Sequel writer calls publishers money-hungry ATLANTA (AIM The pub lishing industry treats hooks ,is common:iid products, not «»rl. said Alexandra Ripley, who wrote the bellyhooed "sequel" to Conr With the Wind “Books have become prod ucts like cereal or perfume or deodorant,'’ she told alcout .too members of the Southeastern Booksellers Association on Sunday. “No matter what publishers tell the world and themselves about their commitment to lit erature and art, what they real ly are is businessmen And businessmen are in the busi ness to make profits,” she said. K i p I e y s p o k e a ill i d a SBOO.OOO campaign by Warner Books to promote her Scarlett: The SiHjuol to Margaret Mitoh e//’.s 'Conr With thr Wind. ’ Ad vanre Orders have reached 000,000 for the 823-page se quel, whic h will be published Wednesday in 40 countries There was trouble between Kiplev and Warner Hooks near lv two years ago when she turned in her manuscript. Rip ley clashed with an editor over scenes involving minor charac ters from the original book Ripley said she demanded and got another editor. After a standing ovation from the booksellers. Ripley was cm braced by Warner Books Brest dent Lawrence Kirshbaum, who ac knowledged that much of what she said is true Di hits Pakistan ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (AP) Princess Diana arrived Mon day in this Muslim country for a four-day visit packed with tours of women's groups, schools and homes for the dis abled The British Embassy said pal ace officials familiar with stric t Muslim tradition selected a conservative wurdrolie for the princess Diana was met at Islamabad Airport by Abide Hussein. Pakistan's newly-appointed ambassador to the United States, along with other offi cials and c hi hirer) in traditional dress. Among Diana's activities is a visit Wednesday to the historic eastern city of Lahore. On Thursday, she is to climb the Khvher Pass, where at the turn of the century the British Army was decimated by mountain tribesmen. Turner herds bison BOZEMAN. Mont. (AP) Ted Turner says he wants to "hit the big one, one more time." This time with bison. The millionaire founder of Cable News Network is turning his 130,000-ucre Montana ranch into his next grand ven ture. Turner now has about 2,000 head of bison. He plans to tri ple the number during the next four years, envisioning a future RECYCLE THIS whom he'll sell I lie hulls for meat and the cows to other breeders Eventually, Turner hopes buffalo rib roasts will be Sun day suppers across the country I want to show you can do something in balance with ne ture and still make money do mg it twice .is much money as you could with cattle," Turner said in an interview published Sunday in the Do/ lhiil\ Chmnit It' "I want to have the biggest buffalo breeding ranc h in the country and have a ball doing it." he said "That's what ev eryone wants (let a great idea and hit the big time " Book published LI'ITI.E K(Xlk, Ark (AT) Ihe memoirs of Daisy Bates who helped organi/a; blac k stu dents tn Integrate Lillie Koch schools. couldn't lx; found on bookstore shelves 2« years ago "It hunntxi throughout the South," said Hates. 77 " The publisher was told hv salesmen that they wouldn't take anything with Daisy nates' name on it Her book. The Long Shadim of I.iUlr Rot k. was first published in llM>g It chronicles the l‘).r>7 l ittle Rock integration i risis and Bates' role in leading nine black students into Central H igh S< bool Former Arkansas Ka/orh.u k Darrell Walker, who plays has kethall for the Detroit Pistons was among several people who attended i In >ok signing rei ep tion for Bates on Saturday Walker sponsored tile ret option at the Little lice k ( Huh This is rm wav of giving something li.ul." Walker s.iut I! il wasn't for .1 Daisy Hates, a Dr Marlin l.uther King nr a Malcolm there wouldn't be any Darrell Walker or Michael Jordan Hint k students first entered Central High on Sept j:t, ]<)r>7. as a white mob cursed and threw rix ks Rubin, wife separate M W YORK (AH) Yippie turned yuppie Jerry Rubin and his wife said Monday thev have separated alter l .l years of mar riage and are seeking .1 Inendly divorce We are now seeking the di von e in unison, working on an amicable legal separation which will automatically turn Into a divorce," Mitni Kubin said This is .1 very frlondlv situation Kubin, who livrs in l.os An geles. and Mrs Knhin, who lives in New York, siiid in a tel eplione conference (.ill they would have joint legal ( us todv of their -1 year-old (laugh ter and 2 year old son ’Hie couple separated last month and Kubin riled papers Iasi week in Manhattan's state Supreme Court Kubin, 5.1, and Mimi, •!.!, said they will continue to work to gellier oil lerrv Kubin Network Marketing, a compain that ar ranges parties lor young prides sionals to meet and develop contacts Kubin was a left wing, anti war crusader in the 1‘ltvOs He was a leader of the Youth Inter national Party with Abbie Hull man One great line Macintosh Ilsi deserves another mm / j MotWritoU *_Tjrr. BESS M MocDrawU n mtxvraw rro Pro MacPaint OarmltMohv ( )nee son’\e I.ilk'll loi the ik-w, affordable line of Macintosh computers, the ( laris line ol software products is a natural pickup So compatible, sou eoultl sas thes sseie made loi each other. CLAMS' (lorn fducolion Sohwme \tii)i