Baptist Student Union , .Welcome Party! • Do you have an interest in Christian Growth ? • Do you want to nurture your faith in Christ7 • Do you want the opportunity to participate in leadership roles, ministry projects, one-to-one discipleship studies, and much more ’ - Are you hungry for some pizza ' Then come to the I* Ml? (lomwood wm at 7 pm Thursday, September 2f»th and learn •bout th place at this Oregon Women's Coif Invitational Wednesday in Vancouver, but the two weren't exactly teammates. Crawford, playing us an indi vidual entrant in the tourney, did not huvo her score count on the team score, but Yamada's 241-stroke finish did. The host Oregon team finished seventh out of nine teams at the Invita tional. held Monday through Wednesday. Defending NCAA champion UCLA lied with San Jose St. for first place in the team stand ings The two schools finished with 92 B stokes apiece, and third-place Arizona State ended the tournament two strokes Ix; hind nt 930. At fourth place was Oregon Slate with a 970. and Washing ton was fifth with a 973 total. Winning the individual championship was Jenny Park of UCLA. Park's first-place total of 224 edged Arizona State's Tricia Konz. who finished sec onci with a 22V Tracy Hanson of Sun Jose State was third with a 226, teammate Lisa Walton was fourth with a 228, and UCLA’s Carrie Leary finished fifth with a 229. Other Oregon finishers in cluded individual entrant Karly Mills at 25th with a 246, Leigh Hornung at 29th with a 247, in dividual entrant Shannon Hare in 33rd with a 250, Shannon Maier and Beth Manc/ak tied at 36th with a 251, and Ann Pianalto at 44th with a 258. BURWELL Continued from Page 10 "Scum is going to try to jog u liltlo bit today ul practice," Brooks said But the ankle is "still very swollen and sore." Fullback juun Shodrick, Burwell's starting partner in the back field, may also see limited action against USC. Shodrick suffered a hip injury in the Utah game. If Burwcll doesn't play. Don ovan Moore, who started at Utah, will start in hts place. Cornerback Daryle Smith, suspended indefinitely earlier this week for unspecified disci plinary reasons, will also bo ab sent from the USC game. Brooks suid ho will moot with Smith next week to determine whether the senior will return before the end of the season. Possibly lost for tbo season Is defensive end Jeff Cummins. Tho senior strained ligaments in his left foot at Toxus Tech and may not return this season. Some rare good nows from the injury list is that quarter back Droll Salisbury is back in practice after a hernia ho suf fered prior to the soason. Tho junior transfer has been cleared to play this weekend, Brooks said. STOCK UP NOW ON EVEREADY BATTERIES! > A *//EVEREADY Alkaline 2 Pack 4 Pack 4 Pack 2 Pack 2 Pack Single ONLY 2.19 ONLY 3.99 ONLY 3.59 ONLY 2.59 ONLY 2.59 ONLY 2.99 AA RECHARGEABLES 2 Pack ONLY6.95 PRICES GOOD 9/23 — 10/5 13th and Kincaid Ph. 346-4331 Mon.-Fri. 7:30-6:00 $a!.10:i :00 GET ACTIVE! GET INVOIVED! GET GOINS! GET ACTIVE* GET INVOLVED! GET GOING! GET ACTIVE! GET INVOLVED! GET GOING! Get Active! Recreation Classes Fall J 991 FITNESS DAY TIME LOCATION XSSSbt W 2T3S>m SSflrK?" Aerobics UH 4 36pm Ger 220 Aerobics MW 6 36pm Ger 220 Aerobics UH 6.36pm Ge