PGE conducts Trojan nuclear plant disaster drill SALKM (AP) 'Ilio safety of itio Trojan mi c I nor power plant was addressed on two fronts Tuesday, as state officials began a disaster drill and two groups asked regulators to investigate costs of fixing the plant's steam generators The two-day exorcise by Portland General liloctrio Co and government agencies isn't the result of the generator prob lems It's a regular yearly practice session to test emergency re sponse systems and plans, said Bill Sanderson, spokesman for the state Department of Fnergy. The exercise is being moni tored and grader) by the Federal Fmergonoy Management Agert i v as well as the federal Nik de ar Regulatory Commission I KMA examines the plan once everv two years, Sanderson said The federal emergency agon ry "will inukis it very clear wherr we are to Improve" if the state's performance shows dofi < lent ics. Sanderson said Meanwhile, iwo orguniza tions said at a Portland news conference that lhev are asking the state Puhllt Utility Com mission to investigate and hold hearings on costs of repairing or replacing steam generators .it the plant near Rainier. "This inquiry is necessary to |troti‘( I ratepayers before Port land General Electric: enters into contracts for new steam generators at Trojan." the Don't Waste Oregon Committee and the Citizens Utility Board said in a joint statement I'C.E is testing defective steam generator tubes at the plant near Rainier to determine whether il can resume opera tion as scheduled Nov. 4. The Don't Waste Oregon Committee sponsored an initia tive measure that was defeated t>V voters last year that would have shut down the Trojan plant Tht! committee said tht; PUC last year refused to consider costs of steam generator re placement as part of analysis of the economic impact of shut ting down Trojan. GET ACTIVE! GET INVOLVED! GET GOING! GET ACTIVE! GET INVOLVED! GET GOING! GET ACTIVE! GET INVOLVED! GET GOING! Get Active! Schedule of Activities Fall 1991 OALiJL fiogfoottx< RanfeDawto.fB VOiOVtXJl Indoor Soccot (~r 3*3 Bcskoltai SlCft-LYiaS !d lonrie Classic Pimc*rSood Contest Storm! ho Stoss M’ W" cv MWC M W PM PAY 1 M N'S Giuss VoSoybal Footed Scrampio VokvtxJ Scran**? Do® Country Moc-' indoor Soccer Scrarrt*? SwmMoot C MWC MWC M MWC MWC MWC MW MWC M.\ Gill 6 8 6 I 4 5 1-6 225 ' M=Men W=Women C=Coed ENTRY ’ Instant Sc hodJrg "Instant Sc hedcing “Irstan! Schedilng Oct 17 3pm Oct 24 3pm Sept ?6.3pm Sopt 26. 3pm Oct 2.3pm Oct 15. 3pm Oct '5. 3pm; Nov 13 3pm Oct 15 5pm Oct 3! 3pm; Nov 5. 3pm START QAH Oct 2 Oct 2 Oct 7 Oct 22 Oct 28 Sop' 26.-5pm Sopt 25 3C Oct 4 Oct 16 Oct 17 Ncv 15 Oci 18.1520 NOV 9 S40 S40 S4C S30 S25 y NC NC NC fvC iCC Roc* 4pm NC NC NC Sfc/rdMdual S25/toam 1 Cost tor Ac tvty-check rim cftc.e tor exoct arrxxrt ♦ Infram/d Sport-under W regpbtion (See Handbook) "Tuesday October 1.230 pm Gertnger sun porch Remember to sign up for Recreation Classes! For more information call x4113 or come by 103 Gerlinger Hall to enroll VO IICIIAtlON • I 11 I A Ml I A II i3AllOV 130IONIOO130 IQ3A10ANI130 i3AllOV 130IONIOO130 i03A10ANI 13013AI10V130 iONlOO 130 iQ3A10ANI Living in University Housing is more affordable than you think... Off Campus Living • $530/month for rent, food, and utilities* • Cooking everyday • Washing dishes everyday • Hassle of commuting/parking • 75c washers/75c dryers • $18.16 monthly phone service On Campus Living • $385/month for rent, food, and utilities* • Food prepared for you • Dishes washed for you • 5-10 minute walk to class • 35c washers/free dryers • Free local phone service Cost based on academic year Pamper yourself and live where the living is easy! Living on-campus will make you happier, wealthier, more comfortable, and more secure ...for more information, contact University Housing at 346-4277 immediately.