PERSONALS / \ EMU PASSPORT CONTEST WINNERS The following nrwly admitted students have successfully completed their passports and, as winners, have until 5 p in., Friday, October 4 to claim their prizes In the Student Activities Resource Office, Suite 2. EMU, 346 4000 Peter Thorpe, Mark Rhlnard. Sambo Nhem, Ella-Marie Joy Luce, Jan Brotherton, Sue 8. Lee, Elizabeth Miller. Thomaa Yankosky, Joshua Thomas, Michele Miranda, Christy Audette (?), Chris Bauman, Warna Munzebroch, Tom Wahl. Michele M. Johnson. Amanda Fernle. Sylvia F. Coster, James Schick. Jim Winkle, Lynda Westcott, Chad Crouch, James Hathaway, Joan Swift, Erik Sheldrake, Kimberly Yap, Tricla Halsey, Julie Coskl, Robert Kir km an, Jeanlne Luteljn, Matthew King, Michael (?) Willis, Amber Olson V _/ no FOR SALE MISC IBM XT COMPUTIR SYSTl M ?0 Ml . . i ■ 1 •• , ■ u* ; • . Kingeue wefetbed Dark wood frame a ftbelvo* Wavtmrss meflress $’ 50oPo C.A Pun*' 34? LVHiQ Maytag withst 1 dfyef Excellent condition, $?00 Wet Bar. *35 741-1093. MOVING MUST Sill [v,-. S ' Crwiif. $35 6 bookcase $35 M.-v: r*rt Supports t**M otter 3 ftpeed b-Ku. $30 Bookcase with i.dtunol tkxwt» $125 Ouwon txx1 with handmade Natal txxml tx»s! Otter Mrv: Utmp*. best of for tr couth $400 Sc An Design fc>v© siKtf $?00 4?" round kxmica taWe n-xJ cha>n>. $100 3X3 bookcase. $fl 3X2 bookcase, $0 TV stand. $J0 Wraio secretary (Danrsh rnadoj 4 shelf. $75 5X5 room ilivdrtr booxV**' $50 CuHnna/1 kxxl processor. $75 I tecinc fry pan. $20 93 7 2537_ Nagel, fremed k4nt conddon Valued at $900 Yount kv $500 o# host off**/ Cal< 935 7567__ Nintendo wrth mghf qa/tm* /appe* hghi gun. Hard, arxl cany ctarn $1 75 668 367? 130 FOR SALE IHSC. Oak VtoMr 0ad, bOOfcuiksa hftadboafd. pmkted fa** $100 485 C2M T w**d rachnar. $75. w-ngbAcfc r.hfti' $4C M.t,, . r;*mf mcrowava $50. itF /or th cat."** ready color TV w remote. $ *5 -fclfi opt d/0 flif pun tar. $35 344 2585 Two da ska One wooden. sr <3'itw«i' $75 I wo desk c ht*r* $35 each 484 2784 Wat sun uifgo. 7 mm. long fohnt and pcfcot (hood «nached) Ported for O# goo diving A*, new $i75'ODo 485 0919 _ Whtla gold wadding »•( 9 dia mond* $31175 Item 343 2114 INTO ME AVV Mi TAL?? Great desk with computer tedga am KM*. O' fCXK-'1 $35 obo ( /* f436 ns BUY OR TRADE 8 Tambour mat $2 00 10" Tambour mat $3 00 No Daalara Plaaaa Tha Buy A Sail Cantar 361 W 5lh 14S CARSTRIXKS GOVtRNMINT SEIZED V*h»cla* from $100 Ford* Marcadaa Cor vattaa Chavya Surplu* Buyara Gu*da (1) 805 962 8000 Eat S-9642 1965 Claaatc Bug Straight now 1? vofl. ifiOOcc. dutch, shocks. pant. tiros $2500 686 1820 1966 VW Fsstback, runs groat 'hw» ^ tiros, oi, wont g<«. m>>u**gu w« o 343 8140 __ '81 Mustang Gh»a. automate. 6 cyl. Konwood. b*«v k Mop. fO".K>te. wu manta •'•««.} $200-0 34 4 9031 84 Jeep CJ7. 6 cy 4 sp hardtop. (41.(XX) mam« wtteeis $5000 935 3947 us CARSTRUCKS 85 Plymouth 2 door ami M cos softo. good cond :>on $i 75C Must m*I‘ 484-5924 86 Nissan 200 SX I ktmtent cond< ton. an optom. $4 700 344 37?1 O' 726 7435 iso MOTORCYCLESSCOOTERS Honda C-70 l m» now cxxxWon. 8.000 mites. $400 lne*ponvYG transporaion ( 89 219C SCOOTER, 81 Honda Pa&apod 70cc. rod 2 hoimots inckxted good condi ton. $350 345 34 79 1971 Honda CB 350 $300 Racentty robu»H runs g«*at Oxter 10.000 mi (jood commuirf or studar t>»xa Call 342 2880. «**»*> or teava massago 1981 Vasia Scoolar, 200cc, aic con onion. 10.900 total mites, now angoa w ?000 mites $750 686 1396 iso MOTQRCYCLESSCOQTERS 1984 Honda Aaro 1?5 l m* n*w Very ow maos $S0043bo D«vtO. 74 7-5093 1987 Honda Fin# *0 Riue V>V> oho * ' MmI 686 0T?9 86 Honda Aaro f *ca»\ *<*; ■•nA 'i'.ifcnod $600 fcnk. 485-6799 87 Honda F Irte 505i ^krxXor P^p*<* and * >w m#«s I fco "arw $7?5 OBO 7?6 1824 iss BICYCLES CAMPUS CFJUtSFRS xifMHalN l-ng*i speed OutWli R©» ©nr}'toned end 'endy lo '*k» Good wwtUOfi from $'*C $6C D*rty l Tnsdsna Poel, 1.155 H'Wf Rond 680 174? Thur. Frt. and Sflf only_ Man a 1990 Diamond Back Ascen* Funder'S d* *c locks. *r\jrn*no gear* cfoc* *65 Gtmu cond4K>n $37Vobo 1 IMI'/O message 145 0041 New Schwinn Sie»ra min b*k» 1 times New $-3 75. ««' !►•* «! $^^5 lo*. 4* tJ«5 1691 :hm;. \f> 7435 (wk) ?4 10 speed, good tramportrifion, $35 ?' 1? sp e*oefient cond'l'on $*?5 Pau t»0f> 4960 _ 2 Malaigh 1 ? spend txkttS l condition $95 each or best ofl«v 485 7 70 7 aW 5pm 16S COMPUTERS ELECTRONICS Word proceaaor-Amsf'ad (Se*/») F>CW8?Vi. monitor, keyboard. pnnj*fe l m. new $?00*>*ler 681 84 49 286-386-486 Beat price# in town* Call for $ quota Marrury Open Syatema 94? 90 78 and 947-0 780 Compaq C om put • r 64 CK KAM ?QMP Iff). 5?5 disk $450 060 683 416? Computar IBM comp printer *oh w.vv, boo** me $400*>bo Canon A1 i camera S’fiO'oOo 34? ?713 HP ?8S adviriced fcoent’hc calculator Nov or used $i50 or mam after Cai; i 895 4?29 Kaypro 286t ?CMB hd. 1 MB KAM i PMB7360K diskette drtva par ai tel and sona) port* $650 686 1 ?38 Graal student computar ?C mh/ 186. 80 meg diivo 4M RAM. I GA monitor. .'•400 bad modern, lot* of wlfwft'tt 1’iis- ,« („ W-’xkjws K more $1500 Coil Kotor. 342 3360 Plus 4 computar monrtix. dt*> dnve. pnnwr o SOUND SYSTEMS ~ Carvar preamp (CT-7) and Carvwr cxyn(fek.i rtisa pMytar On»y 6 month* (>«5 $'* 0 Ft*ty 144 3914 Compiata atarao CD system onty $40C- F'.nd $950 Ttfeh» * •• player In ftntty s^MMMrs p*i^ over 60 CD it! $1 344 7346 Sony 45 watt Otytn u e ver ADC 1C band «*iu*#/er. $’00 tor both or host on**f ;k4 5404 19S TRAVEL Traveling Soon? Apply for a cradil card F fy anywhara in tha USA for 1189 laaa Call TODAY!* 485 8839 ?os OPPORTUNITIES Coftaga Studanta Unrta* Jon CAM PUS CONN! CTFONs nat*on5 OPPORTUNITIES Ba»* pUy#r «mg©r ootung lor work mg rock band Ru*h M» Big Queenvyct* on* _ )434m*w>fl _ l at • talk if you • soW yQu' ‘xmw homa • too* back hnanong • would pr©!t* oaah now l OCtf (JOup*0 * li-ng to buy ftl or pan of lhai 'x*© Sind** f)« k * WOMEN SAFERIDE NEEDS YOU! Volunteer Drivers Needed Permanent drrvers on© 7 hour shift (X* wa A tomato dnvcxs ,ve on ca as needed No special license required These and add-tioruu voFunieor opportunities «i't? iiv.i UWo for cred Ccxnmumty twww Agency. or Oukkxx Sc txx> Meoevo upper cJfV! son i -I*; * through the f SC APf f IF I D S TUC >U S f^KX'.RAM tor vu nw r>g u» 146 4 ,i*i t or com© lo M U1.IMU FSCAPF Fit ID STUDILS PRO CHAM is kxxung lor st to«x>ts interest ml m t>©«ng coord.nut or* tor tail term Tr®s© pos'-ons oM*»' o*i o&ent ©xpen txf ' g appiicaliona tor Student Povf*ons ' ., . ■ . Fli» » Sk«J©m fWyd Dg Af«r» Coords tor (t) Ctorm Coordr-ftio' (f) Recycling As.ei.UTts [Xxm *rvJ Mouvtq * i ■ <•«* ' F M. ■• ! dLK 4 S'. *■ ’ Applications and job de&cn prior is as© itva a pi© if A SIX) Oh* «. Suito 4 f MU Oeadftne kx application* r* Monday ember 30. 1991 at 5 00 pm ASUO ««. an Aftirmat *« Aclon >■; -*1 Op*-* _ f ARN MORE Y Head - j tx » V ‘0 00 'V ■ . a«8 pot©- • .1 0««Af*s '.805)962 6000 nr! Y 964? C ijMn«nc« F ugftnft » .<*«* ■ ol ■ oan plasma u»nu* Ct 683 9430 and vuj yo '•.■*' ’ irp y . ^rstUt and others __ ! ipww c*d F iftt 6 cnrcf can Job roQuiremerMft mC’.iOo 1) M*»pa ^ng and uiJ'M1 «o< ironic antj «*>*« i«o ’’in't .1 ♦«* pm*'©'.! .f his r*\nUrt "(A l' f* shoobng analog and digital or cuitry to th« comptxxxY; >aui) ?} Ccw oty© otxi kind lOOrtitc mjjru moots 3) Modifying ©AisUng «q^p m©nt 4 Marniaining printers and per aorw* com put irs 15 ?0 hr* **«©* 17,004s' Must h© a UO or ICC slu dent It mtere«t©d. con! ad Dt»v© Ftrumpwy Institute of NkKJio^oeno© at M4 • I Framft ©hop tuil and pan tr^o pt»i tKXYS opdn tor ffame*"designer Pieasu mxxI f«iumo and cover letter to FX) F3oi 1 397. F .»0©n© 97440 Graft! p«rt limft v»:es portion Derxxvstrnta K1 Ff kX*Hp«alux m reta towonmani 1 2 weeKe'xls per month No uipiKkurw r«x.txa>ary S' pxx hour » bonus (’lease call Cameron coMed (206) 93/6295 or m*g at 1-800 MB 1957 SUCCESS WFTROUT THE HATOStLL B»g mcome. senaong Mx ro D*e! Cuft tcxnor* Call Xicq-ie, IndopemJent Mxto Diet Advisor today at 666 044/ _ 210 HELP WAITED F am tty with th^ee vch«> age CtxW'er UMM fcvft in Nanny for before and a* or school. non s-no***' own air Room A bowd m «*•.: *«nge V> 3 4 hour* pe* rUty * pos *>►>»• IK)d* 4X1*1 mOtUUti SAto ry Gl*JI 344 1 R93 NEED A~JOB? Wo are your SOURCE! Jobs ol all types to last through the school year OR year round Don't delay, openings are tilling fast Apply Monday-Frlday 9:00 AM • 4:30 PM at.. Temp Source ■TiPi —mm iU>.) 0.1* ' >''*-‘f ■ • I . i >M '*,’*101 Outtid* aal*s f ast grew ng martlet .ng firm representing f rtn.’ono toOKirvg l$3C*>r. w« guarantee UU ' ‘ «00 323 2559 Parlimi*. Uj ■ -me positions available At* retail 'urr por yeard Apply tr, person «! Serve n Save Plywood, Itwy 99 A Personal Car* Assistant Rot,poo m potion to spar'd lime with yout'g mar in I ogene with muflipto cVsaP'ht'MS Port nm# 10 11) Pours $5 Kathy936 BO-B WANTED: CREW COACH Mans and Wommi Varsity Cr*w tratna at D**t*r R*a*rvoir and com p*t*a with W*st Coast Schools For mot* Information contact Sandy Vaughn at Club Sports, 346-3733 S7.50 hour. Disabled tomato needs helpers over brunch And dinner N»*tr UO 4»4 54?3 after ? 30 ns WORK STUDY Now hiring wOrK Study Qua! 6**3 Mu dents M. off** Assistants lo lypo. trte. a id general office dul*es V*> SO per nour Opportuniy to learn computer warp processing sKm*. Previous oft ice eipenence dovapto Need some (not air) or these hours 1? lo 5pm MlfWThF f oul ftpplo «! 320 Chftpmn Iki !>oe JtniCi »6 2614 Publications Assistant Dean of Slu dents Oft km Writing, editing. goner a! of'- e dt.’-es Demonstrated writing ar ‘y Mai ttosh aiponenoe required C it Jason. 6 11 64 WORK STUDY POSITION AVAILABLE. Math and f ngtrsh tutors needed tor Upward Bound Program 4 t? hours per w<*eK E vemnys and Saturday Phone m HOUSES FOR RENT BIG HOUSE 1 Block f rom Campus 6 8 b*droom, 4 bath v>vor 350C u tool, completely re '..nrshed or inside 2 ttv>ng rooms, huge Kitchen and dming room Unfurnished I'l f1) month 1695 lizard Sl 6ft3 9104 FURNISHED 490 E 34th 3 bedrooms 1 balhs. plus study. a »*. garage weathert/ed utihfy room $725 2980 OLIVE 2 bedrooms • fermry room (or third bedroom) Available Oc! 7th $750 UNFURNISHED 36 39 fc AMAZON 2 bedroom* garage. S56C 3942 PAM 3 bedrooms, i baths appliances, ^replace tone od garage $615 3455 POTTER 3 bedrooms, tonced garage patio $630 1260 SUNNY DRIVE Kver fiJ 3 bedrooms. wood floors, weather'./ad hoi tub $ ’95 No Peis Shown by Appointment Spyg ass Avsoaatus 345 Wes! 10th _686 1130_ mo HOUSES FOR RENT CLOSE TO CAMPUS 1607 Of chard St s barm ? t>«th ho*r*e wh»ch wr!) t*> ctynpietc*y remodekad & landscaped by (•■*# hoginn-ng o’ school $t?50 CaB 143-6000 gjs APTS DUPLEXES A LARGE, CLEAN. QUIET 2 tXjrm. 1 t>K U Ol O AvftilftbiO now Jr jrr\ b«g kitchen. DWXJrsp. b*g Ck» ots n«w carpet linoleum. lots of park mg. laundry. sundeck 683 89^9 V, BLOCK FROM CAMPUS Nice. -wgii furnished ? bdrm apt $5l.(Vmo 344 4760.683 4905 Can Now For MOVE IN SPECIAL Naw & Beautiful 1 & 2 BEDROOM FROM $505 * COVERED PARKING * WASHER DRYER HOOKUPS a EUROPEAN KITCHENS a FITNESS ROOM a CONVENIENT TO VALLEY RIVER CENTER 1811 Ktngslay Rd 343-4549 NORRIS & STEVENS Managamant Co FREE RENT Rant true til November 1st 1750 Aider ? bedroom. $545 _667-0684_ __ * FURNISHED * 2 BEDROOM-$560 black from campus Very spacious, dean, with carport. laundry. sundecK & appliances Cali now, 345 4067 1 BLOCK TO CAMPUS 2 Bedroom Apt Beautifully remodeled with appi* ances. parking, furn-shed optional, and a great location 145? and i45o E 19th $520 $550 Can 343 6000 1 BLOCK TO CAMPUS Lg 1 bdrm apta 1/2 blk from UO in vary claan quiet complai. Big kilch an w oantar island, aaparata vani ty bath. 6' walk-in ck)»at. fully turn, fraa covarad parking Taking reser vation* for tall l arry. 484 4103 NO UTILITY BILLS $445 includes heat, elect not y. and cable Ot srte laundry, park ng and extra storage Elevator tor your convenience SEfORT WAl K TO CAMPUS Eugane Manor, 1040 1050 f erry 484 744i STUDIO-S265 765 East iBth St 485 6991 ONE BEDROOM 1187 West 81 h $280 1868 Ferry Laundry $340 TWO BEDROOM 1150 Wtrs* 11th $550 THREE BEDROOM DUPLEX 1862 Kincaid l own' eve $690 ROOMS *140 Mama* InckxJee utilrtlaa and kitchan use $185 * Non-smokers only No pate Shown by appointment SPYGl ASS ASSOCIATES686-1130 Roomy Two bedroom apartment. t?th & Patterson No pets $500. 484 1057 2 Bedroom - $395 10 blocks to campus Very large and dean Lease No pets Unfurnished 2045 WMamede 683 9104 Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU YOU'RE SUJN6 SCMfONt •' MAY8C 1 AM, MAY&t I’M NOT YOU iXVYT KNOW ir$ PAK1 Of MY COMfr 0A7IH6 STRATEGY. AGAIN* IF I APPtAR TO \ 0F GPOKf-N FOP , I axon MOPt p&ip A&e. put thats crazy1 NO, ITS MKT OF THF (OUPTSHiP aim >afn ffu TO PLAY THF SAME 64vif if yajumr HN£!r*1SetlN6 LOTS OF &RLS! pouais/ i pom'EM BY m CARLOAD! YOU KNOW, KXJ'RtHOT MKJN6A W&600P HfSJ/M PH&&ON. \__ r ^ A. //.*'. ] FOR I N V IT A T IONS BROCHURES FLYERS POSTERS RESUMES AND \I O R E L t 7 7 £ R PERFECT Graphics >4t 4381 SUITE 300 EMU