. . Classes begin October 2 at the ■craft center Register Now For Fall Workshops U* 1: v. • '!'•*'*' f 1 r- ». ’ * • * ** * • - '• ' Looking for a good deal?? Kead tin Oregon Daily Lmerald Classifieds Road revenue needed, official says Oregon Highway plan recommends gas tax increase I hNULi-1 UN (At) l>asollne lux Increases in recent years have improved Oregon high ways greatly, hut more will he needed to keep them in top shape, the state's leading trans portation official says Don Forbes, newly appointed director of the state Department of Transportation, said Oregon will continue to rely heavily on fuel taxes if improvements are to t>e made over the next 20 years. IlMUUESTUnE So Far Ahead, There Is No Second MB—3 MB—1 MB—5 CB—0 RB—1 "Best mountain bike under $HOO ..." —Bicycle Guide "... Not only the best bike at its price but one of tin; best bikes at any price.” —Bicycle Guide "... Best buy ..." —Bicycling Magazine "Best buy!" —Bicycling Magazine "Bridgestone bas shown the way." —Bicycle Guide QUALITY + VALUE = BRIDGESTONE PAUL’S BICYCLE SHOP 2480 Aider 342-G155 BICYCLE YVAY OF LIFE 152 W 5th 344-4105 •I Deserve Great Developing At Unbeatable Prices!* fPft mi*, / l) Kodak \\ (Cobrwatch\ system / -a jPuNivi;Rsrn O » OKI C. O N ^ SPfClAl HOURS MON Sfpl 73. 7. J0-9pm TUf S Srpl J4. 7 309pm WDS»pl 75. 7 30-7pm I I I I 12exp. 3x5 2.89 24exp. 3x5 3.79 36exp. 3x5 5.79 FROMSUDE 3x5 490 1 \ REPRINTS a* \ 3x5 250 3 4x6 390 ^ENLARGEMENTS (SLIDE OR NEQ.) 5x7 1.29 8x10 2.99 CHECK OUT OUR 1-HR. PHOTO LAB Wo will uuti'h .ihs developing price in 1 .me County! 13TH & KINCAID f'f\ ' M-F 7:30-6 SAT 10-6 346-4331 In 1985, the legislature ap proved the first of a series of in creases that has doubled the state gas tax to 20 cents per gal lon Since the tax hikes, thenumber of highway surfaces rated "fair or bettor” has risen from *1H percent in 1084 to 80 percent in 1900, Forbes said Monday. "That clearly couldn't have been possible without the gas tax," he said. The state's 1001 Oregon Highway Plan recommends that gas tax increases of 2 cents per year he adopted over the next 20 years Increases in weight distance fees and registration fees also have been recom mended. Without the tux increases, the emphasis will he on preserving tiie state roadways The depart ment could hit its preservation goal of 00 percent "fair or bet ter" roadways by 2010. but traf fii congestion problems would Increase. Forbes said. About SIC) 7 billion would be spent in the next two decades without the tax increase. A 2-cent annual increase and other related tax hikes would raise an extra S5 billion over 20 years With the additional mon ey, the state could meet its preservation goals and would he able to fund the "Access Or egon Highway" program to up grade 15 strategic roadways in the state, Forbes said. More roads would l>e rebuilt and bridges retrofitted under the program and more mainten ance would be done if the S5 billion is raised. Forbes said. Whether additional taxes will be approved depends on how important the public views gixrd highways, he said Half of the 2-cont increase would go toward keeping up with inflation, the other half to additional work, he said. Forbes became department director July 1, following the retirement of Bob Bothman. Be fore that Forbes served three years us head of the Highway Division. Forbes said the Portland area's rapid growth isn't com ing at the expense of other areas in highwuy development funds. The emphasis in Eastern Oregon is to preserve road ways. In Portland, the goal is to develop options such as car pooling and bus transportation to defer now projects. "We can’t build enough high ways to keep up.” he said. NEW JEWISH STUDENT WELCOME! NEW FACES! ^ FREE FOOD AND REFRESHMENTS! ALL ARE WELCOME! • Wednesday, September 25th • 3:00 pm • Cedar Room A, EMU Sponsored by the Jewish Student Union Don’t miss the opening Jewish event of a great year!!! You can find stamps & envelopes at the UO Bookstore. CHECK CASHING at the UO Bookstore Recycle this paper.