U.N. team still under detention Bush warns Iraq — cooperate or face consequences UN IT LID NATIONS (Al’J Ir<>i] on Tuesday detained T1 U N. inspectors for the second day in a row and accused them of tioing CIA spies as the crisis over Ira(]i compliance with U N cease-fire terms appeared to l>e coming to a climax. Troops surrounded the in spectors. who parked their cars in a circle to protect themselves and the videotapes of docu ments said to show details of Iraq's secret nuclear weapons program, its foreign suppliers and top Iraqi direc tors President Bush condemned Baghdad's "unacceptable be havior," and warned Saddam Hussein not to "miscalculate” as he did during the Ctilf War "We don't want to see any more anguish inflicted on the Iraqi people, but overriding that is thee international com munity's determination that these resolutions he fully corn plied with," Bush said in Now York. Underlining U S displeasure:, a senior Pentagon official said 100 Patriot missiles and 1,1100 troops would he sent to Saudi Arabia to ease that nation's concern over rising tensions in the Persian Cull region The United States hud warned Iraq that its refusal to cooperate with t N inspec tors could force: the council to au thori/.e the: use of troops anil warplanes to protee t the teams inside Iraq Late; Tuesday. U N officials said Iraq hud agreed to allow U N inspectors to use helicop ters tor their inspec lions, a ma jor demand of the SucuriU Countd British Ambassador David Hannay said Iraq's letter to the Security Council's president, I'ri'iu h Amhassodor Jean Bor nard Merlmee, "appears to ho an unconditional acceptance for the right of the t anted Na lions inspection teams to tl\ their helicopters we regard this letter as an unconditional acceptance '' Hannay said the IJ N weap ons inspectors will promptly schedule helicopter flights The inspectors are still trapped on their has, he said But Iraq’s ac ceptance of the flights indicat ed u willingness to resolve the crisis. Iraq sent another letter to Merimee on Tuesday complain ing about the behavior of the Inspectors, in particular the American director of the team. At a mms conference in Baghdad, Iraqi Deputy I’rlinn Minister Tariq A/.i/. no used the team leader of being "an officer of tilt? II S intelligence ser vice, " the official !rni|i News Agency reported David Kay, who heads the nuclear team in Baghdad, called the charge "completely ridiculous and untrue " I’enla gon spokesman Pete Williams called it a "ludicrous allega tion." As for Iraqi charges that they had had "trouble" from his team, Kay said, that if his team had a problem "it is because vve are very close to finding out the true scope and nature of the Iraqi program On Monday, hay's U N team was detained for 12 hours in a Baghdad building after finding what they said was evidence that Iraq lias been trying to de velop nuclear weapons Iraqi troops seized the papers, and although some were returned early Tuesday. UN officials said key documents were miss ing ‘We don't want to see any more anguish inflicted on the Iraqi people, but overriding that is the international community’s determination that these resolutions be fully complied with.’ President Bush Wtii’ii tin: inspector* began tlldir work. Tuesday, using a video camera at u building of the Iraqi Atomic l.nergy (aim mission, they found documents that gave a fuller picture of lr.i(('s secret nuclear program, detailing the people overseeing the work and the foreign com parlies that supplied nuclear materials, Kay said But Iraqi troops surrounded the U N team and refused to let it take away papers and film of documents gathered in the unannounced search. Iraqi offi dais said the inspectors would not be allowed to leave unless thoy surrendered (In- material Kay reported (hut the inspit - tors with holed up in six cars and a bus parked in a circle outside the commission They were blocked from leaving by (>() armed Iraqi security men at midday, and were still sur rounded more than !t! hours later. Kay said the team had "no Intention of giving up that film " The inspection teams routinely videotape and photo graph the documents they ev amine Kav spoke in several live in lerviows with Cable News Net work from Baghdad, using a portable satellite telephone The unusual blow-by-blow ac count of a developing interna lional incident seemed intend ed to pressure Saddam's gov eminent to hack oil "It's essential lor the interna lional community's" long-term stability that inspectors have the right to freely inspect, to collect data, to remove it for analysis, hay said Iraqi officials claimed the team took personnel records unrelated to Iraq's nuclear re search program On Monday, the Iraq is claimed they objected to not readying ret eipls lor the material Kav said. We were taking information on the lop person nel in the Iraqi nuclear weap ons program and clandestine uranium enrii hmenl program as well as the Imam i.d data on their procurement abroad ol items for their clandestine pro gram " He said the team also found documents on long-range mis silr production. Roll Kkeus, ( hairrnan oi the U N Special Commission in charge ol finding and destroy ing Iran's weapons of mass de struction. said Tuesday's search found evidence as to which for eign companies had supplied Saddam's nuclear program He did not Identify any of the com panies. Kkeus said in New York that the conflict demonstrates that "wo have a very good system (of finding material) it dem onstratns also the importance of our findings." 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