LET THE ARMY RESERVE PAY YOUR STUDENT LOAN. \ ru .ul)> Army Keser\e unit needs bright people to train m certain -p«•« lali/ed skillv In return, were willing to help pay oft a qualified student loan up to $20,000. You could also qualify tor another SlfMXMJfor relieve expenses - all for pan time service, usually one weekend a month plus two weeks' \nnual Irammy’ Think about it. Then think about us. Then call. 1-800-USA-ARMY K ALL TOU CAM K. ARMY RESERVE School arsonist strikes again PORTLAND (AIM lor the third school d.iv in ii row Tuosduv. arson fires disrupted classes at Jefferson High School, officials said School ofTic mis cam eled classes for the day Tuesday and said they have started a fire watch to try to catch the i ulprit Small fires were set on the north Portland irnpus Friday, Monday and twice again Tiles day Theron (Hover, a battalion chief with tin Portland Fire Bureau, said Tuesday's fires were similar to the others None of the fires caused substantial damage or Injuries Jim Voight. spokesman for the Portland School District, s.iid that in addition to Tues day's (ires two bomb threats were telephoned m by adults No explosive devil es were found ll it gets lit in the right place, it may not get discovered lor .1 good long time,” said Boh Sherwin. another district spokesman ’We're not only looking at a loss of property but a po lential threat to the lives of the children and the stall out there ” Gusts spreading Hood blaze LSTACADA (AIM More than 200 B re fight rrs were battling an HS in re fire in the Mount Hood National forest Tuesday evening. The fire, in the Wash Creek drainage south east cl [.star ada. was reported early Tuesday morning, forest spokeswoman Marcia Sinclair sard firefighters were on the scene by noon, hut wind gusts helped spread the fire into an area of old-growth forest, Sinclair said The old growth contains more fuel for the fire and is more difficult for crows to work in, Sinclair said She said firelighters were uncertain when the fire will !>e contained. It depends, we've got steep terrain and strong winds,” Sinclair said l ire cause of the lire is under investigation. Greenpeace protesting pipeline PORT ANCF'U.S. Wash (AIM Greenpeace ■members have renewed their fight against 11 proposed oil port and pipeline with a display of the group's flagship, the Rainbow Warrior The sailboat was on display for tours Mon day .it the City Pier to boost opposition to the plan being pushed by Trans Mountain Pipe Line (.0 Ltd of Canada The proposal calls for on offshore oil termi nal west of Port Angeles and construction of a pipeline from there to four refineries, two near Anar rirles and two north of Bellingham Other opponents include No OilPortl, Citi /en.s lor l ull evaluation, Washington environ mental Council, American Oceans Campaign. Quileute and Lower Flwha (Clallam Indian tribes and Friends of Boundary Bay, a Canadi an group. Four Trans Mountain supporters in a small power front carried signs saying "Clallam County needs jobs” and ''Greenpeace Go Home" Here, gator, gator... SF.Ym.e (AIM Yoo hoo. Anybody seen a 1,000 pound alligator running around lately? If so. i all the Pacific Science Center, which is offering a $400 reward for return of the four fool-long reptile. Bruce Underwood said the ’gator was last seen about 1 10 a m I’DT Saturday in a tempo rary cage, part of a reptile display It was dis coverer) missing at 10:10 am, a police report said. Underwood said r enter staffers looked ev erywhere, including underground tunnels, without slier ess Theft is nut suspected because no alarms were tripped, but officials at the Amtrak pas senger train station. Sualtle-Tacoma Interna tional Airport and other passenger terminals were warned to watch for a potential alligator thief, he added. The beast was obtained for the show from a private collector and may have been looking for a place to hibernate, center officials said The police report said the alligator is "not particularly dangerous, since it’s used to hu mans " [ ► [J CLASSES “MARS ^ PLASTIC” _jQH -ijOP , vvrn ! t / VINYL EHASEH • R! ■ ,i .. At' .1 i ‘ .t Reg.70c Sale^^fc ^irjiamr ' - 5>SW EITHER -top c I IUK Mlljl-ILIbmtH I 5 ASSORTED COLORS Reg. 98* Sale 67° ERASING MACHINE •MAR* EU ER ERASING Mi. nine ' • !! M f - . $4 000 Reg.*6595 Sale 49 “P05” MECHANICAL PENCIL BENIGHT COLORS • 5mm Reg.11 29 1 MARS CORDLESS RECHARGEABLE ERASING MACHINE WITH RECHARGEABLE STAND • 30 WATT MOTOR (-S27-01I nrn/Mi rciiuic onMnrc.nc.no /4. SSS PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU UV&91 • CANN6TER SINGLE HOtE (.511631 $ J| Reg.*2” Sale I Reg.*19' Sale 1 85 30 5>smeotler TECHNICAL PEN SETS STAINLESS STEEL SETS FOR USE ON PAPER & VELLUM ONLY 4 PEN SET • 700 S4 Reg.s65°° Sale 7 PEN SET • 700 S7 Reg.*1 00°° Sale JEWEL SET K*> JS£ OH <•»*- vEuuM i V-.A= ’WNST-tt.' V Reg.*185°° 'Sa,e$64°° F\ S)SCQEDTLER MARS QUICK BOW COMPASS %200i * - Reg.#20,B Sale$ 1 3 “GEOMASTER” COMPASS STRAIGHT LEG COMPASS (*556-00) $575 Reg.$83SSale 13TH & KINCAID 346-4331 M-F 7:30-6 SAT 10-6