What’s your dream? li > |\' jun > >t a strop.; o ■!xil pn gram of s[xk e expansion" What do you do? Ixtr m\' I'a'shnun lo u;osh elass last year, i uir final alignment was to write a term pajvralxnit .t topu that interested us When 1 was vt Hi'-.; 1 was verv interested in the fiction halt t m tenee fk non \s I've grown older. that tntetvst lias shifted t.1 the scienee pan. s; , c setenee has Ixs omc sri \ important tome 1 tlnnk our spat i ny.ram is tixi often overkxiked lixlav's \\ ilitiial agendas aiv' h used on the enumnment, the o i >n< >mv, arul st vial issues a- ’ia-v should lx Hut I Ix'lieve tint the space pit gram should liav in u]ual prioriti, in fact I Ixdieve that thesjxiee program .m ,n uiallv help solve some of the prolnents of the program are looking at the issue ■ wioiig wav hvenone seems it'want t.' ;ust;!\ spar trau •. i! e itvh.n h n’li ai hirakthu mghs " at result fimu it, things \e Velernand leflon noastiek mating In mv t 'I'inion, then are a lit >st of other justifk atiotvs jastititatioixs that have to do with people and vultures rather than tedinologv hi "ispaee. Mirt hist me planet you don't see Ixaders or e> hi: es >r ixuindanes Viewing I;arth like this has alrcatIv made a proftxind cultural impact onourscx-ict\ My pajxT discusses the wraith of other i uimral Ivnefits spac e has to oiler m the nearfutuiv What are you most proud of? I".via vear, (he universitvy»i\v> .tit award (i> hornu thi* lx\st pa|vrs written in freshman Knglish 1 won one ot those'a wait Is !t >i mv j\ijxi. w hat h was tit In! \f\hi Iha < 7 und ( uiturul < inm th Ihe award she need me that Ican di > well even at a highlv onn|X‘titive s< hook Why Macintosh? I use the Maantosh fora lot ol tilings tor all !m\ willing ki! mv math and engineeringproblem sets, and even too>nnca t to the mamtrame o imputeison campus \\hen it comes top»i|X-rs, 1 use the Maetnti'sh tciwrite an outline Hint 1 sjxmkI a lot of time getting the intnxliu tion right S< unetimcs, it 11 >nlv have short t hunks ol tune todi > my wilting. III li x us on the ideas and : ot w< »»t\ ah nit tilings like want I choice I an come I vu k and tv lit tin >se tilings latci Ilu Mat mtosh lets me keen mv notes, tjtu italic uk and rescan h oigam/ed and m one place, whu It makes writing the pajx*r and c c im|xvsing the bihlic >gtnph\ much easier When it ct uues to printing. I usualk use a Liset pnntei Hie \pple IaserWritcr is great r ause it punts ot/u/i what \ou think it's going to Name :mham Sfwirt Major area of study Conjputer V urn v Year Snfif K >imn' Home-low n . (1 lumhiii Kniith Ciinthiui Soltw, tro • ! , . ■ ' . ■ • > . • 1 ■< inattifmhition • 1 AWwa/f nuilh ti\\if)ttrnet}i\ ymnlsha: muilysis "Somalav I d like ti > run my own prulnc ( design i oiMiltifig firm Hut I think the next stq - altei (iillege xx i!! be to xx< irk in a laigei on: pun. so 1 am get great experiem e" What do you do? Tm the an director o| Release magazine Release ls a weeklv entertainment l magazine alxitit concerts, events, movies, Lilavs, [ aim - ar. : :t-vt u.rants tl .it gtms X.t t !c o -i ,i lents 1 'll >oi am| t \ ITtsu allx, I'm lesjxjnsible tor every ,ls| ee 1 x\ it a ii i.r. , u'ine ! ■ )ks v, the jiage |{e Luo it, ti m i.ow illiMiati 1 w We < nils cave livedavs ' > put ti gethei \ '; issue 1 r ;aily get sti me. that have 1 <'t vntten on a M.u intosli with Mi( i \Wnntedon a Iii.om mu iiwgesettei We get i lunera-readv ait tlie i (%.s lay it goes ti i the printer ar. t we havenui ted magazines I iidav mi irning Jin in tin t* fi >r the weekend What are you most proud of? I'm must proud of (lit- improvements we se [nadc, in it.-nn.sol the wav the magazine lot>ks It's the tin >st i irative thing I do even week th.at I t an (joint to and vis I lev. I did this' Why Macintosh? Mat intush is iiu rcdihly e.iss to use A It it i it times we like ti i twp.u'n I out eupabilities say I want to do the head lines in a totally new was st > 1 get a new j itogram. 11 an use it light awa\ But il 1 wanted to ck > it on an IBM computer. 1 d have t<) learn the son million little, tun i hIt s. and learn I ( as toss i >rk using all tin >se IBM tn< k Mat intosh is so simple and straight It award - and at the same time. su< h a [xiwerful computer Macintosh t an run the Ix st pn »gram out there" Name tram hu nt Major area of study I’nxltu l Ik’siy n Year lit mar Hometown: I'aiilaml (Jttj'on Software • ' • ■ ■ f tii Hand, ■/», i < • ),/ ■; Lhan • !. , I'.i t U,,i- ’ ■ . • l>lii itu manipulation