FAST FAST FAST FAST INTRODUCING 1 HR. FILM DEI/ELOPINQ AT THE UO BOOKSTORE Everything is FAST these food, fast cars. So why wait for your pictures to come back from a simv photo lab? Our photo experts will process your film in 1 hour using the Kodak Colorwatch system for guaranteed quality. You'll get hig 4” prints on Kodak paper, with FAST service, just the way you like it! FAST SAVINGS SAVE WITH THIS COL PON! r 1 HOUR LAB COUPON i i-1 OFF u Exposure OFF 36 Exposure Valid ihnxi^ti KV31/V1 Color print film, 4” prints (35mm only). Not vitiitl willi any ntiu offer. IVat [ursari cou|>oii. I I J L M-F 7:30-6 SAT 10-6 SPECIAL ^O 30 9pm M°NS«PJ:224 7 .30-9^ TUES fe2'M7:30-7p«n WED Sep' 346-4331