COMMUNIST Continued from Page 3 cialisrn. which, he adds, may also not be los! "The theory has not failed, only the people implementing it," he said, adding that the idea of communism os "com munity-ism” is very much alive. Me said that the Soviet Union was only a socialist country In its economics hut not In its pol itics. "Stxdnlism is still in its ex perimental stage." ho said. "So cialism may not bo lost. People aren't going to give up the right to on apartment, the right to a job " Hemmlngson said ho hopes the Soviet government will not allow the system to become a disaster, ns It could turn Into a primitive capitalistic system where workers nre forced to work in sweat shops Additionally, if the Soviet government is able to "seize the reigns of government (like they've done here), then people will have n long, hard struggle to regain their rights " Hcmrnlngson sold the recent events in the Soviet Union have demoralized some mem bers of the Party in the United Stales, but the Party Is still drawing new members "I'm an optimist." he said, explaining ho has faith In peo ple's judgment to rocognl/.o the benefits of socialism "We have a lot of faith in people If you don't have faith In people you really wouldn’t moke a good Communist.” RESTAURANT 1775 U/**« 6th Eu|tM 484 6496 10% OFF DINNER & DIM SUM (not vuftd or»v arte*) coupon I lull U i-JH n AMERICAN MATTRESS MANUFACTURING RE BUILT MATTRESS SETS Price includes mattress and box springs Full 4 Twin Sets. Queen Size Sets. King Size Sets. New Inner Spring Sets Price includes mattress and box springs • TWIN size. Rt ; $259.SALE price S99 • FULL Size. Reg S319.SALE price S119 • QUEEN size. Reg $419.SALE price S189 • KING size. Reg $i ’ .SALE price S389 S69 S109 S179 FREE DELIVERY 4075 W. 11th 343-2690 Mon Fri 9 6 Saturday 9 5 Sunday 12 4 Hemmingson blames the (in mist: of the Communist Party in tht: Soviet Union in part on the leaders' neglect to Include the populace in decision-making and general mismanagement in tile country He also believes the U S and Soviet arms race was a contributing factor He said he believes the arms race was probubly the biggest culprit because it caused a lub ricated nuclear threat that kept tho Soviets in fear and from de manding a different form of government Moroovor. ho said, tho Amer icans are also Indirectly respon sible for tho failed Soviet sys tom because they contributed to tho arms raco by not ques tioning it. "The real enemies of social ism always knew Iho amis race was a fraud," ho sold. "(The political left and others) suck ered into tho notion that jobs were good a paycheck (to help build the military) was all that mattered.” "Wo wore making plans in 1