WELCOME BACK UOFO STUDENTS WEDNESDAY IS PARTY NIGHT AT S€AN%)AVS THE BEVERAGES ARE ON US! ^THURSDAY IS LADIES NIGHT 2222 CENTENNIAL BLVD. (next to Autzen Stadium) 343-4734 iOUTEi VUACt Kost.Hir.uil and Lounge V* ’SSBHSSr** OKDIKS TO C.O 343-4480 *14 7 I r.mklm Hlvil Mum fltur I I 00 .1 in In 10 (0 p.m I 'i I I 00 j.in In Mulm^lil S.il Noun In Mi(lni(;h| Sun Nunn In 10 10 p in. »_ * ■ ' ■ 1 ■ — More and more1‘hlN across the country are recommending Hewlett Packard financial and scientific calculators to their students And for some very strong reasons The 111’ IHSXScientific Kxpandable Iuls jiowerful graphics tools that arc remarkably helpful to students learn mg mathematical concepts And with the equation solver feature it s excellent for apply mg mathematics to engineering,'' according to 1 >r William Hahmeyer. a pn'lessor of ci\ il and em ironmental engineering at I tab State I 'niversity The III' Business Consultant II has an equation sober and extensive math functions. These free the stu dents from computational tedium so they can think and interact on a higher level;' says Dr Lee V. Stiff, a professor of math education at North Carolina State I’tuversity So go check (Hit the HP calculator line at >(Hir college bookstore or IIP retailer You’ll agree. there's no faster relief from llie |iain of tough problems HP calculators The l>est for viuir success HI’ lfeuul***»l *rfjMiltajil II ^Blir iV'X •>. H Mifi« \ xj»tuKUti4« HEWLETT PACKARD Don't miss a great catch... Pick up an ODE football program each Friday before home games. SPORTS Tickets sold out for next game Apparently the disappoint ment over Oregon's loss at Utah Inst weekend hasn't hurt the appetite of Duck football fans, us possibly the largest crowd in Autzen Stadium history will watch Saturday's game against use. University ticket manager Hunt Holsapple is expecting "46,000-plus” for the game, ho said. Only once has Aut/.en atten dance broken the 46,000 mark, that in the Ducks’ 30-21 win over Oregon State in 1989. That game saw 46,087 fans set the new high for Autzen atten dance. The game will he televised nationally by ESPN at 8 p.m. Saturday. Reserved tickets sold out on Friday, and student tickets for the game disappeared Tuesday aftornoon at abou t 3:30, Holsapple said. "About an hour ago there were 100 left," Holsapple said at 4 p.m. Tuesday, "but now they are all gone.” But students who were not able to get a student ticket still have an opportunity to join the Autzen crowd. At 4 p.m. l ues day. Holsapple said approxi mately 1,000 standing-room only tii kets were still available to students for the child's price of SO. The standing-room tickets can be bought at the Casanova Center ticket office from 9 to 5 daily, or students can visit the McArthur Court ticket from be tween 10 to 4 daily Football future unclear for Bo LOS ANCLLES (AI>) A spokesman for Ho Jackson's doctor said Tuesday no deci sion inis been made concerning the two-sport star’s immediate football future, and one won't tie made until after the baseball season. "Bo has suid from early on that while baseball season is on. bo's going to concentrate on baseball," said Lanier Johnson, a spokesman for Dr. James R Andrews and Alabamu Sports Medicine in Birmingham, Ala ‘‘When football seuson gots hero, he'll deal with football.” Jackson is the designated hit ter for the Chicago White Sox. He signed with the Whito Sox as a free agent after being re leased by the Kansas City Roy als on March 19. The Royals released Jackson because thuy didn't believe he’d ever play baseball again due to the hip injury he suf fered while playing for the lLos Angeles Raiders in a playoff game against Cincinnati Jan. 13. Jackson's football future be came a hot topic on Tuosduy when tho Atlanta Braves an nounced that outfielder Doion Sanders would return to tho team during the pennant race while he remained a defensive back for tho Atlanta Falcons. The second-place White Sox are longshots, at best, in the American League West. They entered Tuesday night's game al Minnesota trailing the Twins by eight games with 12 left for both teams. Should the Twins win the di vision, Jackson will be finished with baseball on Oct. 6.