?10 HELP WANTED EARLY Dally Emarald morning dalivary p«rton nsadad ASAP tor DAILY distribution lasting spproxi mataly 1-2 hours You must havs your own transportation, proof of insurarvca and alarm clock Rain, slaat or an aarty morning tast can’t kaap you from this routs that bsgins about 6 45 am - tha papar must gat out So, if you would hkt to hava a job that is fintshad whila avaryona aisa is just gatting startad, coma up to tha Emar aid, room 300, Erb Mamortal Union, or call 346-5511 Starts at |4 75 hour plus milaaga raim bursamant EOE EARN MONf Y Hooding books* %30.000/r wast Ha:a o' !ho«n oantar Cat' 683 9430 wit tail you txjw to heap younuu? and cXham {ipanancad I lac Same* Tach*»o*n Jot) raqu*»m«nts tncUxUt t) IWtpa'ing and caMxaLng oMetronr: ,inj mx to machanical mjuipmorrt ithrs »m tud*« I'oubk* shooting analog arxt d«g;?aj ar culry to trn* componant tovoi) ?) Con strutting on« o« a kind scientific msfru merits 3) Modifying ***■•.mg equip merit *) MdintAining printers and p#k %onai oompuleni 15 ?0 hrs ‘awi* 1/ 00-tv Must bo a lJO or ICC stu dent If martrMed contact Davti lUumbkry tnstrt.ita <>l NtHinju « <* I ram a shop t«j«t nr*) pan lima porw i KKft op«»n to# tramef40o^jgn*x M#nd rov./me and rw» ktfter to 1*0 Bo* t 39/ E ogena 9/440 Graat part lima «-i'm* position Demonstrate MM toudsprutker »n ret.tr; anwonment 1 2 weekends per month No eipertenue r»Ktrs\nry lper hour • bonus (house fA'I Camaron u*w*i (206) 93/ 8295 or msg tr«M‘t u*;i •• OH ‘1/401 210 HELP WAITED SUCCtSS WITHOUT TH£ HARD Sf 11 B*(g »noom« taiv-,c»ng Mkto D«< at% !ixtwi Cmi\ Jacq *» I Mwru (W Artv vx '.oaay al f*»f, 044 / F'amity wrth ttvao *ctoo< Ch»tcJ*on «.«*# vo n Hanny *y bator* and a*®? vr^oo* iioft smoAar, own cat fioom & &oA^T m oiffwingo for 3 4 houHi p<*' day ♦ pOMa* mVJ'ona ^«t»s! sjta ry Ca ‘ 344 1893 _ _ r~ Now accepting applications for RIM football, volleyball, and soccer officials. Pay range $4 75-S6.00 hr. Pre vious experience desired but not required. Training sessions provided Apply at 103 Gerlinger or call 346-4113. Oitstda !«*•• f KM gromrmg mertu*»r>g ft'm r«pfMinting f trationm kx>fc*ng tor Outgoing cirwgtioc people tot utio o' lemoon A evening hours $15-$30*v. *** guaraniimi 1 800 Xn 7559 Part-time, f.. feme potions evarur.** a! retail turn bar yeard Apply m pen. on a: -«*rvo n Save f^ywroort IWy 99 A IW# n« f ugantt Pin lirni Auto-CAD po'.vton in If.v'.portal*Ort nr-g»ne«r - -g firm t * [M**h*'h'» and graphic Oufcign *> . * fir** pi ;S S4>*ttCtlOO bu^ns Septum bur .1: 1991 Send o< bnng resume if) JRH Transportation Engineering a fin CM Fkn )t7* peart S TOO. I OR. 9/401 Pereonel c«»* A»»i»i*nt Ratpon ».ib*e person lo spond lime w th young man *n l yonu with multiple drsafxt'l«o* Pari lime 10 15 hours »w»‘Y |5 50 'h<> >' Kn’» y 91S 8T < H Volunt#*r Tour Giadaa lor Doms fUncfi living History farm WiM»*u.lays and Weekend* W 4335 WORK STUDY 210 HELP WAITED £ARN MONtV MiwrVvg pooka lYO.OOQyr mcom# pot#nf4l Dot Art* (1) 805 90? SO00 l »t Y OM? WANTED: CREW COACH Man a and Woman a Vararty Craw tram* at Daitar Fiaaarvolr and com paiaa with Waat Coaal School! For mora rnlormation contact Sandy Vaughn at Ck*> Sporla. 146 3733 Warght room at#»arvi»or Waight training knowtadga faquir ad WiH tram Wort study raqutrad Contact Man a 146-4113 or HIM oflica 17 50 hour [.) R»wt>*wc3 l#m*i# nawds ho^por* ov#f brunch and dmo«*r Mo#r t K) 4M 5423 a “or 2 10 ?i5 WORK STUOY Naad ha Ip n puty ofta Work on Unrvorvty C*l#nrtar ol «vw por kxm o*V» work Mk n.!o*h u» porayxa orrsirabte Must bo work^tudy (}. ?*9 Johnson Ma Mow hiring wort smutty qua‘ !«d Vu d#nt% as ol&ca assistant* to fyp# k>«* #nd gerwnl o^*c» dui**s $5 50 par hour Opponuni'y to team computer wonj proOBt&ng Mutts P'avioo* oM*l» utpor>4Kx» cto&aabte F*««J aom# (not «) or thus# hour* 12 to 5pm MtNVThF F «u out apple*ton «? 320 Chapman Ma .*^ro ktneu »6 2514 Publicationa Aaaiatant Doan cjt Slu da' t Oflica W'Hing *«Ur>g gw-'**»#J Olka d .• **• Ottmon*trMt«jd writing a I ‘y Mi* ntosh «*p*m**ocm rwqu^od Cal' .Jason, 6 11M WOMEN S CENTER Adrwrntralva An turn Aaf! of Woman t Iteaou*,** A Hater r# Sufi d Sate >«*» •V 'w^ r ’ran«*or CoOteCtc* Closing 5pm Sap t am bar 27th App.i ai»oo ava-utbiu tn ’*•*« Woman'* Cw 'ii/ I MU Suit# 3 ASUO OB*« iMIl Sul# 4 AA1 >( _Ww a'SQ wa"! vpt'.innMKs W0«K STUDY POSITION AVAILABLE. Math rtf<5 { ■ „ sh tutor* nuedod Vy Upward Bound Program 4 i? hour* por I waning* and Saturday Fhyyta 346 3501 WORK STUDY SAEERIDE NEEDS YOU Now Hiring lor Academic Year '91-92 3 Dispatchers: 12 to 15 hours (x*r week Lvening shifts Work Study only please. I Administrative Assistant: I 5 to 20 hours per week Work Study only please. lor more information and an application, come by Suite 3, I MU, Women’s Center, or call 346-4239. Application deadline is Friday, Sept. 27th, 5 p.m. Ptojtt t Saf**f idr i% an rquJtl opportunity, affirmativr m lion employer ??o HOUSES FOR RENT BIG HOUSE 1 Htccfc F rom C am pua 61 bedroom. 4 bath Over 3500 aqua's km*. corrp«e5**y n» ' or ? tanng ww •log* ktoJmn end d'-w>g /oo^" Un»urnt*h«J %'f683 9104 M’VKIMfNf Ml NTI\(i? L •! (Hi* t>* you* gutda’ CLOSE TO CAMPUS 169? Orchard Si 5 tx)rm. ? b*?h house wh»eh * f» GOmp**nry remod«N*d & Umd%c*ped b> the beginning o’ v *xx». $t?50 Call 141-6000 FURNISHED 490 E 14th 3 bedrooms. 1 baths, p*ua study t>'ep.«v» gamge weefhenied utility room S V5 2960 Ot IV E 2 bedroorr* , lam-*y room for third bedroom) Av*» aW* Oa 7lh $ 'SO UNFURNISHED 1619 l AMAZON ? bedrooms g«r4ig« $550 3942 PAM 3 bed'oom*. 1 baths. appi.aneiw. ♦'<«p>ac» Vyvttd ganige $615 1455 POTTER 3 bod'oomv t»»'x *«’. ganigu. pm*o V-30 1250 SUNNY DRIVE fiver Rd 3 txidrooms eood floors. #%mVw!ikt r>o< tub $ ’95 No P*K*. Show* by Appoint rr*#ri j^iyg .i'.*. A*v'vOO«!o*- 345 WoM 10th _ f4». • • 3Q ??5 APTS DUPLEXES A l ARGE. CLEAN. QUIET ;> *■*•- t t>* U O* O Ava a&iu r>o* I b*g * v non. DW«;Sp. t)«g cios o". cu’p**! ' icX& ol par* >r, ..i Trtry •» 'x}«c> 603 6919 ', Bl OCK F ROM CAMPUS N<« wygu ? txl*rr, apt 1* ■ 344 4 *6C 683 4905 Ca84 * FURNISHED * 2 BEDROOM - $560 Wack from campus Very spacious i 4«n. with carport. laundry sundae* & appliance* Ca« now. 345 4067 1 BLOCKTO C AMPUS' 2 Bedroom Apt Beaulifuky remodeled with appi. ftncm. pa'k.ng. furnished opf*ona and a greal locator 1452 and 1456 l l»hl52O$550 Can 343 6000 1 BLOCK TO CAMPUS lg 1 bdrm apt a V7 blk from UO in vary clean quiet compte* Big krtch an w center iaiand, aaparata vani ty t>ath. 6' walk-in cloaat. fully furn, fraa covarad parking Taking raaer v at ion a for tall Larry, 484-4103 NO UTILITY BILLS $445 maudea her* e*»c!ncf?y and caPto On site laundry, parking and iwira s'oniQO Ftevatoc for your onvw.*efx* SHORT WAt K TO AMPUS Eugarva Manor, 1040 1 050 F arry 484 744’ STUDIO-1265 765 f i»: 18th St 485 699* ONF BEDROOM 1187 West 8i^ 1280 1668 Farry Laundry 1340 TWO Bf DROOM 1150 West 11 th 1550 THREE BL DROOM DUPLEX 1662 Kincaid Low >«ive 1690 ROOMS 2140 Hama* Includaa utllitwa and kitchen u»e $115 * Non am ok art onfy No pat a Shown by appomtmant SPYGl ASS ASSOCIATES 686-1130 Roomy two bad room apartmant, 1?lh A Patterson. No pata 1500. 484 1057 2 Bedroom - $375 10 t»ocka to campus Very large and clean l rwise No pets Unfurnished 2045 Witlametio fiB3 9104 Small 2 bdrrn turntsr>ed up: near Muuc Bog 1370 Reference* Call after 2PM Ridgewood Apts 688 5769 Spa clou a Studio condo garden ting. 9 months tease 133Vmonth 1250 returnable deposit 599 Coburg FkJ 344 07 77 Studio, ona and two bedroom apartmanta Poof laundry faclllties waatheriied Ftva building a, 15th A Hityard location 484 9922 ?35 APTS DUPLEXES Sublease now' On® bedroom apt k> $44 5 UM and cabm incH^Hid Cow to campus Cal! 683 8014 tor mof rnlo THE COLLEGIAN 1810 AW«*r now noising Upscale student housing m c.mea1* 343 1 255| UNIVERSITY MANOR SOUTH RE NT NOW FOR FALL! * CLOSE TO CAMPUS * PARKING a ON-SITE LAUNDRY 2 ♦ bedrooms $575 3 bedrooms from $685 Cali 683-0729 NOW' Jenmnge ♦ Co . 683-4219 U of O. E 16th. #4 Two bedroom. fur nishod Now carpet pa>nt $525 lease Dnvo by and cai* 688 2107 WALKING DISTANCE TO CAMPUS a ALDERWOOD MANOR A I860 1 884 Ader 2 bedroom unrts sbi* available1 2 bedrooms. $595 Cali Don at 344 5695 Jennings ♦ Co_ 683-421S $100.00 MOVE-IN BONUS! CHANTILLY APARTMENTS 1247 W 8th #2 ’ Bedrooms from $305 2 Bedroom F lat $365 POOt PARKING LAUNDRY Call Nmo 344 5583 Jenmngs ♦ Co. _ 683-4219 $150 MOVE-IN BONUS 1 bdrm, large and clean 1085 Patterson $335 1210 VtUard $3 75 630 E 14lh $395 2 bdrm 500 E 18th $530 888 1 ittlh $610 (furnished) Von Kurin Property Mgmt 570 I (TWMVKW 485 7776 1255 Mill. large. dean dassy 2 bedroom. carpeted. dishwasher. QuaMy furnilure pnvate patio. free cable TV, walk lo school but coverud parking for lhat speaal Voikswag on' Resident Manager #2 343 5867 Keys!one Real Estate 746-140? 2 bdrm turn, dean, quiet DAV, dispos al. ieiundry covered parking. $49S/mo 1200 Ferry 343 3318 1 BEDROOMS Very clean* 2 blocks to campus, off street parking avail $355/month WHJ go fast* Ballco 345-2255 1 bedroom apartment MaJf block from center of campus. new carpeting, park >ng $3/5 687 0821 or eves, 485 7876 1 bedroom • $345 10 Wockj lo campus Unfum l ease No pets 2045 Willamette 683 9104 Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson 1 was WW SC>\Hl-0«rt a^o icw can cm Pm W\H( OS V 'VCVI WAW f ■ UUVNW.S k Atum WM' Nki >'* tVi 7 oa h\v pvax Houa now W\ ft TV* HKN-WKRI'l’lKUnft win. m 1UV ft 81 VAN ft *< j JNS HftOftS «wmw*, fttfANC I *K0 MOV) VAN ft CA» BRA.TW AND iSfWYlX, AID IN A Omvah a troy tt*7 tu ikK TO H\JK UTMB TMM >m' in off to wu siwrr DCKT **« OP >?e nwohHW I *NI \ I RSI I > or ()Hf (.ON t 1».» ml a " Caring is essential. C.A.R.E. Class has openings. If you are concerned about your community, join us for a seminar on creating a rape free environ ment. Course Number EPDM 40^ TLN 7136 Time 3 JC-5.S0 p.m Thursdays Location ED 155 Credits: 03, P/NH Sign up at 3M iVgon Hal! Ft* mote m formation contact 346 3103 Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU * hri£ P.P., IJU5T THINK W v 1 y, Uf ilW TO S1AKTOJP 1 CWPlSHtPAU GVf-R AGAIN. Uf MKPn PFABlf TP PUT SOMF OK THE / TWNPTHINPUP. / YMH. 007 HU MTINOAMN-’ WK I I'D HU HU.. ; PJPIOJLOU51 iX4>; okay, vu-Dorr Boopye. HJOUUPYW UKS 7060 70P7MH&Z IAXTHML* / OH, THANK TVLIBB.BUT v/Bahow l'MAUXACY 1 WHAT? peALwrrurr. NO one SAP nncuu> \ „ ^GUITAR-STRINGS ■ 50% OFF ! OUR LIST PRICE COUPON EXPIRES OCT 30.1 W1 1 Music city I 210 E. J7tt) (AT PEARL) EUGENE { RECYCLE rms PAPER.