WOMEN Continued from Page 5 The only program at the Women's Center that isn't [re funded. the Women's Diversity group, receives $4,000 and a S175 a month director stipend from tho ASUO. A new service, Women's Di versity. was created this year to promoto grontor involvement at tho center among women from different ethnic and cultural groups Tho Women’s Tnsk Force provided similar services last year, hut disbanded after women of color complained that thoir voicos weron'l being heard Program loader Zoonab John son-Fowlk said she has few set ideas of what she would like to do and Instead will rely heavily on student suggestions. “I'm really concerned about outreach to all women doing things together,” she said. Once sho gets volunteers for the program, she said she ex pects the women will talk about such diverse topics as racism, career planning and leadership skill. What she won't do is put any limits on what the group will do. "You can't really put wom en into a category,” Johnson Fowlk suid. " You want to go to different concerns and issues ” Getting women from different ethnic groups to participate is the key, she said. “As an Afri can-American woman. I don't know what European-Amerioan women go through.” The fourth women's group headquartered at the Women’s Center is Saforide, an evening shuttle service for women Cre ated to give women a safe alter native to walking alone at night and risking a possible attack, Saferido provides both on and off-campus routes. Most loaders of the four women's groups said they ap preciate the extra services they receive from keeping their of fices together in the Women's Center. They said one of the best benefits is Hasanl Kudura, a full-time staff person who helps the different co-directors accomplish their goals But most are proud of their independent status and are not Interested in the possibility of combining their services to cre ate one comprehensive wom en’s program. “All these groups are essen tial," Stegner said. "Each works on a specific agenda." Johnson Eowlk agreed. "You can't place all women in the women's cen ter and expect them to do the same thing," she said. I—r~ —a i You can find stamps & envelopes at the UO Bookstore. ECONOMICS CLASS: TERM: Fall 1991 INSTRUCTOR: Lane Transit District 1) Does SUPPLY follow DEMAND or vice versa INFLATIONARY 2) How would you describe an E0EE3S? What steps would you take to negate the effects within one year? Do you believe in K-WAVE THEORY ? Whe re are we today according to this model? RECESSION 4) Is the_ Use the current substantiation. ending or S/P stock index as DOUBLE-DIPPING YOU CAN RIDE THE BUS... ANYWHERE. ANYTIME. ALL TERM LONG. ■ JUST BY SHOWING YOUR^ sti idf nt JIM* enterprise? Fedspeak? Or a very good deal? BONUS 6) Compare the cost of owning and operating a car versus the cost of riding the bus. CALCULATE THE NET GAIN IN DISPOSABLE INCOME OVER A FOUR-YEAR PERIOD. | C '991 lane Iiansrt Otstnr.l