SPORTS Cavs sign Brandon Former Duck gets 7-vear deal CLEVELAND (AP) — Torri-li Drandon signed a 7-year con tract with the Cleveland Cava liers and became the highest of this year's NBA draft choices to come to terms The signing of Brandon, a point guard out of Oregon and the nth pick last June;, was an nounced Tuesday at a news conference Only nine of the first-round draft choices had come to terms previously, and. before Bran don, the highest ranked pic k who had signed was Chris Cal ling, -drafted Kith In Colden State. The logjam has been blamed on the Charlotte Hornets' in ability to reach agreement with No 1 |)ick Larrv Johnson Agents have said his deal will serve as a benchmark for the others. "We chose Terrell largely he cause of his scoring ability, speed, quickness and other at tributes we think he'll bring to our team,” said Wayne Embry, general manager of the Cava liers. The 5-foot-ll Brandon gave up his final year of eligibility after being named Pacific-10 Conference Plaver of the Year as a junior He averaged 20 n points and shot 40 percent from the field lust season, and ranks second among Oregon's all-time leaders in steals (114) and in assists (ill.1)) Terms of Brandon's contract were not disclosed, but a media relations representative con tacted at the Cavalier office said a release will be sent Monday to the media describing Bran don's contract in more detail The Cavaliers .ire $2.5 mil lion over the NBA salary cup of S12.5 million per team. The cap would limit Brandon’s pay to $525,000 in his first year That amount became available when the Cavaliers released Derrick (Ihievous. One of Brandon's agents. Bill Duffy, said the long-term deal insures some security lor his client. Duffy said while the salary cap posed a problem, the con tract length allowed Brandon to try and make up later for what he was not able to get up front. Brandon could star! as point guard since Mark Price is re covering from knee surgery. "We'll make that decision when we get to camp," Coach Lenny Wilkens said. "I'm not going to make decisions before 1 have a chance to work with people and see what combina tions work best for the team," "He's a natural point guard and certainly I want to increase our depth there. Our depth has not Ixien very good the lust cou ple of yours " Brandon said that as a rookie, ho knows he'll have u lot to learn. “I'm not going into this as an ego thing,” he said. "I want to work with the team and hope fully do whut 1 can to help them to the playoffs." He said one of the most diffi cult adjustments he will have Recycle this . paper. ☆ ☆ Terrell Brandon [o make is with the scheduling if games 'i’ll Have to'got used to play ing more games, and I'll i ave to ^et used to the time difference from the West tlnast, he said THE EMU CULTURAL FORUM PRESENTS an evening with Marsalis v;. -.v. ‘V>-,^ Wednesday October 2 Beall Concert Hall, U of O School of Masic (Alder between 17th 0? ISth) ^^performances 7 )0 & 10:00 fnn IGourul Admission Sif> ( of 0, SIN Gm Public Tidu’U on sale EMI Main Desk, Hdllaileer Music, Cal's Mcmr c? CD World Helcom e Ha ck ? Award-Winning ( ookics » % flit (regularly 75c each) OMer expires 10591 FALL ('REEK BAR: R V Classic Baking Since 1980 • 484-1662 881 KAS1’ I3TH w i:\i r Nr\l to Ihf I O Hmikslori Cookies Cakes Pastries Breads Coffee Espresso Sandwiches Catering! OPEN \1tmtiut trid;n “10 am (» put s.uunlavs H am (»|Hit Mmda\s H am 1 (Mil JUST SAY A A H i Made wun Ailann Bros Coffee and I , Ghirardelli Chocolate i Oder expires 10 5 91 \ A Great Cate Since 1990 • 4tt-» 4M>3 > "What A Great Experience!" CHILE • FRANCE • ITALY • SPAIN * I .faming (1k‘ 1 .anguage. Meeting People C ommg face to face with history, art and an hi tecture, culture, tood and tun UNIVERSITY STUDIES ABROAD CONSORTIUM... Small i lasses Personal attention Lully accrediti'd courses transfer to your school We provide great classes in intensive I language, history, anthrojxilogv, art, business, economics, political science Organized field trips and more > ou fmn’hlr the enthu^iasin I University Studies Abroad Consortium Library/322 || University of Nevada " Reno, Nevada 89557-0043 <702)784-8589