t: 11t’s easy to use. [ In rhc beginning, there was the o imputer. And it was confusing. Confusing t<) set up, etinfusing t< > learn, and confusing to use. So at Apple, we decided to make a new kind of computer—an easy-to-use computer. Before we designed it, we did extensive research on h< >w human Ix-ings think, learn, read, c< immunicate, rememlxT, and understand, as well as Ikiw they internet w ith technology and machines. We took what we learned and created Macintosh—the [xts< >nal computer designed to work the wav pe< >ple work. It was the w< >ii(I s first inluitiiv a>mputer. And it was <|uk kl\ reo igmzed as a maj< >r breakthrough in [xts< inal o imputing. 3 You don’t have to read computerese. I)o you recognize the images t<> the IcIM If mi. vihi r.m iiv: .1 Mai mtosli Hiat sbet any tlx images, i h in his yr hi see < hi a Ma< intc sli screen look and act like everytlay (ilrjois ythi already use lhe re|X»n yrmi write is npre sented fry an icon that looks like a r-|xhi Hk* file folder vou store your re|xrt in lus an k i hi that kx >ks like a file k 4der And the tnrsh t an von nr to dm iw away files lus an h i hi that k«>ks like a trash < an. You don’t have to be 1 a computer science major 1 to set it up. lltere ate jtLst thar simple steps to set up a Mat intifth 1 !*Iug in the kedx vird. m< >nnt h. mouse and |x iwer cord 1 Mipthe t hi switi h 3 f >> ips, sony nverels iX'step three Vnm already tkme Vixitkin'l have t hassle with formatting; iIk- lunl disk t >t installing the system software. Ixa auv it A 'lone toi you And \ou-don't ha\e to tell the > impute: what coni|x>nents six li as ponteis mixlerns. and ( I > K< )M drives aie Ixxiked up to the system. Ixs arise the Mat intosli km iws automalk allv r You don’t have to speak ) computerese. lijsrt'.ici < 41 r>iHH MS I k is minaixts Mith .is COPY! \V( )Rl )I’K< K ' J >KAITI x X \ WORK Matmlosh use's familiar wt nils that an- c.isv u > understand and use mh t ts( i>p\. Rave, and Print 6 You can give files any name you like. \ fill- rontamim; m Hes In >m vi an (lluu< al I’su In il i.;\ i lass should la named something like"(limit al Psvi la «l< Nt at s, ni;hl 'Ail! Mat inti >sh, vi hi t an name it |ust that In (umpansou MSI* >Sand Windows in systems limit youi tile names tony,hi 11 la rat tns Ion toy \ou to name vi mi tile v in elhing like "( ! IM N IN lluee i:" ills later, you'll lie wondenng what in the work! i Mill I la' in a t I.PSi N IN tile “7 It runs HyperCard. / I Ivjmit aril was imenied In a team i a si >lt waie engineers at A|)plr It s a irvi >luti< >nai\ [in (gram that lets \i hi stole, organize, anti piesent information in new anti laiier wavs O It keeps things up to date. ^ ' I lie publish and stil isi ilia It alines } ; Ip \ : keep lllli HlliatH H: Hi O ' a M.li 111! 'sll .Ip I dak In pn Aiding an autimint link la-iwtrn tit n umeiiLs \\ ith a lew i In Lsot the nn him you t an puNish' informant >n, sueli as a than v< Hike t reatetl wnli a spir.uLslK.vt program, .mu (hen 'sul^cnlx*’ to (he* mlornution from an< xhu tkx ument, mkIi .is .1 ivpwl vou'rr writing with .1 wortl pn x essing pn >gntm Whcnevvi v< >u make i hinges to therlutl in trie spretasneet, \< >111 repm is u|xLitnl, d»> antimutH .illv Q It’s got connections. / Ibomntt t .1 prinu t .1 modem, .in ext iunl disk, or Hist .ilxnit anv other |X*npheral to .1 \Ui mtosh, simple plug it in I1i.it s .ill their is nut 11 Inis week v< hi a- maj<>rini» in [>hil*rsophy next week it s mu lear Ithvsics. After all, no one knns < 1 students have t< uiiul that investing in a Macintosh is a sman mow. Because Macintosh can immediately help vou d< > whatever y< hi do I tetter. And if, “I bought my Macintosh in the summer of 1984 and I’m still using it to do just about everything—word processing, charts, spreadsheets, and games. I even take floppy disks from my Macintosh and work with the data on newer Macintosh models, such as the Classic, SE/30, or llsi. I've upgraded my Mac twice—once to add memory and once to install a double-sided floppy disk drive. Upgrad ing was easy and the transition was smooth. My programs and every thing else still worked. I was just able to do more." —Lisa de las Fuentes Senior, Human Biology conic tom<)i!'()\\;v< )ii hnct that mu want to do something lilFcrent. nt ) pn >blem. it’s easy t( » upgrade w >ur Macintosh to help u hi tise to the challenge. 1) It’s great for college ^ and beyond. I v ling v< >ur wt nk better. faster, ;uxi inoa‘ i reativelv is al.v i a plus in the w< irking vvi >rld and that’s prmsdy why Macintosh computers are used in "a j k_t( ent ol Fortune 1000 companies1 | 2 It’s what you’d expect 1 J from Apple. Apple consistentk prtxluces innovative to line ik igy that .sets industry standards Iliat s why the features that set Mac inti >sh a|un todav will probably lx.’ found on othet computeis tomorrow Well, [X‘t1ia[xs a lew rears from tonx >rn >w Whatever you dot you can use Macintosh to do it better. Ihi Kismets i il programs .ire av~ajlank* lot trit* M.h tninsh, lo i)d|) you take i hi anthropology, zoology, and even!lung in Iviwtrn * has«! or .1 Mirvv\ 11 muIucted hv (* 'mputci Iniclligcm r in February 1991 \r People love it for the same reasons Abhi does. “I don't read manuals—never have. But I use all the most popular programs. The menus for Macintosh programs are so similar, you just say to yourself, 'This one can’t be that different.’ If you make a mistake, you just use the Undo command and you’re right back where you started. And you don’t have to memorize any fancy commands, such as Control-F1 or Shift-F7. Use a Mac once and you can come back years later and use it again. It’s like riding a bike.” —Abhi Vakil Senior, Sociology 1 With Balloon l!c!|i'“ you can [xunt to amol>tcn i 'ii the smtn, .md .1 balloon will ap|x-ar that tells you what the "ii|( t is anil what it does Balloon I lelp lets new users loam f V This is a folder—a place to store related tiles Folders can contain tiles and other folders J the basics < >1 Macintosh quickly, and gives ex|x .rienml i isers a convenient way to cxplt xe m< ire advanced featutes