Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 25, 1991, Page 12 and 13, Image 38

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“How will I use my
What do you do?
'Xhnng Papers Lab re; > res pcciert vtx> ;
Bam; spnadsiicet>
,• ..••>< jl d-r ■ »■< ■ • .*. . **.r
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_ \ .r • -v ra.'> u. assgr:.-r-.-; iir- .<c.g-dm.*-:
s; Teadsheets
project . ■ • ••■■■■.
f . . • • ' • -v. 'Ai ' .• : v vts 0X2 '.isuaiflatx :
‘ '• * • • •• . V '• ' /».»d. d ur • .♦*
".-w- . *•»- .r*• n .*<?': 'j* *•
.» 4' . »tU'.-rape 'nrx : r- * ,» -r ;
; fr-. {.{JJtiitX
'vs.x* .s; ii d'( .'•••• ai^MS r. . 4 • anah.211g •• nr: >r.a
• * * • ** *- ■ *' ' ' • ' .
r: v j > .: und
iTtv- vj(m- svJe> ’ rr: prest-nutr. :rcit i:v
- ; v h t ar.noutxm irvvJeo
■ ■ i ■ »m • • !f . »»»*-•* • »-•. .m.
• -4" ' . - • »; •
» ■ . • //s .7..; jru:
What's \( )ur majc >r?
H.in-a.'-j:ies . b-v-w Er.saitrr.ng
u'-'. . N.ietx'cs — DessT'and architecture
.Tf .v - ' .i . «*. . .* ,*7.VS
•’ / 'V,;- -.0 • ■ . . ,-.r
. • t * rt--,”: ^ .in ffitti’*;/u\ •• ;<j. : iV* .i.» a."' ;• :.f *ux*i
. * -y-r lv •. . :••• . • . ■»" *•’ .• • «; . ;• . •• * <.v» • »• . • . ; .*
... .'ki . - ... ,.r -I
What d() y(>u think \x>u mitjht bt* d( ling next \ car?
How alx)”ut the ye;ir after?
.. . ’ i ■ • •“ • •. • ,;r
' ./*• »•.' .»• .;'k. ir ...’ ^
Alx)ut h()\\ much m< )nc\‘ dc> \x )u ha\*e t() sjx^nd
on ac< jmputer?
lesf in J ’ .C i ' > ■ 5 •>
*>.• jiy.^ .r.'Ji •'_* •-.*«' ... »v
j I f •• .
' R? 'i % 'jL arvi Uv . rr- r, v v.> r • r
fr> «■» *„ .j-. Ihf tar.;-**-* «5^Eurx*.r v
Do you think you might w ant help in financing
your computer?
L. Ves _No
A a)mputer i> a substantial investment, ('boosing the right one is a complicated task, i
'Dial's because it's a decisic m that A made up c )f many, many smaller decisions: $
Sh( >uld y< )ii get J. a. (>r s megabytes of menu )iy? Should ye >u get a a )k >r me )nit( >r or \
m( )n< )chn >me? sh( mid \x )u get a A i-megabne hard disk. (m will \ou need a larger one?
All are impc)iiant questic ms and are s< imetimes ti >ugh t() answer.
T) make intelligent choices. v< ju'll need to determine w hat v< >u reallv need—
and then get the facts ab(>ut all the <)pti( ins yt m haw.
We've d( me a k it of the hard we irk for \x m by putting me ist of the informatic m vou
need in (me place: this page.
ItA a goal place t< > start. s< > let's Ivgin.
Chai esan d n -n rethai i • Ma ini sf that wi
meet vt >ur needs.
Tlie first thing y< >u should think aboiit is whether w >u
want a compact m<Kiel or a medular m< Kiel.
Our compact computers—die Maanu >sl s Classic and
‘•1 jcintos SI ■ • are smaller and have a 1 ilt-in
mi )nitor. If you want die classic "all-m-' >ne" Macintosh;
design, and you think you'll lx- d< ting primarily basic word
pr< Kessing. spreadsheets, page law>ut. and graphics, then
<me i >f the compac: Mndnti >sh c * miputem will pn)bablv suit
w tur needs just fine
Our mi xluUrci imputers -the .Macintosh If. Ilsi. I lei.
am: Utv -give y »u mtire features n(nv arid more flexibility
u i adapt yc>ur computer in the years tt> c< mie. If yc>u think
v< eir needs wili change a it it ever the next several vears.
then you”’. want to chcx>se a mt dinar Maanti »sh computer
Take a minute nc >w tt>glance < »ver the Macinti >sh
computers pictured on the right. Read the Best options,
alwa\s keeping in mind hi >\v you plan to use your
There s n< > rush to pick a sjxriflc mt del. But it's a
gcx d idea to start thinking about whether vtiu want iti buv a
compact mi del or a mt dular mi del. Dt ting that will make
thinking about the rest of the choices on this page easier.
Macintosh Classic
The Macmtoh Classic a in
most apfvncLtbie member of
me Macintosh (with, and it's
.f. excel*ent choiceprcollege
snidertis—whether \ou nans
:■ iio uxmipnxtssnc. create
■ "nviistwt' or connect to the
campus mainframe Its small
. mpaa .<a> means von can
< ■ tsth pe c :t up ami take t:
■>:c u hen ;* a mote or go
•> mean mviii
,-i > •
Kisfotr tty&ssw vr& V.**
What s the difference between a Macintosh Classic and a Macintosh SE/305
• ■ ■■ . ■
Wuw«r.v' iav.\
• ■
- 'wvw* * ■ 'wv* ■.
• can to
• St/ am run ■
Macintosh SE 30
The »'• V -■ . ukai
■ t suitcrjs ur*. need cam
•' V ■::
,,vm' .'.in l:s$milK>r
,i»:. <i7 iimi
. ■ ’d process^/}—ufh/ hxaux
nuxh u feucessn
:r;r:::t un'v .'tui’ui* kike
.«/• iViUKe fre '.irtua
n ’t’liiu’v ** '•.SJ7>? ~
, I.. ’ n:ntn< .• n u;>; j *«OH;
. huvn$ tyv,- nuynun
*» »Wi. »ki . »' . • ' ■' "w/"/.' t.xfws>-nsic *>
What’s the difference between a Macintosh S/30 and a ManntoshLC?
• • , ■ • ■ .V . . ■ ■ :: r
’’*■ f'h i\ »* m. 1 ,■« wir: 'era' '>M *’.’»«<' ■^'r>xm:h>
u ;•
* . . , ,
'» ,WWit .■
A Compact
▼ Modular
Macintosh LC
7\ MeKintowU.~i; mm
t’cf:’ Macintosh
\f4i un bit) It hits nuiit-m
'• •' •• ’’ .lA-n-n;
Atfit munit, >n ar>,*7
: ’hvtiio 'Ha
<iiw //, muuitba
mu •'j'n.v*. o \kai urn jilti
j .induce »<v- v>
u'-'t ItaLrjUi-\ou
Mk; .ik expansion card tr
i :«?. "HiW \*Atr computer
• ■ utitash
Macintosh 12-inch RGB Display
77w is our nos affordable color monitor h car
dispLn up to 16 ' milbon cor.-i smuiune. Kish
AppteCotorv High-Resolution RGB Monitor
Thti 1 yi'K • color monitor vts We sranriani m color
ipvphcsandpits mi momcrwictnxipi neuvtg
mir work than ou’ l--mch POP monitor
Slack and White
App*e Macintosh Portrait Display
.: ' ..’--ns < n . ••• .
v.vii '... »' i*Kif :.r ,v a: /'let
v tet- voH4
Dream Big
Appie Two-Page Mor>octirome Monitor
do I need?”
A me)nit( >r lets u >u see what \x >u' re wc irking c>n. There
are twe > maj( >r deeisi< ms to make ah >ut monm >iv
whether you want a >k ir or m< me dm >me < black and
white), and what size screen ve >u want.
Both decisions depend on what u mil be using
your computer to do.
If you plan to do primarily word prt cessing and
simple graphics, a small, me me chrome display can
meet vour needs, h >th the Macintosh Classic and the
Macintosh SE 30 come with a 9-inch t measured
diagonally i black-and-white monitor built in. The screen
measures about 5 inches from tc)p to h >tt( >m, and lets
you see the width of the common term paper.
Some people prefer a larger screen, to see me >re of
their work at once. It you’re one c>f those people, or if
you want to wc>rk with color, yc>u should k k)k at a
Macinn >sh IX. Ilsi. llci. c >r Iltx. because with these me dels
\ou am chaise from a vanetv of monitc >rs. Apple has five
memitors, pictured at left, that you should consider.
Five reasons to get a color monitor:
“What type of moni
Macintosh 12*inch Monochrome Display
' ■ '>uiCK<tniJ.. * vieTa< :*yn swt :&.i jrK:
tpapnC' /' our mas of- ,ruurkt m ,r::.\r
The Ma ini 6 is ne fth< m st «n{ atii It
computers you can buy—for o dege and beyond.
Itsserl >ri\e fl pp\ list In we lets \ . v.
a itl files reated 1 >\ \ : ir frien is ai 1: - >fe ss rs wl
Reading MS-DOS disks.
Working with MS-DOS files
. ; * f. \la:rr: K‘
Vjir** r. a „c: 4
Translating MS-DOS files.
to use :
. ? :■ .. - ’■ *- '.-.iL.'■!>!> -' o
Running MS-DOS applications.
' ci" - -> *TVirr> ■ j.- rri- . ■ r.
use M>Dub ": iters
And if \*i m want to do
m re than j ist w rk with
MS-DO> iik>. v >i; ■ an
a«. rnil!vget \\ air Maemt >h
to aa is the >ugh iA an
MS-I v n; iter.
' s ngs ftl Insignia
x / • s, \ . an run
MS-:. Os pmanns :r. a
Maciivadi.arah nan
even o ipy and pviste
miormaiion between
Ms-i >< K ;■pans and
Mann: ><h pn>gram>.
s ■ vi n am take u...
advantage * the best < »r
b itb. w< 'rids: Manna d.
and Ms-IX >S
What is a megabyte?
Gap* urr r> measured r. zaik ns
(/**>puter menrr* arv:
" itkjc art mci'jret: - '" to
A *>tc i' the arv k/t: - .•:
:'i ra'j'r '••*,■' urTcu?,-: uses
• <• nur 'jlt svnri -
; -u.'*
*. ' <V'’ * •• . *V • !Mtv
- -
ai » jr& tru* <cnx2i r. 7ir
•v-a-n "* -j'-ctMo
>*’”Kr>-o •■.•- rr,:uicr
::r rn.fi: mk.cr?aE>r r -x v*>
'At- 2 ■ jntt At>j the rrn n
merscaf ».•-> •' har. .r.» : r-Sjr
str r1 "’jf (. .».Tip».;trr --i*- the
m >rr w.rnatrjf>--^ifr»*ar;
;i. *. i -JLi XI .1X2 ftiev
A computer needs working space—a place to hold
information while it works. This space is called
random-access memory (RAM ), or memory for short.
Menu >r\ is measured in megatyles. To explain
a complex topic in 30 words or less: the more
menu>ry your computer has. the me>re applications
you can run at the same time, and the more infor
mation your computer can deal with at once. That is.
the more memory; the more you can do with your
Macintt >sh computer.
Ali Macintosh
computer* come
with at least
2 m&cifaUz of
quilt et’f 'usr&r
neeas i rx this
amount of
memory »ou '(i '>
Jr*t: rutl nM
Mac.':' v uorrf
•preau-jKx: arid
'xix awiuvtzami
ptmtvv pn/piVni
!■ v-u think \rjii 'L
'K lS>1< CQt'lpidX
program a jreqi tet: u. -
-jf /; )i.M fiCVl l- list:
monj ‘mntic'.- w
:- ‘rn ;-rjjram a: ■ *
xtme/.; * >>■—';' >u mtpo(
(ynader eqmppttrsi
\our \l.icmlQsh u :r
r>,v" - r,
/; wu'rvjfytBt'io .
'* .*
\khiW6t -r.r
j)Oh: <Uid
enqmetnn# j>ui
xicnlific won
*k\;> s
vaiisncai Jrki^K
nram p^ifec
cotor image-:
anr^v: >n or
.oWtri soiyv. .
nttpi nan
- fmui'r/te«- '
nwmr >n or nun
, MMR NPREf ~*~'j '
«r rr • • j. • v ’tsju •’**—j ••
$t< >rage • >n a > • >mputer i> similar t< * a file ■ ahiriei ii. v< »ard> >rm r> * >m: if'- where
you keep all v< or work i and (>hen y< >ur sunk H< »\\ much oge \\ »u need
leper. Is w much "tuifv. >u warn t< >o >re
l\piiail>' n me naru sok :n\e mode o • a .\lacm:>>v . v. .. st. >rtr me
ci imputers ■ >perating swtem <the a >re: »rc igrams thai < < mtn >i the internal
w irkings of the computer :«>nt>. software uppikati< -m. and thed<» ament>
v< )u create
v n •. rules f th iml rdprcxessing 1 ■ imer ts • length): apers
take jp the least amount of space. Graphics and spreadsheet files take up
ns Te sc; e Paint files such .o s. anned images and * >und tiles take up the
[greater am< >unt < >i space.
s /. hat’s uk raomlii n stora^
Get ^ much as yi. >u can; it's a luxurv
t worth haung.
andoweit ’*13. tpmk&nvt:- a-*; gmrnu.
-f ■ "wva'-.'.i • .j.-r;
n - .
-uSratVMi' read; it-- ■ • :*}r.
• r yu,’. ■\~r- i. •.
;'«r ’«• «. * ■<•■.".f.r :ii a
- *>nc..<:•
' . •• • . v. '• .. • -.
••• - ...•: ■«.
.. •' ii-., .• -i:.-. .■
• >■»•>: i/.T’.v xiiauntar,
• . . i ••.. -
» ' ..; w.... »:
carer:r ►>»::..*wan <jhS
. • • . • .• .
■.».. "Jr, -tc: r.
where cio i qo to act tn© it>©st o63i f
Jim by being a' ■ -liege student y« '-are entitled t< * so ll <tuden:
pri< ing«>n a Macinuish o >mputer and cither Apple pnxiueb.'
T * take advantage >r these so ll student pn< es. al! vou have
• lo is to f in hase \ ur n : iter fr n an a itf rize . h : •
tampu^ reseller.
Vn:\ >urs. It': e >t\i! Iv ii ► ate :u ms re r ampix
■.i ns 'uter,enter.<ir nght offcampus
'I'm : v : le there wil et\ . get \ lrhan Is na Nla int si
anstrvitr ry. Lip-el: They anal"--re >inrnens her things vmi
might want t 1 n al ngwith v irMa ii t si u S : e St < Win •• -
printer ■ «r Pen- >nai LaserWriter1' : rinter. a '-tanner a Ch-ROM :n\v
■r an external hard di>k drive, t • name a tew.
And :■ »r a limited time ■ *nlv. \; .u mi i >ave eve:. n u re >n an
Apple c •mputer when, y - iu buy it with an At >j ie printer. See
page 1 ;■ >r detain
Trie re ■: ie at y.- -ur reseller< 1 icaff >n may even 'he able i ■ he!;
y< a apply fi >r a m :• ■ inanee v -ur purchase.
They can ai><. answer anv < sher questicins you might have—
and. >f »urse. help v< a chc * 'xr the right Maonr xh for you.
Wat's the difference between a .Macintosh LC and a Macintosh list?
• Macintosh h no . • • < faster than th
Via :n."j-r U
• . nmy
Macintosh llsi
' .• u u»n:' nr: :r\ <j,/t <inaxi
•ttuun n-v.it/k r
-:r.v.’.'t'iicn- uiuiui
and or. ntectun
:«■ •'. *: -litTu WUt.nft’iV'
■ 7?W.'. m> huiit-m • uk>
:<//• rT . -,’ju am ojrmeci an
"kv:.!"' ui/hnut buying a
1 iie<j ami An tetpurjKjr: i/oi
d. ... .• ii to ikkt nt-u
>1 • .. -• • • • •- ' . £ *k
^That's the difference benwen a Macintosh list and a Macintosh llcv
. nr. xpiui'. k ran’rag than a
* '. : .r: Mki .< ' <3la!t .i
i . •. . ■ :* m r mi
Macintosh llci
'* Iktprutde
ah hu*' ptrfjmarK e
'-■a.:: :r ■: ,j,-, supffjrt
Miu ■■ pcituiar.ii:. uMe
u; m little desk «<&>.
. • Mi: timed miaufimasttr
&:>: it exceptional
’mrformance \ e-tJs h useful
■' -r eng.-neenr;:; architecture
'tuarkZt anddeam
mam u'< .m srunhedm
. implex uork The Ua can
out/ nm *ppk A’A
'/pertains eysern
. V. • W . ~.vv_ , » > '
- .. hfarzzs *i ~rw
Wha's the difference between a Macintosh Uci and a Macintosh Ilfx?
. # >./ • * * '
Macintosh Itfx
Toe MacinUjih lift our
. imputer i
•' , • ■' • ?ucirr.:: .
• r.t:’\ ”iaarv.mpr.^er
uku C‘pKiruiar:i:r. It
■ ■■■.: •: ViSu’uicipi nm
.1. ;> iphtlimited
■£■■> ’■ Mr. cuv,
tbi \ :--r V;r-.
• ■ • .•< . rvv. '