Trespassing protesters lose free speech case SALEM (AP) — Free spooch rights don't protoct protostors from liability for punitive dum ugos when they trespass on pri vate property, the Oregon Court of Appeals ruled today. The decision in a case from Douglas County upheld a $2 5,00 0 punitive damage award against six members of the environmental group Earth First! Huffman and Wright Logging Co. bled a civil trespass dam age lawsuit against the protest ers after several chained them selves to the company's logging equipment. The award ‘does not restrict the right to speak or chill the expression of opinion because the complaint is directed against only non-protected ... conduct even though the conduct is accompanied by speech The demonstration took place on a logging road in the North Kalmlopsis area of the Siskiyou National Forest In July 1987, to protest Forest Sorvico timber harvest policies. The company's logging oper ations were shut down most of the day as a result of tho Inci dent, the court said. The pro testers were convicted of thlrd degreo criminal mischief and served two weeks in Jail. In the civil lawsuit, a jury awarded tho company $5,717 In compensatory damages dam ages and $25,000 in punitivo damages. monts lo the company But they contested tho punitive damage award on grounds such dam ages can’t he granted for exer cising constitutional rights of freo speech and petitioning the government. The Court of Appeals said the punitive damages were not barred by free speech protec tions because they were award ed duo to the “harm arising from the physical trespass." The award “does not restrict the right to speak, or chill the expression of opinion because the complaint is directed against only non protected conduct even though tire con duct is accom pan!ed by speech," the court said in an opinion by Judge Walter Ed monds Jr. "Defendants were not enti tled to use plaintiff's property for their expressive purposes,” Edmonds said. The demonstrators involved are Valerie Wade, Michele Mill er, Karen Wood, Kelpie Wilson, Kamala Redd and James Jack son. In another case, the Court of Appeals uphold the Josephine County murder conviction of Gerald Alien Batty in the kill ing and dismemberment of his girlfriend. Batty was convicted of the August 1987 slaying of Laura Brittain, whose corpse was found on a smoldering trash burning pile behind Batty’s house near Cave Junction. Sho had been decapitated, und her body bad been sawed in half. The dismemberment occurred after her death, ac cording to testimony She ap parently was shot to death There were no known wit nesses to the killing, and the murder weapon never was found. But the appeals court ruled there was adequate cir cumstantial evidence to sup port the conviction. REGIONAL BRIEFS Keno oddity' fixed SALKM (AP) - Lottery officials aro mak. ing a minor change in the now kono game lo olimlnalo what one tor mod an oddity in the numtx'r selection Stove (Maputo, deputy lottery director, said lottery officials and some kono players spotted a pattern where the second number drawn was always larger than the 19th numlier Twenty numbers aro drawn in the game Tho pattern resulted from a computer pro gram that picked numbers in chronological or der, then jumbled thorn to give the game added suspense The program didn’t affect what numlters wore selected but always set up the correlation between the second and 19th num bors "It was ono of those things that slips through." C'aputo said Wednesday. "It’s not really a problem. It’s inure of a curiosity " He asked officials at G-'1TX,'H t'.orp , which operates the keno machines, to end the pattern by displaying the numbers in chronological or dor. "Tho random order really isn’t providing is much excitement to players as we thought.” he said The lottery also will begin displaying keno numbers for one minute per game instead of 24 soconds in response to complaints about tho brief display keno sales have averaged about $200.000 a day. nearly triple the amount estimated by offi cials when the game started Sept. 1 1 Meanwhile, sales in the Daily 4 game have dropped. Officials say keno might he the cause. Daily 4 involves drawing four numtiers ear h day except Sunday Players win by matching any two, three or four in tho order drawn Weekly sales in tho daily game wore SI04,000 last week, down from an average of SI 30,000 Arsons damage Jefferson High PORTLAND (AP) For the fourth day in a row Wednesday, there was an arson fire at Jef ferson High School, officials said Piro Bureau spokesman Don Mayer said someone set a trush can on fire in a women’s restroom off the gymnasium at 2:08 p m Wednesday It caused about Slot) damage. Small fires wore set at the school Tuesday and school officials canceled classes for the day. Small fires were also set on the north Port land campus Friday and Monday. Nobody has boon injured in the fires Nuclear waste shipped BOISE, Idaho (AP) Idaho officials ac knowledge there's nothing they cun do to block the resumption of shipments of nuclear waste from Colorado to a storage facility at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory But they're preparing for the shipments, and they will he closely watched for any viola tions. Gov Cecil Andrus said Wednesday the nu clear waste shipments will he watched closely, and if any mistakes are made, he won't hesi tate to order the Idaho State Polic e to block the trucks. Snapping his fingers, he said. "All 1 need is a legitimate excuse to act responsibly under existing law to close that border, und It will happen just like that." A federal appeals court has rejected the state's lawsuits attempting to block the ship ments The shipments will originate in Colora do at the decommissioned Fort St. Vruln nu clear power plant operated by Public Service Co. of Colorado They will travel through Colo rado, Wyoming and Utah before entering Idaho on Interstate 15. Officials said they expect about 200 truck loads of nuclear waste Fires blaze near Mount Hood ESTACADA (AP) Firefighters worked in steep, rugged terrain Wednesday in a battle against two fires that have burned about 150 acres of timber in the Mount Hood National Forest The largest of the fires, the Wash l ire 20 miles southeast of Estacuda. had burned about 140 acres, including 20 acres of old growth timber. "Wo do have some spotted owls in there und we're really concerned about that," said Glen Sachet, information officer for the Estacad.i Complex Hires He said U.S. Forest Service officials also are worried about coho and chtnook salmon that uro spawning in Wash Creek and other streams near tho fires. “We're concerned about water quality and the use of equipment around those streams and getting fire retardant in those streams," he said. Tho Wash Fire was discovered Tuesday morning. The second blaze, the Beeline Fire, was discovered about \i p m. Tuesday 10 miles south of Estacada und had burned about 25 acres by Wednesday afternoon. Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS SEPTl MHI R A TTRA (T1( >.VS Nl W DUCK" BUCKS- If you Mtr * fre»hm*r twmc «o Kmm )00. KMl fur your f Ml 1 u««il»rd viK4pon 1 iiiupor prr matuairf pkesmr' SPIN N-WIN: C.'aw to Room 300 hMU S*p« 23-4'Vt 4 fur gnrat JuruuM* or Ormfinl S*S»St >LD: If your Wrmo>) (un*lrr V»*J) J>rw iw linS fmd w»un. »r 11 run H Httl K* S im . 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AXA _ 105 PERSONALS \XA AXA Ir« member* oI AXA &'» proud lo in trod-jce out rww Assoc i«!e Member* John A Amt or f Marc O Chad 0 M*« C huh F Dave B Chrt* 0 Troy P PaolR Jason w [ *6 THANKS f OH THf KILL EH 60 S AND 60 S BID DAY FUNCTION Wf HAD A Bl AST xy AI IAE THANK YOU FOR THT WONDC Rf U BID NIGHT PARTY' CONGRATUA DONS 10 THt PIEOGES HERf S TO A GRt AT YEAR lOVf DC L IA GAMMA A TO The Zodiac Beth wu out of (hit world' Thenka lo ehowtng our pledget e great time KAt* Kappa Alpha Theta wriehee to announce ita 1M1 Fall Pledge claae Kirttan A Michelle E Becce F Amy G. Holly H Kriaten H Meheea P Tanya W Michelle K Alice Y Laura L. Car el N Sambo N Nicola B Sheryl W Tara G Kori G SuNe H Jennifer O Laura R Kathy K Knatel L. Amy L Julie M Rylee N JKI S Jennifer T and our new affiliate Kathleen D.! Welcome! Your Theta Swtere 105 PERSONALS Ben Thin*! toi Ih* gnat p»iapo<1 parry Lti i do * again' A*I> Welcome A 1991 DaWra A Janny C CartM f Bacca G Ryan M Carolina M Taraaa t. Dntly l Kafy M Nn.ola R Sahra s J J s Kalaay W Datot>*r W_ Pledges! Caray C Nancy D Mag an F Itndaay G Einlty M Andraa H Darcy J C*PPV M K ally H lori O Sidnay S Brook# W Pamala W Ja»i*c# W ATA Congratulations on your now piadga* b*d day n«• groat' Lova, \7 _ AZ Kim & Eby Happy 20th Birthday. Lov». Erika ft FIJI ConQrats to your now piadga* and thank* for fh# outragaous bid day. bartoacua. and functton. 1K_ '05 PERSONALS Hindtomi outdoor anthuaiast * do anything do*,po/ciiVy ''•**3% piat« ?o iiv« and a g.ilfnond Can you Ntfp'’ Ca« J D 34? 6457 Kav. Ron. and Mart aru ^a/y armpy g Lacey A. Alison B Wendy B. Lisa G Lisa H. Jennl H. Julie J. Elizabeth M Morgan N. Dledre R Laurie R. Angle S. Heather S. Margo T. Kassie W. Kelly G Amy H Heidi H. Sandy H. Heather L. Sarah M Liz P Corrie R Alison S. Amy S. Nicole S. Kim W. Annie 2 You all are the best We Love You! riB no LOST i FOUND Gold lady’a Watch. lovt n Chapman I vi ?nd Floor CmM and tfanttfy 3464971 1 is TYPING SERVICES Aj 344 0/5® ROBIN » GRAD SCHOOL APPROVED 20 yo.v v, Cm. * ground papwvf uM r ur.. "Mi wr *‘x u Editing l a%«k pr ON CAMPUS' DIAL-A-TYPIST (>81-7777 EAGLE EYE TYPING-f DITING By a*pari«oa»d wrflar f^i D Hon »». 5 j* ; i»t>• i? i *j * HIM •f!5j,4,.f ! n ». * la-'! 1‘rinijnv. *iaphi * I Jtlif-w. K • 'Ufh' - CAROLYN CINDY Printed text to computer filet Js C A NN E R 5{ 747 4589 >t7otn«iu aw •} fA^- v-3 - 344-4510 QUALITY WORD PROCESSING .'j Jc.'Um.* Aj-v-L* It «r M t»M Mfe.n •««•*< bOSF nth m TYPING SERVICES t ■ reliant typist, accurate «'«J 'web+e for prompt \ut.ku cm>i Ruby 3114 TYPING UNLIMITED Barbara l and Later Printer 48% 3 34 3 I orm«'Ty located B jOo Tr^i '« Bldg 1?0 TUTORING f Rl NCM or fTAl LAN it*, von* & lutorng 1ft time h«vf poem 345 113? 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