUS 945 f 19th 1 bedroom min paring and laundry $360/month C .* 344 2602 2 bedroom, on M ace m 4 p^»* WaxU of O CHJIFT, on-SJte mcJry $‘jOC 485-6187 2 bad room, furnished. > block from campus Call 485-3091 2 BLOCKS TO U OF 0 Millrace Apartments 1805 Garden Avi 2 bedroom flats with pnvate pattos 2 bedroom 2 sfory fownhouses PATIOS 4 PARKING 4 LAUNDRY Can Don now. 344 5605 Jennings ♦ Co 683-4219 1 bdrm furn. c **ti quiet DW d»spos at tajndry. covered parking. $3b5mo 1200 f erry 343 33’ti k k k A k 1/2 Block To Campus 3 bedroom apts Nto«y remodeled with garage park mg. laundry. app«anoes. furnished optional 715 ’? E 16th (behind wb'te house) Manager >n 19 $725 Call 343-6000. Vi Block To Campus * * ★ it * :? AP^S DUPLEXES 1255 Miii Large mi , . bedroom carpeted cWwe^K j QuaWy lyrrvtu'a yivain peto fraa cAbie TV WA » IO *Cf*00> but v»'ud j paring io' ;b,v ,i Vosswtkg ' »r FW»Jden! Mn *ge< JT7 1 343 5667 Keys'o se Hoe l v\*te 240 QUADS Baat the aith' R*« ■.* end gv* 2 WOMif FRt [ P'-v.Vm 8*trt),r>(y to q Cii 343 4109 ★ $225 ★ 441 E 17th C *M ' q^«i cotnpMM W.v» ■-. > ■ »i 5 4VOKJ !Nl perking h«**t#* $5C move r bonus Off ST Hi I T PARKING Ai l UTILITIES PAID Car 344 9i*f»C Janninga « Co 60J~42t9 AFFORDABLE 1360 Alder St 34 5 5940 N-i w clean. wofl ma»t'!A;n«id quads avatabe* 4 Furnished, uiil paid * Laundry facility, covered parking 4 $229 month 245 ROOMS Only $200month includaa utilitiaa 5100 deposit 3 m lies from campus 746 0940 Room and board n oicfvknge !or ch «1 f..rn (i? children M.)-i f - 8 a nv r>oon 344-7078 Room for rant. DeauiiKit ok.H*r nome ••c*»e to ::ampus $280 ’mooth irv''*l«5 uif-Lrir, Cali B‘»I ai 687 2393 250 DORM CONTRACTS For Sala ^jrtiple dorm faa Contact Tracy Simpson at 464-2936 255 ROOMMATES WAITED ~ Fan ala graduata atudant seeks ma turn tomato to sham beaut h I spacious South f >gor*j dupe* Very uvgo bed room P . i u barn $315 fert ♦ :<<* ♦ deposit 485 7931 Female housemate wanted sr-i-e '.,m ho?’!** Ril’d wood "r% VVT) .»y • y* s i. use ?0 Dus b-M> J.r"iL ‘mo jlil 345 2321 uvos msg Mala roommate **♦*i««.3 ‘or ■ u apart ' or. Coburg Hd Oy $100 . 1 ? Mature responsible i " m Room mat a tor 2 bdr • ’ > s« r *v ' g rpo^. KitcN»'\ garage. f>a< *yerd, PO' f 23rd- Agat« f poa 34‘> 4*>44 34fi 4135 $3 O Two activa woman > m*! ” 'd to ‘ -re groat hi . ,u ios*e to campu* $750 m eludes a 345 6944 even.-igs 1 roommata wanted tor boose -V 7561 HiNard 7 WkS Irom campji $730-mo ♦ | 1 Roommata ’or house, 10th 4 Fnend 7 WD ’ Pain bo .'^»»Mwpe' ga fage yard c«mi' qua* $700 month . Utmt aw 683 7652 2 bedroom, 1 ’ 1 bath house on M ► : o M vh 5 mr • > ..tmpus 2 P-OcK-j '0 P *. .'’O ( I" IS r\ ,a!o W 5 l). a'-gu yanJ private boat landing on ' vor C «,i'' v;.. ♦#' a‘*i' t-,v« ’e*;ty=e*» ok I ti'" IX) graduate with MBA arx1 Cf’A ttf'Ui $78Smon!h pius ’n / • «rs Cali Carole at 74 7 6801 4 badroom, 2 bdy mala to %/w» n*» home very r»ear campua wth semor and male grad Garage 464 5423 265 GARAGE MOVING SALES Many things you nood tor your U ol O living Good oorvlitor, >ow prcu<> 1026 Sharon Way OH CoOuig butwwm Ha/tow S C» Young 9^6 Friday J Saturday 12 4, Sunday Moving S*!a 2a i 0 Hivorvxiw !iha Laural Hill district). 9 6 Saturday. S«(J 28th Includaa nouiarnW tumitura XS GARAGE MOVING SALES OkJ couch pad g N* :*•' ,r-c true* 'OO t>C« Qf SiOV* mt■v *>• vtnoou* 68 7 9711 2?0 CHID CAPE (MAGIC ' TREE DAY Ct 21 at and Ayala **• ;•» "ust prtmwQ. arw \ Wakfoti CH*+ntstton Cj*M« 61711 73/ It Family tvasda aftar school car# in S { ugana arsa Mon# M f ? 30 5 30. non »mok*r ns*d auto 68 7 9379 Family nsscis aftar school cs/s m our U of O srss horns Mon F rt. 3 30-5 30 Non smoks, nssd auto 345-45 77. 285 CLLffi SPQPTS ~ BASEBALL MEETING Thc»« nttanssisd m pUiyng CXP Sports bavoba most a-tond Info •”-aoi.'7a on Thundwy S*pt ?&'• .n ■ «».; v Hopm f 11 ’ » p m CYCLING CLUB MEETING 9/26, 8:00 P.M. 142 STRAUB Nmw or oi panorv «*j m#n and mFn WANTED Sponsorwl by Ct UB SPQfUS _ Evsrybocfy is walcoma to rs establish ths Woman s Rugby Team For mors information. pfsass contact Club Sports Offics 346 3733 or Patricia Krusgsr 346 8760 Join the Crew Team Laarn to Rcw and Comps* kiforataftone* Masorj fcsdnssday Oct 2. 7 00 p is tUv Cedar Rooms t A F kbr ATown and Core ami mucornt MAKE TOUR WORKOUT COUNT! U Of O Kd/«a:« C‘uO instruction Cxxnp«!ttion nformal-onn moot ng T Oc1 1 7pm 8pm Cuts*' Ftoom C. I MU Sponsor**! by C ,b Sports SNOWBOARD CLUB MEETING A1 booster* mt u^'a 1 rfrscMry, Oct 1 7 p ’ l MU C«ddf f OF' Ian <•••• ML-.’ SpO< M.'fiAj by Ci .0 SporfS A SWIMMING A Providing ^opportunities j to all levels of m competition 1 trom Illness I to elite I pursuits Organizational meeting Frl., Sept 27, at Leighton pool, 3:30-4:30 p.m. All Interested - be there! Questions? Please call Paul Bliss, 689-5323. UO EQUESTRIAN TEAM V «ru Find ool rtDoul tN* ■ ub Sports itdtvffy Og«n 'Toweling Tu®*. 8 00 p m Od 1 »n f MU f'trtat Mogm j ?9S ARTS & EHTEBTAWMEUT ART CINEMAS 492 E 13lh • 686-24S8 r DKCOUN’ »noar» - #**t4 u. »i L 9 »'%•>- pa—aa t»i*,*WT> FT/ I, • *7 •/%' Paris is Burnins ^*4. (VtMNO »•*«■» r ' * . Straight out of Brooklyn * HHI( ;in n ANCiEL UOU LATE • Mto4« V**’** Tv>A#0^r THE POORS » armpi 10 V N4M^#U TRUTH OR DARE_» umwnnmwwmwm m us roun •«»» T%04r Straight out of Brooklyn 1 Howl* of Rhythm * Mobila D J ♦ Srmply tha Bni Sound & Pnca ■ • . » * i PoCkat PlayhOUta Pra»aOt» Ravrvai of Flying Dutchman Ruins September 27 & 28 Pockat Thaatra. Rm 102 VilUrd MaII Door closes at 8:00 p.m. $1 donation gladly accaptad Poster Art Print Sale Classical i Modern Ar1r»t*. B&W Photography MC t »ch«r Pari*h. Dolly. O Kaala Rock i Mo»-.a Star* Ovar 400 dtffarant print* at graat low prica*' f MU lobby by main dask thru f nday 9 ?/, 10 i m S 30 p m Murry Ian Had •lock S HEALTH S FITNESS_ l OSX wflGKT NOW tind Uki '*»" ' * •' T’«» M j 0>4i its \.tki nfkxdabMa and tt WORKS ,tl -.'a t J ,«« ‘ M ■ > (>**' Ai ♦. - ■ ■%’ »vi> 4 4 * »!,«y_ 3?o SERVICES DISCOVER OREGON Jae*. day . a, EXPERIENCE OREGON Dd t, Ujorny Hu1 tr.' v u . -M>VWC! Many «1«r. .i • “■ 34 * ♦ >.. • E Of tyorh’-'u-. r'k) %. Its Ptannad Parenthood ’ i ,t pn,i > «>*.! !' C % •/A, ftti >ral® d/ly u"**' a m.ssMd pwr-oil I'xrkAJas jntka^ad COonso-ng Call 144 >4it Temporary h*auh mauranc# 'iv i * »j 41 'wrtMk'4t)« 30(J«*r-- ltd) :],ly Ma^Jy 4rt*> OBA1 ■ M am S pm? Cortardarmg abortion? CortsckK 'r*i ftn#rna! vtn HIMT Hf OGHT. a-nj ayi?wk»n?.«i 6R7 0f>*> 1 Episcopal Campus Ministries Thursday Evamng f uchantl 5 30 Swrvca, tl?Q fl K*h Suppar and program t —ryone ««k‘jma 6*6 W72 let (Ami SUPER INSTALLATION PRICE! MUSI (AH H(/S NllMBIg MM I' KICK Ml IK HAN 72b 0277 .ns ARTS S ENTERTAINMENT .ns ARTS i ENTERTAINMENT o i' WINtS SNACKS FINE BEERS OVER 21 1 I D REQUIRED ) 1045 WILLAMETTE BAR-CAFE NOW SHOWING | THE ANIMATED CLASSIC . DAILY 5:30 S 7 45 PM 1 ADDED SHOW FRI a SAT 11 PM I ___. ! ART CINEMA iAIR CONDITIONED f CROSSWORD By Eugene Shaffer ACROSS 1 Trifling amount 4 .A idio 8 J «t s cousin 15 Nay .r * n.il v»>*. 17 Hilly Budri i apt am 18 AiM U> - i i y 19 ‘ ’! t >y 21 1 Is u'. i > 1 ■ * y 24 I i irvj j 26 M.i!kiw < ommunl 20 VV,ii > ’ 28 l y ■ 32 l : ftto 14 A •* , t w*v 1 36 long lunch? 3 7 ' j! invitations 19 I f.-.j- • .?•’ 4 11. 42f ‘ ♦ * ' t 44 Muf 46 ( ’ .J r.ii' 50 Yank 51 Ho ■! va iy 52 f or m of sugar 56 Hi*ip hoods 57 58 f1 :-,t i CrMod A . Ml 59 N<‘! A i: k 60 J y >. >' ba*.*»ba 61 YV . Vir DOWN 1 Hui kii» twrr y M.IVO 2 Haw r o< K 3 Clav.ii; 4 ’ » go into 5 Hhoda's mom 6 .f'! i* man Prefer author 23 Crafty 27 Important 29 ‘>i* vdo's 30 t «;f dad 31 0 to Seios 33 Writer Grahjme 35 ' >.»y I do* 38 f i. ;p 40 Sm t sofa 43 I m A ! \ ’ * 45 Bear fm 46 1 .'8 ounce ’• 7 (»okltwr:) 48 tifitA-" f Output 49 l . t>op 53 l « U.y rand s accents 64 >.J I riinch com 55 •• i flyer Happy^frails We pay cash for used Records, Tapes & CD’s Buy 2 used records or tapes and get one • free used record or tape of equal or lesser value) LIMIT OF ONE PER DAY! S1.50 OFF ANY CD! NEW LOCATION Now selling basketball. football and baseball cards 365 E. 13th 485-5351 CDs • Tapes • LPs • Posters • Stickers COUPON Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson i M MILKS »» -jWMtNCj I ON OUR HI WO! IN tv SUBPCl'jt NTiA SPlK SHIH', \Sl', BV'fUtA! THE fvUtNS ' SPIFF '-jWFTS 9J* i IKTO FCCW^RD. &N£> 5\RSktS TWS_ WAEWS! , "v—y ■-' 0OT M. MtlKS HMt t\SNO> ftOCWNP NND OW SiVAy.MI Ktf CUP v**c ' 'i^rr *>wvVTi iiT[ > ■* ^ 1 M GETT\H6