Proper dress required means Convene All S'ar Oxfords Classy s'ytng timeless good loot s All-Star Converse on sale tor $24.99 (reg. $31.99) Proper Dress Required v^B Si r- -t 57 W. Broadway 6870139 and 957 Willamette St. 342 1789 t*r ) - *• Ox *• ' Mi' Expires 10/16/91 converse WELCOMf- (J Of O STUDENTS */-2 PRICE Student Offer f xpiresSept 51. 1991 Aerobics (f unk bench, high/low) ^ Universal Super Circuit ^ Jacuzzi, steam sauna Stairmasters ^ Lifecycles ^ TANNING ^ Adjacent to Jogging/Bicycle Trails Oregon West -fitness Best Hours mmm 7 Days a week 6am 11 pm 1 485 1624 UNIVERSITY Frohnmayer decision on hold Attorney General tends to comatose daughter By Came Dennett f morai'J Associate F ci'tor The question of whether Oregon Attorney Ceneral Dave Irohnmnyer will lie University’s next law s< hool dean is likely to remain unan swered lor .il least the next week or two The search committee completed its official task earlier this month when it recommended to University President Myles Brand that I rohnmaver he offered the position "It's ali in the hands of the president now." said lames Keinmuth, Dean of the College of Business Administration and head of the search committee "Our work is done, unless Mr Irohnmayer says no." He said l-Tohnmayor is not likely to make a decision right now because of the failing health of one of his daughters. Dave Prohnmnyer has said I am interested, and I'll get buck to you after I see to my fami ly.' " Keinmuth said The condition ol l-'rohnmaver's 12-year-old daughter. Katie, has deteriorated in the past leu days She slipped into a coma Sunday at l.ugene's Sacred Heart C.enerat Hospital, where she is listed in critical condition. Katie suffered a stroke Aug. ) It) Salt hake lily. Utah while visiting tin i ilv with her par ents She was transferred to Sacred Heart Aug. n when her condition was judged fit for trav el Katie suffers from Fanconi's anemia, a rare and often fatal bone marrow disease. The I ''roll minivers' extensive search for a compali hie donor for a marrow transplant has been un successful. "I expect that in a couple of weeks Mr I rohnmuyer and President Brand will sit down and discuss the question of the dean position, Keinmuth said President Brand is making no i ommenls at this time. Our hope is that if Mr. Frohnmayer accepts the position, that he will come on board in Jan uary or February, sometime around the begin ning of the year," Keinmuth said. "1 would hope hi: would accept, and I think he might, but he has a lot of other options to consider " Frohnmayer agreed to ire considered as a successor to current Dean Maurice Holland in a letter sent to the University Aug. 2‘) The next week, five of the 11 other candidates re moved themselves from contention. If Frohnmayer declines the University's of fer, the search committee will go buck to work to find a dean from the other candidates befori September ll)()2 Keinmuth said he expects that the five candidates will jump back into consideration. ETA MEEI'INC.S Pi Gamma Mu will nice! to night at (> in EMU Century Room A Call 4H4-4H19 for more information. A mn es t y orgu n i /.a 1 i onu I meeting will tiiki* pl ica tonight at 7 in EMU Codar Room I). Call 0H3 -4900 lor morn infor mation The Gamer's Society strate gic games group organizational mooting will take plant) tonight from (i to 11 in EMU Cedar Room E call 4H4-5609 for more informal ion earth of love will have u campus informational mooting to form a now student organiza tion tonight from 7 to 9 in EMU Cedar Room Cull 342-1410 for more information Unwanted Sexual Behavior Task Force will moot today from 17 30 to 1 til p m in the E M l It o a r d K oo m Call 340-1134 lor more information Sim ietv of Professional Jour nalists will have a business meeting today at 7 30 p m in 77 1 Allen All members are welcome Hung Kong Student Associa tion will meet tonight at 7 30 in 101 Cilbert Call 342-4B51 for more information. RALLIES Rally to oppose Supreme C'onrt nominee Clarence Thom as will lake plai e today at noon in the HMD courtyard. The ru 1 - ly is sponsored by Students for Choice. MISCHLLANL’OIJS Dating 101: The nature of Re lationships will he the topic of a disc ussion taking place to night from 7 to <) in the Carson Cold Room. Call 34G-1134 for more information. Bat Habits is the title of a new exhibit opening today at the University Museum ol Nat ural History, 1680 H 15th Ave. (across from the Bean dormi tory complex) The museum is open from noon to 5 p m. Wednesday through Sunday. Call 34G-3024 for more infor mation VOLUNTHKRS White Bird Clinic is offering its quarterly volunteer commu nity service training program. Sessions begin Oct 10. Credit can be arranged through the University and l.ane Communi ty College Call 342-H255 for more information. Ol’I’OR I'UNITIHS Bidding for the following companies will take place in 244 Hendricks Hall today: Ar thur Anderson and Company, IJ.S. Army Judge Advocate General's Corps and Statu Farm Insurance. Call the Career Plan ning and Placement Service at 346-3235 for more information. Career Planning and Place ment Service Orientation Ses sions will lake place today from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. 237 Hen dricks. Resume writing workshop will take place today from 2 to 3:30 p.m. in 100 Hendricks Sign up in advance at 241 Hen dricks. RELIGION Student mass will take place tonight at 9 at the Newman Center, 1850 Emerald St An ice cream social open to all will follow. Call 346-4468 for more information. United Methodist Fellowship Croup begins meeting tonight at 7 at the Wesley Foundation 1231) Kincaid St. (Next to the University Bookstore). Every one welcome for the program and brief worship. Call 346-4694 lor more information Deadline fur submitting l '■ a/s to the Emerald front desk, LSI l Suite .7DO. is noon the day be lore publit ation. lit als run the day of the event unless the event l,ikes place before noon I A cut above the rest.. I CARE’N FOR HAIR 5*1 1.13th AVI (UOINC. OR 97401 (503) 4*5-4433 OWEN 7 DAYS Wolff tanning available by appointment Haircuts ONLY s1000 : w/coupon Reg $13 00 and up ♦ Condition ♦ Shampoo < ♦ Haircut ♦ Blowdry Good thiough Oct 31. 1991 CHECK OUT CLUB WASH! LAUNDRY WITH FUN! mt; sckeen tv & music l OTS OF CLEAN MACHINES WITH NO WAIT VIDEO GAMES / DELI FANNING BEDS H 'S MORE THAN JUST YOUR I YI’ICAL LAUNDROMAT — ■T’S WORTH THE CHANGE! 595 t 131M Eugene 14? 1727 5531 Main Spnnglield 741 2224