COME USE THE CRAFT CENTER —■■■■a ■ GENERAL INFORMATION The EMU Craft Center is a comprehensive Arts Program offering well equipped facilities and workshops in most areas of the Visual Arts The program is f*>th educational and recreational and encourages all levels of interest, from txginning hobbyist to serious artist If you have an interest in art or a favorite hobby, the EMU Craft Center at the University of (frrgon is for you1 You*II find us In the Erb Memorial l nlon (1.1th and I nlserslty I on the lower level, east wing. MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION Craft Center membership entitles you to use the facilities and tools in the Craft Center anytime we re open Membership is always available for the entire l ’() community. and l () alumni. The genera! public may purchase a Craft Center membership with enrollment in a Craft Center workshop costing $10 or more Day use passes arc available (or current DO community ami UO alumni I I), is required Memberships are valid lor the term in which they are purchased, and are not refundable Membership fees (per term): S$ UO students, faculty, stall, and spouses S12 UO alumni $12 General public w ith enrollment in Craft Center workshop costing $10 or more ••Discounts: Memberships arc $X for UO aluiiuu anil general public with enrollment in a workshop!*) costing $20 or more Day Use l ees: $1 UO students, faculty and staff (no spouses) $2 UO alumni Membership is required for workshops that use ( rail ( enter facilities ami equipment Workshops requiring memberships are starred (*) STUDIO FACILITIES h.MU Craft Center facilities available for use include a ceramics area with high fire capabilities. darkrooms equipped for both black and white ami color printing, a jewelry lab with casting and soldering equipment, a wood shop, and facilities lor si Ik screen, batik, stained and fused glass, lapidary, bike repair, sewing, and numerous f iber techniques The Craft Center has hand tools, books and pernxiicals for member use within the Center Various supplies arc available for sale; lockers are available to members for Si (small) or Si.75 (large) per term. WORKSHOP REGISTRATION Registration is on a first come first serve basis, continuing throughout the term until classes begin or are filled (’reregistration is strongly recommended to ensure your place in a class Workshop registration can be done in person or by mail, and must be accompanied with full payment Members of the University community purchasing Craft Center memberships will lx- required to present University I D. REFUND POLICY Workshops will be refunded |(XK;1, 72 hours prior to the first meeting, 0% thereafter "Intro Special" workshops are not refundable. If a workshop is cancelled, a full refund w ill lx- given Workshops w hich do not meet the minimum requirements w ill lx- cane elled on or before the first class meeting Memberships are not refundable. If a membership was purchased at a discount with a workshop, the full membership fee will be- charged in the event the student withdraws front the class INTRODUCTORY SPECIALS It IK I- DOCTOR Stephen < rist t rank Schwab Just tho prescription to pork up vour bike and help vou avoid wear, tear, and repair bills. Instruction vs ill cover lubru ation, tire trouble, brake and gear service, and troubleshooting I earning these tare and maintenance skills will help keep vour bike rolling smoothly and safety Bring vour bike to class 3 hours of instruction Three sessions offered 1 Tues , Sept 24, b .30-0 30 pm Schwab #0b9 S3 2 Wed , Sept 23, MX)-9.00 pm t rist #070 3 Thurs , Sept 2b, b tUt-u (K1 pm t nst #071 S* MICS Jt HOVVl.S t rank (invar I irvvt ot lupjvrwaro’ Hunk you'd rather starve before eating a not he r meal off of styrofoam ’ You can artistically handbuilci vour own mugs, tumblers and small bowls in this workshop ( lav and gla/es provided 3 hours of instruction I hursda) Sept 2b, 2 tk' 3 (XI pm #072 S3 - in dykim; Ratio hair lorn vuur tec shirts shorts, and socks into wild and bright tK* d ved items I earn how to i reate a variety of patterns using different tying and d veing t<\ hniques bring up tothree prewashed 11 * > otton items to dve 1 hours of instruction Two sessions offered 1 Wednesday t> tH) pn September 23 2 rhursiiav R 00-U (X) pm September 2n 35 \I\1 CAMKR \ I S I \ alrrle \guvrn 1 i am the "st\ ret meaning ot all those numbers and letters' short lecture including how vuur camera works Includes discussion of film selection and composition for better pictures Bring empty 33mm camera to class 3 hours of instruction Monday September 30 t, tmi' pm #073 $5 #07-1 S3 #075 S3 Note Studio-- are " " - .1 dt ' nq workshop hour*'. Chock tor special hours during finals wo ok and vacalon WOODSHOP HOURS: Schedules will bo ia • T KiU ! I HI R s : > > ' T'M S\\k Sv ar* i*s, T Shins t,! \ss * mms, C\*pp« W.abopt 41 r hoi tilundjhl. * • » * . > Mtmhtfvhip' »r« n<>i -ifundahU ■ih.p *«» fKirvhi**:*! as a if’tv'Sity ID required for purchase of 'student rale' • t-mbership Ma 1 n regstrahons are confirmed by m . • self addressed stamped envelope is provided AH other mail-in registrations are confirmed by phone Please include daytime phone number For more information, call 346-4361.