Pro-choice advocates form coalition for ‘stronger voice’ By Rene DeCair Emerald Associate Editor As part of the continuing bat tIt! over u woman's right to an abortion, pro-choice groups have formed a western coali tion to "Hex a little regional muscle," ac c ording to a spokes woman Kitty 1’iercy. stole president for Oregon's National Abortion Rights Action League, said the coalition called l’ro-Choice West is an attempt to loosen some of the recent legislative and judicial abortion restric tions T rotskyists hit streets By Mike Sears Emerald Contributor Despite the rerent politic .rl changers in the Soviet Union that have undermined commu nist ideology, a small group of die-hard communists made a stand in front of the University Bookstore Monday and Tues day to share their beliefs Urn king the tide of democrat ic and market reforms sweeping tin; world, three representatives from the San Francisco-based Spartnc ist League tried to at trac t passing students long enough to get their point across and perhaps sell a few sub si riptions to their publication. "Defeat the Yellsin-Ifush Lou n terre vo I u t i on D ’ 1 ii e v called, in a local effort to re verse the ( ollapse of c oinmu nism The group, affiliated with the In ter n a t io n a I Co m m u n I s t League, makes the trip north to the- I hiiversiK every year Its goal is to raise money for the organization through subscrip tions to its pub!ii ation, the Workers Van guard, said spokesman Steve Hamilton Ac cording to Hamilton, another goal is to influence younu col lege minds "It's a hopeless cause," said Judy C.iscon, a Beaverton resi dent who stopped long enough to glanc e at their publication "I only looked because) I was curi ous." Another student was more re t epll ve "Thus provide an alternative point of view.” said Jennifer I-aw (i'll, a double major in Spanish and International Studies "They can help people understand many of the issues today 1-awcett was among the few students who invested the Sill for a subscription. While admitting that their ideology has fallen on hard times. Hamilton still believes Marxist !.enimst style com munism will succeed. "The current problems with communism stems from Sta lin’s influence.” Hamilton said ''We are Trotskyists Leon Trotsky was a Russian revolutionary who disagreed with Stalin's policies and was assassinated by Stalin's agents "Counterrevolutionaries in the Soviet Union have used du Stolini/.ation to destroy com munism,'' Hamilton said. Croup members oppose the breakup of the Soviet Union and the democratic and market reforms taking place there They want the ideology of the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution pre served, but would like an end to the massive Soviet bureauc racy. The group includes organiza lions from night stales includ ing Oregon, California. Idaho. Nevada, Colorado, Utah, Wash ington and Wyoming. Pierey said that with the pos sibility of Roe \s Wade (the Supreme Court case that pro tooted a woman's right to an abortion) being overturned, women need to he well-organ ized'and linked to help prevent a court decision reversal Accord i ng to 'I’rerc v, the merger will give abortion rights advocates more leverage in their dealings with legislators "To say that you art’ part of n coalition from eight Matos is powerful," she saui "It seems like a stronger voir e " The group has already organ ized a boycott against l tail's tourist resorts in response to what Fieri v desi rihes as l 'labs mast punitive legislation against choice than anywhere in the country " Moreover, the group plans to increase at cess to abortion ser v ii es and hring the French abortion pill. K! -IHf> into the t luted St.ites for researt h with the eventual goal of legalizing it loining tho coalition in the fight is tin' University abortion right-' group, Students for Choice. which will make sum state iimi national ahortion rights groups do not forget the importance of the student vote, said i o-dire< tor Debi Webster Webster, who will be attend ing a conference tills upcoming weekend in Atlanta, (la to help the east organize their own alii iini.e, said the western coalition is a way to link different people together in i way that extends iievond their immediate region "It s not enough to have a NAKAL to have a (Witinnal Or ganizatlrm fur Women) You have to have a diverse group." Webster said "II abortion is outlawed it is going to bo the ( ommunity that suffers, not just women's groups "It's not a woman's issue. It's a freedom issue Students for Choir e will hold their first meeting of the year Oct 1 at 5 p in in Century Room A Several pro-choice groups including NAKAI. and the ACl.l) of Oregon are spon soring a rally today at noon in the KMC Courtyard to oppose Clarence Thomas' nomination to the l; S Supreme Court 1 Back To The Future In Our b Electronics Dept, j SEE l S \ l THE KM A OE THE A I MS EI .(X)I‘.iy ONLY s429.95 TDK SA-90 AUDIO TAPE 1 NOW ONLY *1.79 FUJI T120 HQ VIDEO TAPE NOW ONLY TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE LOW PRICES! r Ofolhfr ] TYPEWRITER ... • 1 ... ;• \ • A, ' .•>-!«•; < ■■■!,•■' uj • #•••’. ; t ,• ' ■ i . ' ■ SALE 139.00 SONY PORTABLE DISCMAN / ONLY 179.95 x SONY WALKMAN SPEAKERS M . *..r-: -.(>#*11 cn«>< her SALE 179.95 Phonemate (Moot i >*■' ANSWERING MACHINE • .1 ; 'tr m<; • Remote turn * ■ • SALE 49.95 ( Northwestern Bell FAVORITE PHONE SALE 29.95 1 iQSnina( SALE 219.95 Mil l fiNIUM AA CHARGFR WITH 2 AA UAHS Rif S •• hW CM .>AA BP Reu 14 i‘i SALE 9.99 J i