Deep in the archives of ttie I Iniversitv of Hologna in Italy the world’s < )!dest university—is a stack ()f'preei( >us ricxuments. Contained within them are the1 brilliant the njghtsand theories of elevenths eiitury s< liolars. In esseiK e. they’re pa|X‘rs alx nit >rv. mathematies, tho 11f/ * * 1 Me I \i \\’t * Agonized and lalxired over, written and rewritten, these (kx ument.s have pndound historical importance. Hiey arc [ )f( x )f | k >sit ivc t hat The Pa| x.*r I us I xzen t he 1 rane < )f <'(>llege life, practically fr<>m the loginning < >1 at ademk time. Hut we’ve learned a lot in the nine hundred warn ^ since. Here are some of the Ixast tips on how to get ™ your ideas down on pa|xar in a |x )lished, ^ 4 [ iresentaf )le f()rt n and gan ier 11 te great grat les v< >ur ideas deserve. ^ "For term papers and other complex assignments, you may want to use a program called HyperCard. It lets you create a set of electronic index cards. They work a lot like traditional 3-by-5 cards; the difference is that they stay in your Macintosh, which means you’ll never lose them. You can write and draw on these I use my Macintosh to help keep track ot alt the material I find about a topic, I keep quotes, facts, and opinions in a word processinq document I also include information about the source the material came from. As I’m writing, I can easily find quotes that support my arguments.” '>{.*** I.»l tfMMfcs to CW.tfiAir ' HMr • . • i v iJ *»'<• l-oml • tor b .t itfi ' .»r li t M«. • «>(WNt .r. nrt li If you d M»w to *M>r if ■ d i ' 3 ‘You don't need very much to get started. All you need is a Macintosh and a word processing program. All Macintosh word processing programs are easy to use. They come with built-in spelling checkers. Most of them even let you create footnotes automatically. And they let you use a variety of fonts, so your papers get noticed.” Graham Spencer, Sophomore • Of ////s'/. //"//"/ 1 11k- ml getting started is t< > get started I.xjx'il.sagin IX >n I pro I’.MinaK At the very least make sure vnu reudovei thetopn assignment well in atIvam e men if yt hi di wi t get a c haute ti i rest-art h or write until ih Ii later I et v >ur mitx I j« inderthetopu wIak hi iedoingotlter things As stxxi ns you have time, turn>w the K >pt< II ;< nigh them are emIk’ss vaneties sethe ’i 1 1 In the (ase < >1 the f< >rmei. it s vital that \ hi undeistand the '|uesti< xi posed m i r hi t an answer it (lira tl\ I x >n t hesitate u > g< > see v< nil [in>lesy »r il \ixidt m. t understand ix nen i < lanlkatuxi (retting to cIh « mV H ii' own l< ipit [xises the op|* NIC problem Vm ma\ understand vour topu hut vi xii pn ifessi »r might ,n< »t lake time to find an appn ipriate topu Some advice on selecting a topic: . i hoc** something that's relevant to youi course 11us LS not .1 free-for-all IVk ,1 topK that integrates tin material yt hi ve lieard in left lire with what y< hi \v leanxd outside of i lav1' • i •,h that s i:• u!>ie I hat is, make sure it's not ti * i turn )\s ot t< x > (dsn ire or to<) broad Vm six nml lx-able u> address the topic in the nunilxT i >f pages vixive ken assigned • Sde< t a it a >i< yt x.i're interested in Passit in ant I enthusiasm are the two nx>st imjx > ingrolients foi si h i ess 'lliey'li lead mu tolx-tu t [U|vrs Pick a t<>pi( that will six>w what yihi know, what ythi think alxHit, and what interests y< hi Klim tin mi!ho t I! \< ui tl< >n t, tesean h it like .1 itun:I lauver living u > Imikl a on u ui n try-ini’ it i assemble the relevant tarts, dates, m Kin es. and t jin Xcs that will make a (om|X*Iltng argument Some advice: • (ave - ;ivj | >!' • it\ ■ ■! (mu t< ■ ■ In 1 ">er gniit m uni es llte releunt tip here n ti > all' n\ ent nigh time it ulo a tin >n High n >1 > as mix It as five < ii' six houtN lot a slit ui pa|)ei. anti as much as filt\ hours foramajot tennpa|>ct • Man by (aerusingthe lilunry I tependingt>n the uipn , \p with conventional s< nines, though V hi may clu* iso to interview cx|X‘rtson the topic, Like .1 js ill, or look in less obviously related plai os ti) line! the fat ts (>nginal vvi >rk (iftcn comes In im d( iingonginal resran h • Be neat and stay < nganized. Y iu’11 want t<) lake notes. and leave a t tear "rescan h trail as v< >u go Be choosy Take notes on the most relevant and ini|x>rtant information And keep all ol v< >ur rescan I in one plat e yi inr computer. 3. /ts f An oigam/cd mint I pitxlui es otgani/t • i wilting |i»m*t vuur mind <, (mtline voui pa|X‘i ( i minu'v to wiiat m 'ii might think, there's no out right w.n toontlini-a i«|X’i lliereare.u tually main useful i Hit hi K‘ formats What '' mitst im|x mant is that w hi d< > wlutevei u m need to do to get voui thoughts in on ler some students create very detailed tnillmes. (itlieis write down onk the skeleton of then pa|x*i Whether \t hi choose the former methixl, the latter, or s1 a p,t|x-r the lntrtxlunn m iwliere you'll state \i nir thesis, or opinion alxHit the ti ipit i. i he Ixxh iwliere uni'll explain ami I mild a ease for voui uigument i, ami theeont liision iwliere vou II pull everything a igether and summaive v< mr aigument i Tips: • Stan1fonnt ilating voui tliest-s the main i >pink mi you haw, i >r the |x rsitu>n w hi II take alxmt the K>j>u 'Hit-re wall lx- plentv ol time to [X dish vi mr thesis later. Init vou should determine the Ixlsk argument you'll likt to make What s the point of youi pa|xr And why J I! ill ! iiU i illi'i J! t •' • Then k x>k ihn>ugh .ill the restart h yriti've d< >ne Thisisthepruil lorvour |U|xt see how [lietacts relate ami whiclujui nes and sour es help to siip| v >n youi argument You may want to create a new file on \i an 11 Miiputet that contains |usl the quotes and lads v< in'll use in \t)ur final pa|>er • Write an t lutline, being as detailet I as you think will lx.* useful You II want to break up the bul\ ot the : \i| vr into several sultsei lions that ileal with dilferent .isjx*i tsol thetopu ekIt suhseitumean buildvoui thesis statement lather wav you should dei ii le w hu lu|u< itesor fai ts to use, and w here thev II go. In vour outline, include the first lew lines ol the qu< >te, orthe name i »t the source or the |ierson whoviitl it lluit wav. when yihi liegin writing the [xqiei, you'll km >\\ whu h quities to paraphrase or j >hu e in vour final pa[xr I use a word processing program to outline my papers. I rarely complete a full outline for short papers, rather I'm more interested in formulating my main arguments and determining where I'll use quotes. Same word processing programs for example, If you’re up against a particularly long or complicated paper, you may want to use an outlining program. Symantec MORE, for instance, lets you create an outline, effortlessly arrange and rearrange points, and otherwise organize your thinking so you can produce the best writing possible." Vf. , • i M U) - < Kftl«it«a fi» f'aJWJ «. r» r*. «« »-«.»!»*»* -i *•* i « •«» «• • r* ' ■ . -u . outlining capabilities that make the process really easy." <