Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 25, 1991, Page 4 and 5, Image 31

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    What’s your dream?
'American prrxluct.s don't do as well inja|wn as they should I d like tolielp
American a mqurm-s ktx>me nn >re comiJeiitive."
What do you do?
"I'm using the Mai intosh and a pn tgrani railed l.( i W< >rd to translate lapanese
artic les mtu Hnglish for my advaix ed modern Japanese dass It ’s a great wav
toexjund mv knowledge < >( the Japanese language and fxxonx- familiar with
the tin iren mim< hi phrases and symbols 'Hie hard |wt was learning mere
than 2,(XXUliarai ten in the Japanese symk >!k alphakt
What are you most proud of?
"The fait that I’m able to write, in Japanese to friends m l.gran I write w >n is
out phi metkally, md then the software translates evemhmg into symk >ls
ft)i me, writing in l.qranese with' nit a M.n inti»sl) wi mid lx- mqiossible
Why Macintosh?
I've km able to find applk atn ms fi >r everything I want todi i’
(,ny Smith
M.ipr area ot study
(i/nitniti'i Si iriu c
A< hi fajxnt
? ?
Dream big
< i iinjuiitY. lufkiuM Inm'Jaliuti
tiiuijiivhU’ni vf'
A •: ' l)Jjrst1lltlf '<1 //rili ill
J k aments
. mmt
l>v rjjdmnuni'
What’s your dream?
Helena 'In go to mo In aj school Ami Ixyond that 'lb travel the world,
and hii|> |k o|)l<. in othei plaies
Malcolm I want to sum my own Ihimik-.ss a great, great company
What do you do?
We re thequii kest and im ist rosKifeitive way to get the word out
11 ic Ad Agency is a completely student run advertising agciny
We have 25 student employees ()ut i lleuts mi hide student groups,
university (lepanments, and olkampusbusinesses
Wv design ads, tlyeis, and promotions ()ur llyet dismbutit>n smiu
can get a message out to the wlw >k-campus, or pm|xmit a sjxnlit gn iup
We use Mai iinosh lor vinually everything ass<x lated with running
the business orating ads, di mig budgets, and keeping trai k ()l c\| smses
and pajxTwork even lot automatically sending out tmon es We do all
ol i mi ,u counting and general ledgei wi n k on the Mai intosh W'e keep a
datalase i if our clients that helps us keep tnu k ol all the w< >rk we've
done for them' _ ^
What are you most proud of?
"()ui'< Items really trust us And our profits are up
12-1 (KTicni from last vrai beyond that, we ted it’s
great that the agency offers a way foi students must
their business skills and then i rentive inelinatu ins'
Why Macintosh?
' W nt) .i Mat inti ish, orne vi >u've um-< 1 < me pn igram for .1 little while, vi m
can use am program Hnausethev all work the same w.i\ In a business
like ours, where there ate a li >t 1 if different students in the office, that
makes it a l<it e.LMer ti 1 train them
Hr most im|XMlant pan is that the Mai intush nevei gets in the vsa\
1 it what \ou want to do It we want ti 1 take names and addresses fn mi
our 1 lient database 1111 i\] aid and use them in another program
say, a wt >rd pn x ess< ir. so we 1 an seiu 11 ut let lei s it s easy Vie |iist i ops
the inti irmatu »n from one pit igram. and paste it into the otlter It we w.mt
tin leate a great ad t n draw a graplm . we just do it It's that easy
We coukln l run our business without it We ve already made plans
to bus another Mai inti ish'
/%o/i/e limlthislh'
Major area o( study
: i >i !w!aikl
• " hurt ,L:.i
,'lwn uilrs. xmltlmifi
• ■ J
The Percenlage of Seed* Germinated «i*. a f unction if
CorupnlrnHon and Tnmperatwre
• i 4.1.00 842102 6 4?l iU fl 42t v • f .
Wh.it s your dream f
" li i see :ls mam pl.tr its .is j y jssthlc
I'm intra■sutl in other cultures
S<imedav, I'll like to combine m\
Ixu kgruund in bn tlogv with my
bat kgtounil inanthn>|x>logv
and teac h about cultural healing
prac t ices and medic me
What do you do?
Mv i lasses at|i juv a It it ot waiting.
I use mv Mai mtosli fot everything
i compile notes on it I use it to
outline,'write, and edit [Kijkts and
lal) re|x>n.s I even keep a [lersonal
journal on it
I liave a lalxiratory < lass that
requires ik iing a lot ot statistu al
analyses My hand, an aailysis
takes up to half an hour Just to
doone But with a Macintosh.
II an do twenty of them within a
few minutes"
What are you most
proud of?
Proud may lie the wrung w< >rd
but I tee! really gtxxl alxrut the fat t
that I'm doing so much with the
Macintosh tin not a computer
.scientist, Init Macintosh makes me
fed like I am
Why Macintosh?
Tm ven tamiliai with other
n iinputeis And I've found that
Macinti isb ls tire most .stntight
ti >rw.ud and kigical It makes it
easy to do new things and expli ire
news directions"
What's you; dream?
I want to design sivtt es that have
gieat |x-im maiin
What do you do?
'()ur assignment fnrournustei >
thesis was to design a daiu e seh< x 4
We were given .1 list 1 4 [tie 1 licnt s
neats and a site annelv LuuLs. .t|x\!
hillside I wanted to design something
that was an expivssn 111 < >1 the use 1 4
S|U« e lot dan ers. and also something
that its|x xuled to the site
1 thought that the building should
Ix'designn l fnmi the inside out
that the inside was the 1111 ist ini|x mant
pan. and slumid inspire
I started In mi v rati h
lhe fust |xut ol the pn» ess was
to work with different vt ilurnes,
and ligure < >ut the ixst wav t<) take
aiKaniageot the site lhe ini|XHian(
thing was ti t sta\ i ijx'ii ti 1 diftereni
ideas and n< >t to get lex ked into one
solution lhe Mai intosli let me
expk >re a li it 14 different optii ms
1 dei ided there sin mid l x' three lu u
volumes the piei lornuni e sjiai e,
pm tn e xpai es, and (ilfiies and
1 lassn * mis
lhe next stage was to w\ >ik out
the llixir plan and to design the n»4
sha| x-s lhe 1 hallenge with iLinie
sjxii es is that the\ should lx-ven
simple Vou should |i 1st have (i mr walls,
with verv lew windows Ixmuse the\
i an lx' disuniting li > 1 reate something
unique vou need to wr irk verv hard
Ma< mtiisli let menmstanth
swiu h Ix'tvveen (wtHlimenslimal flixjr
plans and three dimensii mal niixleLs
W hen we were di me, we used the
Mai Hit' ish to write .1 n miplete JO page
[in '| >• isil f H our si ilutii hi, iix luding
[is I lineal s| xs s
) a a u :i u u u 0
What are you most proud off?
When vt m start designing .it mill linn. v< ni stan
with televis about how the butkling will leel.
not how it will look 'lheluidest pan is giving
sluijv to a levinigor tin x kI I think this jm )|o i
auomplishes tluit well
Why Macintosh?
I'd newt use-(I a Ma< tiitosh Ut» >re this
pi'oje'i t And we used It lot everything
Wronh had.seve ntee n weeks lot the
pn )|o t, so I didn't haw huh h time a> learn
alxiiit theeomputer. It was a little haul at fust,
Inti I pie keel it up reallyejuicklv
I k'stgn is ,t u-i \ lue k ancl-ft >nh pnx ess
Achi do something, '.on lex )k at it, and then
uin dn kIt* whal lodo lo il V hi always Mart
with a vi.sKhi. Imi vt hi need a > wi >ik il all <ml
Iks Ik ha you lullin' il tmi and what the dei.uls
arc. (lull makes (he dilleivm e
I hr Mai inlush Iris you visuali/r in [hire
diiiii'iisKms(|tiu k!\ II you |iisl waul to see <me
| ns| k-i live, it's Mill si imctimrs I.Lslri lotlo il
In I land Bui if you want li > see mam | hi s| k i
lives, or see many ideas, it's mm li Ix'tln li i use
a Mai intosli li helps u hi in moieoplii ms in
llir earlv slaves, when you i an have I he bii;geM
etln l (hi a building
Willi Mariniosh, Irould walk ihiough
my building
It's (hr i loses! thing lo building n.
Mali Jill U rhh
A’i Jk \ al )u
M,i|or area ol study
Mill, Jm (JuMlthttltvl:ii>!:• \
Rclw ui AM llislnivl'iviml
Mill Jill ImiHU
Rclwiil ImiHU
Mai • Jin liiyti Mau i, I'iWiwhui. ,i
A’lixMii San < uiins California
• \/i, ii ii'(! U iij, , 'iii\ . ,iiJ. ,
• , ’ /•! II' ■ I II VI
• ■ ■ , .
•Aldus Pa '1 ‘i 1 f}«
ad dcsiyii
•Anluhiim h) ■ •
linn1 ihmi-iisiniuil mmh'liny
•Ail”!* riii-h.-lii'j' i iinl
I>linli’imi[ili\ ul si it's mill ilmn any
o/ hmhltiws
• Il.im 1‘n. Mint r /sii •
foi jmift,-ills
• i/k'iMa
Tii hnnhh-[\ yjitfhh *
Man St'huis
M.i|or area of study
,-l/i Inin tun1
Minh'i s l‘n>)>nim
S< limi! nj An hiln lini'
lini.sscls. lit'h’ium
o a u a a
fc~ lot [
.I’1. I )