Whether you need to share a me wim a friend or connect to a network, Macintosh makes it e;i>\. You’ll find that Macintosh computers txrome even iru >re jx iwertul when \a hi ccinnect them t( nyther and use them to w(irk with other pe< >ple. "7 Macintosh lets you work with disks from different computers. Hverv Macintosh is equipped with an Apple su|kt! >nvc. a unique flopp\ disk tlnve that can read from and writi to not only Mating >sh tlisks. hut also Ms IX )S and OS '1 disks eieatul oil !RM and IBM . i mipatihle •1 unputt is i You can use software from other computers. Si >tt IX i frt )m Insignia Solutions alk iws vi m to run Ms I x js applk at ions m vuut Macintosh eonijniter You can even copy text and graphics fri mi an MS IX )S applic ation anil paste them into a Macintosh applk ation 19 You can connect to your school’s library. At many schools, vou 1 an use yi mi Macintosh and a modem to connect dim tlv to the library, and di 1 tilings such as browse through the card i atalog even when the library is (l( vsex I An independent study confirms that it’s the computer of choice. A rei cut study hv I )iagn< istit Kcseaii h Inc , an inde{X.'ndent research firm, asked computer users and MIS managers qxxiple win 1 are res|x msibk lor computers in Luge o >qx rations) to 11 aiipare Apple Mat inti>sb 11 imputeis with MS I <).s 1 omputeis running Mu 11 w >tt XX11 klows X () Hie chart to the right shows whii h computer system was rated highei in eai h area As vou • an sir, Mating ish is the t leai lavt mte It’s backed by a company that’s here to stay. It started with twi 1 guvs in a garage N< >w Apple (axnputer, Inc is a You can connect to information services. Computer information services. Midi is ( i nr-; ■! iserve Pii * ligv am t •\rn u .1 (inline, air onlv .1 phtu rit tu ket.s, make airline n-servatums, |< nn 1 in line ilisoi'xSH >ns. and more } | You can connect — l to your school’s mainframe or minicomputer. With Macintosh, you can send in assignments, gain across to softw are yi hi need tor a class, ami receive lecture notes, i lass sdiedules, and other information nglu Itomvoui i\vn n x >tn ) ) It’s a breeze to connect Macintosh — — toa network. Mr: am : A si—f sini; ■ »n:r .t M.h mti ish to a mlvo ik l iiM, um- .in inex| tensive U* a: l.i>. cable to . inine t ,;:i Mr iriii>sh n>.uii.thct .M.u tntobh So • lot the C.li-«’m-i h the \; 'i 1 imui .r.‘l xl'IoI the Apple lalk :u•:\\i ■! |:,i!11 : ■( in vi ui n.i::ic \ p mu - >1 ivlerentt (unn .in MS-IX )s i umputci m a netwi >ik tojuiir.s .it leant eight i (implicated Meps, including di'niasemhling vt mi . ompultT, mossing with 11 »stIv ni'twi h king t atils. ant I iRstallmg'•|xi uil netwoi king software r v y \Xin |t isis x ii M.u iniosh All Macintosh programs work in die same way If vi ui learn to drive one automobile, yi hi basic ally know how to drive them all. That’s Ixvause the most immrtant tunetk mis stalling, steering, aeeelerating, and braking File Seu» KN Upon... WO 1 lo\t> Will Sihii' :»S Sot1** IH... Rimut I In ShimmI I’nijt1 St’tup... (’mu' I’rei'HMi'... DintwII | .111'HOIK 111 nil \tllll, 111 \Nil\ in all automobiles. likewise, once you learn u) use inie Macintosh program, y»mve learned the basics ot then all. l;or example, the ciHiitnands you use, such as ()jxu Close, C(ipy, Paste, Save, Cut, Print, anil Cndi rare found in the same place every time. It’s been imitated, _,() but never duplicated. liv w<>ikitwith .m MS > s iinijUitn .inti then with .1 M.idnti ish, and you'll not nr an immediate ditinviK e The M.liUltOsh l-'l'.OKto ISO * lliat s preeiscly what drove Mu tost >ft ( < rqxiration to invent Windows V(Tfoi MslX)S 1 nnpultTS It was ail art. nipt make them easier to use in ••• likcNl.limtosh 1 oinputors • But here's tin' > ait h It V at 1 house to use Windows 1 m an MS 1X >S eoniputei, v i’ll 11ml 'a > install it in (uidiliov to MS-DOS V Hill fleed I'S nr |» wi 1 to mn it \nl vuull nml nit xv p.ttienee to figure out li> >vv everything works. let au.se programs that mn under Window-. lon't nnevunlv vv< ah in a a insistent way "Ihc N ati 'in Inn Windows. an : make an MS 1H is 1 anputri .ls easy to use as a Mat inti ish That's Ixx aiisc tin- tiunps that make a Mat int< ish easy M use art-built in from the mu inpnxessoi on up to tin•; ‘(KT.itmgsystem \nd the pn igrams that runlan Ini Mat int Ml from thr very lieginning \t Apple vve Ixlieve that liar tuse of use shouldn't lx an iftetilioughi it sis mkI U- .lt signed in hum tin - stair the whole idea liehind Manntrisli Because it’s 29 It’s great for: papers, statistical analysis, modeling, getting organized, ftyers, poetry, resumes. presentations, travel reservations, design, games, databases, business plans, invitations, number crunching, simulations, love letters, programming, lab reports, address lists, logos, banking, birthday cards, signs, scheduling classes, autobiographies, chain letters. personal finances, nillline HAJ U »IIU JOlljf wimmvnv ilun five biih. m There’s a Macintosh VT' i'iIk- . aa- m; iiiiikirsiiKuimi.il ^ ; for everyone—and :'ll fin> available (turn your autlion/al Apple campus resrllrt A / Macintosh prices are | :m . ; i -\) lower than ever. youi Ma. mtnsti now love Macintosh?