Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 25, 1991, Page 17, Image 16

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University architecture students Melody Burghard and Bryan Emenck check out the
dispiay ol environmentally conscious entries from last spring s nationwide American
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Institute ot Architects competition The traveling exhibit will be on display at tho Uni
versity in tho lobby Lawronco Hall until Oct 6
tuaene wins earth-wise architecture contest
By Layne Lakefish
Emerald Entertainment Editor
These days there's u whole
new language out there Let's
call it envirnnmcnte.se It's the
jargon that boasts words and
phrases like recycle and don't
waste Plant a tree Don't litter
Save the animals All in the
name of the environment
What about "Build a house"
or "Construct an office build
ing'''’These aren't exactly com
mon phrases for an environ
mentalist, but they became just
that last spring
That was when the American
Institute of Architects called lor
entries across the nation of en
vironmentally conscious archi
tecture From that competition,
1 :t were chosen.
The winning entries, includ
ing residences, office buildings,
commercial properties and visi
tor centers, come from such
states as Arizona, Oregon, Ne
braska. New' York, New Mexico
and California.
" The exhibit was originally
set up in Washington D C., and
now we have it as a traveling
exhibit," said Margot McDon
ald, University liaison subcom
mittee chair for the Southwest
ern Oregon chapter of AIA.
The exhibit, which will con
tinue through Oct. fi, is on dis
play in the lobby of Lawrence
Hall. The lobby is open 24
hours a day and admission to
the exhibit is free
Since the national competi
tion last spring called for on
P»H»*0 Iff Kr.iUm fUr- f
Alan Zelenka, tour guide at the Emerald People s Utility District, points out one the winning entries in a
competition of environmentally conscious architecture.
tries ot environmentally con
st.ious buildings, the exhibit
features photographs of the
buildings as well as text de
scribing the earth-wise archi
"All of the chosen entries
demonstrate energy efficiency
and conservative use of natural
resources," McDonald said
■‘The exhibit .dso features .ir
rhitocture in hot, arid climates
to archilec-ture in cool, cloudy
"The idi;a is that you can
have energy efficient design in
all kinds of climates "
For Flugeneans. there's more
to tin- exhibit than just pictures
there's an actual building
Last spring when the AIA was
i onsidering entries, Kugone’s
Lmer.ild I’lJI) Headquarters
building, :t:t7:t:t Soavey Loop
Kd , came out a winner
Now, with the exhibit in
town and one of the featured
buildings being loi .11. exhibit
goers have tin- o[)|iorlimiiy to
view photos, ex well .is the ,l<
tii.il building
" I he emphasis ol the hui!<i
Inn Is on energy ( nnservation,"
s.iul lhck Williams, one ol Ku
gene's WTOKOUl’ Architects
who helped with the design ol
the building
"We ( mill! up with strillegies
lor saving energy in the build
illg," he s.lld "We post I i oiled it
on the site to maximize the
good sun angles We tried to get
the most daylight Into the
building in a controlled manner
to minimize the need lor light
"There .ire also devices that
shut oil the lights automate ally
when they are not in use "
For those people who are in
terested in seeing more than
just the outside of the building,
"they seem very open to giving
tours," said Melionald
The whole exhibit reflects a
nice change, said McDonald
"Architects haven't been lead
ers In this area." she said
"We're hoping this will get
them to l>e more aware
"In the exhibit, there are
some pretty innovative solu
tions that people came up with,
and we re hoping it will spear
head that kind of conscious