Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 25, 1991, Page 14 and 15, Image 14

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Frank <iusar/Pftrr Meyer
This workshop is everything you mxxf lor ,i thorough
grounding in ceramics Wheel throwing, handbuilding,
and gla/ing techniques will be covered, with
individualized instruction lor beginners and those' with
some previous experience C.lazes and 2S lbs. of clay
included. IK hours ot instruction
Three sessions offered
1 Tuesdays 3.00-6:00 pm Meyer
October K-November 19 ( except Nov 3) #(X)1 *$40
2 Thursdays 6.30-9:30 pm Gosar
October 10-November 21 (except Oct 17) #002 *$-10
4 Sundays V00-K (X) pm Gosar
October6-November 17 (except Oct. 20) #004 *>10
I’eter Meyer
Tor the adventurous spirit who has had some precious
clay experience Fxpand your foundation skills and
personal expression with clay Increase your throwing
and handbuilding skills, make specialized tools, and
refine your glazing tix hniques 2S lbs. of clay and glazes
provided. IK hours ot instruction
Wednesdays 4 (Xl-biOO pm
October 2-November 6 #(K)4 *$40
Frank (iosar
Txplore your own imaginative process through playing
with i lay I earn ancient methods o( clay construction -
coil building, slab building, carving, additive and
subtractive techniques C lass provides both direx tcxl and
sell directed opportunities 2S lbs. of day and glazes
provided. 12 hours of instruction
Mondays t> 40-9 4(4 pm
Oc tober 7-Novetnber 4 (except Oct 21) #004 ’>40
Frank (iosar
Fnnn the prehistoric pueblo to modern-day craft galleries,
"primitic e" smoke-tired ceramics on joy a colorful history
l earn the sex rots ot polished bias k ware pottery and apply
them to your ow n dcvoralive or sculptural work C lay,
teria sigillata and instructional handbook included. 1 2
hours ol instruction
I uesdac s h 40-9 40 pm
(Vtober 29-Novomber 19 #00h *$29
Frank (iosar
A special, one time tiring tor intermediate and ad\ ancixl
students inten'stixf in experiment mg with rakutex hniques
bring ' e picx i's ot bisqued potters Or s, ulpture to glaze
and fire in this flamboyant process Glazes and tiring
provided, 6 hours ot instruction
Saturday 12 (X)-f> 00 pm
October2f> #1)07 "SI2
I’eter Meyer
llandbuild beautiful cups anci bowls with colored
porcelain We will use white, shade's ol grew and a less
accent colors ( olored slips will be available Porcelain,
mason stains and glazes pros ided. 12 hours ot instruction
I uesdays t> 40-9 40 pm
CX tobor 1 22
#OOK *$.4b
Frank Schwab Stephen Crist
Never pay high bicycle repair pnees again! Learn to
overhaul hearing sets adjust gears and brakes, and true
your wheels By the end ot 6 weeks your bicycle will bo
overhauled Bring vour bicycle to each class Allow S5 tor
replacement bearings 15 hours of instruction
Three sessions offered
1 Tuesdays 7 00-9 50 pm #009 $32 members
(\t 8-Nos 19 (except Nov 5) #010 $35non-members
Instructor Schwab
(Yt 3 Nm 14 (except CVt 31) #011 $35 non-members
Instructor Crist
2 Wednesdays 6.00-8:30 pm
#011 $32 members
#012 $35 non-members
(X tober 2-November 6
Instructor Crist
3 Thursdays 6 00-8 30 pm
#013 $32 members
* Starred Classes Require
Craft Center Membership.
tharlinr Durchanek
Design and weave a Navajo rug Using a frame Ux>m,
students with or without experience will set a loom,
design and weave a small project Advanced students
will learn more complicated techniques and designs
Cost includes frame loom which is yours to keep and
first warp yams. Allow extra time to work and extra
money for materials IK hours of instruction
Mondays 6:00-9:00 pm *015 $37 members
October 7-Novcmbor 11 #016 $40 non-members
( hrsstal Mctlulgan
l earn the fundamentals of hand weaving Warp
preparation, dressing a 4-harness loom, and finishing
techniques will be covered Design and weave a
sampler and project using warp faced rep weave
Students will need to purchase some materials 21
hours of instruction
Wixinesdavs 6 30-9 30 pm
October 9-November 20 #017 ‘$48
spinning and dyeing*
( hrvstal Mct.uljjan
1 xplore the possibilities of yarn design while creating
vour own handspun wool Start on the drop spindle
and move rapidly to the1 spinning wheel All phases
of wool preparation will be covered Natural and
chemical dyeing will be introduced t ost includes
fleece for you to dye your favorite color. IK hours of
Tuesdays 6 00-9 (X' pm
October K November 12 #018 *$.37
1 lave vou always wanted to learn how to knit? Knitting
is a perfevt wav to relax while creating beautiful
garments After learning basic knitting tix hniques.
each student will soles t a simple pmjoct sue h as a hat,
scan , or afghan ITus class is tor students with little or
no exponent e Needles and some \ arn pros ided. 10
hours ol instruction
Wednesdays 6.30-8:30 pm #01*4 $20 members
October 2-30 #020 $23 non -members
Mona Kummrl
C route a delicatelv sew n basket pine needle basket m
this four w ix'k workshop A variety of stitc h patterns
will be explored and numerous shaping techniques
will bo demonstrated Materials for one basket will
be included, k hours of instruction
Ihursdavse X'Kihipm *»l>21 $20 members
October 3-24 #022 $23 non-members
Kim Balsam
Express your creativity with colorful beads! You will
learn traditional and contemporary beading techniques,
including Peyote stitch, Comanche weave, lace stitch,
loom beading and others. Individualized instruction and
guidance will enable you to design and create projects of
vour choice, such as earrings, necklaces, pendants,
bracelets, anklets, pouches and more. All levels of
experience welcome. Cost includes a bead loom for you
to keep, warp threads and needles. 12 hours of instruction.
1 Mondays 7.<X)-9:00 pm #023 $29 members
October 7-November 11 #024 $32 non-members
2. Tuesdays 7:00-9:00 pm #025 529 members
October ^-November 12 #026 $32 non-members
Kim Balsam
Improve and expand your beading skills! I his class is
designed for students who have taken bead work
previously or have some experience working with seed
beads Learn new stitches and techniques and/or review
and practice the ones you already have Put your skills to
work as you design and create more elaborate projects ol
your choice, and explore the possibili ties of bead work. 12
hours of instruction.
Wednesdays 7:00-900 pm #027 $23 members
October 9-November 13 #028 $26 non-members
Batik is an ancient method of drawing, painting and
sum ping hot wax on cotton fabric before dyeing to create
unique and beautiful patterns and designs In this class
you will learn several batik techniques, including resist
dyeing techniques of West Africa Yoruba peoples. One
half yard of batik material, dyes and wax provided. 12
hours of instruction
Mondays 6:00-9:1X1 pm
October 7-28 #029 *$34
Biliks Brown Takahashi
Classic quilt patterns and modular piecing techniques
com bine to produce a traditional quality quilt in a fraction
of the usual time Select one of the following patterns
Snow Ball, Blazing Star, Around the World, or Log C abin
The first class meeting will include discussions of pat terns,
colorand fabric requirements and selections All levelsof
experience welcome Out of class sewing time mav be
necessary 12-1/2 hours of instruction
Thursdays 6.(X)-8:30 pm #03(1 $24 members
Oct 10-\ov 14 (except Oct 31) #031 $27 non-members
Mark Krrffr
l reate vour own beautiful stained glass window!
This course will help you turn your ideas into colorful
works of art IX-stgn principles and the toil wrap
construction method will be taught ik-ginningas well
as experienced students are welcome Iools and
some materials provided. Allow a little extra money
tor glass 18 hours of instruction
Mondays f».30-9.30 pm
October 21-November 28 #032 *S34
Mark Keefer
Kedinowrtheancient Igvptian artformof glass fusing
This two session class will cover primary fusing
techniques and allow students to create a few small
ptiM's of n’welrv Tools and glass provided 3 hours
of instruction
Mondays 7-00-9.30 pm #033 Sin members
October 7 and 14 #03-} $lu non-members
Class sizes are limited and preregistration is
necessary to assure your space in a workshop'
(Jure Dawson
T his overview of jewelry making techniques includes
lost casting and emphasizes fabrication
Demonstrations include design, design transfer,
cutting, filing, w ax model making, spruingit investing,
casting and clean-up One or more projects can be
completed during class time Some materials
provided. 21 hours of instruction
Wednesdays 6:30-9:30 pm
October 2-November 13 #035 *$40
Dennis Werst
This overview of jewelry making techniques includes
fabrication and empahisizes lost wax casting
Demonstrations include design, design transfer,
cutting, filing, wax model making, spruing & investing,
casting and clean-up. One or more projects can be
completed during class time Some materials
provided. 21 hours of instruction
Thursdays 6:30-9:30 #036 *$40
October 3-November 21 (except Oct. 31)
Visiting artist workshop and lecture. See facing page
IT* l mvcnrty of (togon affirms and actively promote* the n^hti of all individual! t'
p^oai opportunity w education a/id employment at th:» institution. without regard to
ra<c color »ca r ational unjiii. sge. religion, manta! itatu*. handicap. veteran status,
r*en .a.. or any other catrancous i on*iteration not directly and substantially
o effective performance !hiap< ... > implements all applicable federal. state and
- ;4,*‘ rrgulaliot:! and eaecutive orders Direct related inquiries to the Office of
Affirmative A. r..>r. ()ff u r 4 ’2 Or eg •; Ms . I niversitv of Orrgon, hugene.OK V7401,
telephone i«M) UM 12J
Mark Zlmmerer
If you can see, you can draw! Geared towards
heightening visual perception and observational skills,
this course takes several exercises from "Drawing on the
I Right Side of the Brain" and other sources We ll also
I look at examples of work by masters of the art of
I drawing All materials provided. 1 Shoursot instruction
Tuesdays 6:00-8:30 pm #037 $29 members
October 8-November 12 #038 S32 non-members
Helen Liu
I Learn to write beau11 fully in t hi s int rod uctorv ca 111gra phy
class. Students will learn the Carolingian, a spacious
writing style developed around the 9th century. Great
1 for old-fashioned Holiday greetingcards. Allmaterials
| provided including pen and ink for you to keep. 8
hours of instruction. Class meets twice a week Please
bring a short poem or quote to the first class
Mon. and Wed. 6:30-8:30 pm #039 SI7 members
October 7-16 #040 $20 non-members
.Aimee Yogi
Comein from the rain and join us for some papermaking
We'll have a short slide presentation on the history,
process, and plants used tor papermaking Then we ll
make papers using 4 methods Tapa. Himalayan,
European, and Japanese All materials provided and a
source list will be handl'd out 6 hours of instruction
Saturdays 10:30 am-12.30 pm #041 $13 members
October 5-19 #042 $18 non-members
Aimee Yogi
We start cookin' in thisclass’ Atteran introductory walk
around campus to see the different plants used tor
I papermaking, students will cook and share pulps
I cathead from the fields All materials provided. 6
■ hours of instruction.
Saturdays 10:30 am-12:30 pm #043 $15 members
I November 2-16 #044 S18 non-members
I’rlrr Meyer
Print your own T-shirts, jxisters, or cards Loam the
photo-emulsion methixl ot silkscrixm stencil We ll
discuss various inks, stencil methods, papers and tahrn s
Allow $t>-$12 it vou want your own srivn Ink and
some stencil material provided. 18 hours ot instruction
Thursdays n 30-9;30 pm
October 3-November 14 (except Oct M) #045 *$39
Nik Skoog
Enjoy Oregon's beautiful tall experimenting with
watercolors. This class is tor beginners who want to
leam basic techniques of watervolor j'aintmg Vou is ill
do wet-on-wet and drv brush, with still and landscape
subjects Drawing cxpenenceishelpfulbut not mvossary
All materials provided. Class meets twice a week
15 hours ot instruction
Mondays and Wixinesdavs #048 SI2 members
s 30-8IX) pm, October 7-23 #047 $43 non-members
l.i-yun Veh
Would you like to paint something with a special flair?
Come and join us 1 et s have some tun with C hinese
brushes and blue kink We will lean} the traditional wav
of painting mountains, flowers, bamboo, and more, step
by step Cost includes two brushes, which are yours to
keep, paper and ink. 15 hours ot instruction
Thursdays 6:00-9 (X) pm #0-48 $39 members
Oct 17-Nov. 21 (except ( Vt 31) #049 S42 non members
Marilyn Mohr
Make your own hardbound journal or sketc hbook Basic
bixikbinding techniques will be taught focussing on the
hardbound book Smaller projects demonstrating
Japanese and pamphlet sewing will be taught as time
allows The first class will feature oil marbling on papers
that can be used tor future projects 18 hours ot instruction
Mondays b:(X)-9 (X) pm #050 $37 members
October 28-Decern her 2 #051 $40 non-members
Kerry Holman
What better way to find vour "own" drum than to make
it yourself? This workshop is an opportunity to craft a
Shatnan'sdrum All materials provided to make a 17"
or 20" diameter hoop drum using a cedar frame and deer
ra w hide. Working with ra w hide, selecting and strvti hi ng
\ the drum head, lacing, and spcvial braiding techniques
will be covered. 5 hours of instruction
Sunday, 11 :(XM;30 pm (1 /2 hour lunch)
Novembers #032 S75 tor 17" drum
#053 $00 for 20" drum
Scott Hiram
An introduction to Mono tool working techniques
Participants will loani how to mako obsidian arid (lint
tools such as knives, axes, and arrow [mints using antle,
stone hammers,and (lakers. Raw materials and knapping
tools will be provided, but students should bring leather
gloves 8 hours of instruction
Wednesdays, 6 30 - 8:30 pm
October 30 - November 20
#051 525
Annette (lurdjlan. Rebecca Thompson
learn how to use* your camera, develop B&W him, and
make B&W contact prints and enlargements
Photographic composition, the camera, and darkroom
techniques will be covered. Bnn^ your empty 33 mm
camera to first class Film, chemicals and some paper
will be provided. 18 hours of instruction
Three sessions offered:
T Mondays 6:00-9:00 pm Thompson
CXtober 14-November 18 #055 *542
2. Tuesdays 2.00-3:00 pm Thompson
October 15-November 19 #056 *$42
3. Wednesdays 6:00-9:00 pm Curdjian
September 25-October 30 #057 *$42
Andrew Harvey
This class will start out with a short overview of color
films, use of filters and color theory. It will then proceed
to "hands-on" printing of your color negatives tor the
remainder of thecourse. Pnor experience in the darkroom
is necessary. Chemicals and some paper will be
provided 18 hours of instruction.
Sundays 5:00-8:00 pm
i October 6-November 10 #038 *$1 5
Andrew Harvey
This cours«' is designed tor the photographer who is
already acquainted with general darkroom procedures
and has an interest in fine-tuningtheproccssofexposure
control Learn aspects of the Zone System and use a
variety of papers and developers to produce prints with
desired contrast and depth Aesthetic considerations,
subject matter, and composition will be included
Students will need to provide their own black and white
film and pa per as well as one roll of color slide him bring
cameras to first class Chemicals will be provided, lft
hours of instruction
Thursdays 6:00-9.00 pm
October 17- November 21 (except Oct 11) #0sd *>12
Kehecca Thompson
Responding to photographs is largely a matterol jvrsonal
taste The elements ot a photograph somehow combine
and strike a chord tor one person, but not lor another > ot
some pictures have a quality that everyone can recognize
and appreciate This class will identity some ot these
dualities through a disc ussion ot composition and light
Basic knowledgeof camera use required Slide film will
be provided. :■> hours ot instruction
Wednesdays6:00-8.K' pm oiv.i) $12 member
October 30and November b ffObl $1 s non-member
Brad MU- I urn I rban
Materialize your ideas in thi- w-ood shop Lxtended hours
and extra shop time added this term t. reate a project while
learning power tool use and satetv Instruetion will cover
pnijevt design, wood properties, hand and power tool use,
and joiners Allow tor extra shop time and cost of your
project I ah lor both i lasses is Thursday 4:00-6:00 pm, C Vt
10 through Nov 21 22 hours of instruetion.
Three sessions offered
1 Mondays 6:30-9:15 pm Nile
September 30-Nov 18 #062 *$40
2 Tuesdays 6:30-9,15 pm Urban
October 1 Nov 19 *063 *S-10
John Jones
Interested in working vsith handtools and learning i
traditional wood w orking tix hniques’ Using tools such as |
hand saws hand planes, marking gauges braie and-bits, I
i hiselsand moulding planes, v iclds a level of understanding
not possible from machines (.'lass will include making 1
handtools and a larger group project No previous I
woodworking experience necessary Some use of pmer
tools will also be covered 20 hours of instruction
Wednesdays 6 30 9 13 pm
October 2 - November I 3 #064 %40 I
I K.II I I \BI,F, M \kl\(,*
Put Urrt-nwc-ll
Ari hite\ tore and art majors spend two Saturdays making
the ultimate light table A new and improved design
incorporates your May line and Hon o into a shape that tits
studio desks in Lawrence Lockable, portable, and
functional, this table is a must tor your st udio spa. e Wood
and screws provided. 9 hours of mstruction
Two sessions offered
1 Saturday, October 12, 9.1X1 am-3 10 pm (1/2 hr lunch)
Saturday, October 19, 9:00 am niron #063 ’$28
2 Saturday, November 9, 9:00 am-3 30 pm (1 /2 hr lunch)
Saturday, November 16, 9 00 am noon #066 *$2H
Brent Baker
Various wood lathe Us hnicjues w ill be demonstrated
in. ludmg between , enter turning (furniture legs, candle
holders, rolling pins) and lace plate turning (bowls and
plates) Discussion on design and finishing methods w ill
be included Lime will be allowed tor hands-on practice
Materials provided 3 hours of instruction
Sundays, I 00-6 30pin #1)67 SI 3 members
October6 and 13 #1)68 SI8 non-memlvrs
Nationally known jeweler, Fleanor Motv, will present .1
slide lecture and two day workshop Fhe winner ot two
NFA grants and numerous major awards, Motv is a lull
prolessor ot metals at University ol Wisconsin
Free Slide Lecture 7:30 pm Thursday, iVtoher 21, Room
1 H>, Willamette I Fill, IJ ot O C'ampus
Two Day Workshop: Friday, Eleanor will demonstrate
chasing and repousse this includes making chasing
ttnils Saturday is hints and tricks day, the assembly ot
intricate piet es, construction of mechanisms lor broaches,
and elaborate set tings for large stones will lv shown There
will be little hands-on. Friday is tor a II skill levels, \iturday
tor those with more experience
U of O students - $25 All others - $35 Single day $20
Sponsored by the EMU Craft C enter and O of U Art
Department For more information arid registration, c .all
Monday Thursday 10 00 am 9 30 pm
F riday & Saturday 10 00 am 5 30 pm
Sunday 12 30 530 pm
Note Studios are dosed during workshop liours
Check tor special hours during finals week and vacations
Schedules will be available after the firs! week ot the term