/ If 2S0.000 ixople reculed one am [xt day we a >ukl save the energ) ec|iii\alcnt of s S million gallons of gas a \ear lodav the emerge saved from recycling aluminum cuts is enough to |xaver the cite of Boston for one full u*ar! \t Anheuser Busch, we re saving previous over fourteen billion cans hist year alone. And this is only one of the many steps / Reading this e.ui reduces litter. s.i\es emerge and proenles un|x>rtant income for nonprofit groups and otJu-rs So pitch in. recycle ;uul help keep America clean You can power your IV for e —J 1 tours eeith the energy saved In recy cling a single can resources and enen»\ by recycling iu*arl\ .is much alumi num as we use In ITK we established the Container Recover) Corporation - the worlds largest recycler of aluminum cans. And since then, we've recycled over two billion pounds of aluminum vve'u* taken over the hist hundred years to help eliminate die solid waste and litter problems that face our nation. Vie believe that the world we all share is only given to us in trust. And we re trusted to preserve it for even, generation to come. A Pledge and a Promise. Anheuser-Busch Companies.