Mess it ontinued from page 24) miu li lot these gins, nkai Anti "I ( mil sc. I lie ]).K I .iniilhei majui irlcaies Inti imitt rent es in the nation I he I'.ti iln Big I en lilt- plan 1 hev; keep si t hampit >ns lu ineel in I lie !• also i ohtains out two of the ale iiiil pa111il •mling then fuse Ih>hI and minding dun «>wn InWiiess vs 11 u h h\ ilk W.|\ . JS d<'»I! IV* tjHlle wa ll, thank \<«n \\ ( m l J IM' (Him p, , >ji|r m l Ik R' ->< Bow l c \ C!A \ < .11 s.ilil |.U k I I <• !It li ! he howl s t;\( pilli\C tlili'l tH| B s'< 1 lo l»< .If MIIIOV "It was «>iii < Ik mi ( noi lo h< a pan < I if said I li: 114 ll We ll.lM • »lii own .11 lalHicmnifs .i^HMl.lll.lllgfllUIll Si. Irk, ill, link kids who wet in' iriMt, i! lo die paitv and du n sa\ ihev didn’t wain lo H<> in iln■ tiiNi |>l,|i < 11ii I'.k 10 .mil Hii; 1 i n i utlli'H'lii rs .Ilf I till Mlbjllg file II i ullc t live IIIIV s .11 tilt’ pill l \thI win slnmliln l ilit \ Ni>w rnnitng m 7H||| vt'.U . tilt' Rum Hi ml s | * >pl ll.ll 11V ITl lki’' il tin i miiiln S must Iiii.iih i.ilh mu i i -"Iul Imwl '.ml Bill I linn. .I' i \ci iiim tinri lcci ■ >1 tin Rev B-ntl SimpB pin iln iji aiuiti.nli h ■ i| 11 ni it .ill n ii .nil i c m I his slighllt. iinprmrcl [miiiln i hatnpinii'iiip v lup sin>uliIn t hui I thr vit Millie iriii I miii runirin * *1 K« »>< > .»i .ill \*ihn\ci .uinIxmK s r\rs line \\t • .in srr then is Mill no pl.ivoll mi.iMiili i s .in iinils!|m11c*iI t h.impnm It is pos>|b|r llul I hr tn}' tVvn t < .un> \sil p|.l\ i-.lill o! hr I III .1 U'Vsl ^lllll' this VtUI Km \sti|||(ln t It h< Wsrt l it It \>.is \*» I Mil hl^.lll in. i V • W .ishin^f* *n "i mi i ,M 1 s » t 4»mr I III \( \ \ w.tki np .ill*! Ml’.rli tin K< »vv Championship (continued from page 24) .1 majot i) 1.1 \c*i m (Ik* agieement I h< ariangemeni ensures ihe lush an apf>earaiH e m a majen lw>w! e\ei\ veai It s nut a pel Ice I solution to ensuring that the \o | and No 2 teams inert, but it s a sigmlie ant enhane eme nt Rosenthal said lexas \thletn Ditecloi I )rl oss I )odds agiees with Ros< ntlial on one point it s it nthing hut pci let t I h t on tends that it tin Longhorns vveie to win tin s\\( and Nebraska weie to take tin Big I iglit and tin teams weie tanked No | and No 2. then would stdl be no national ( hampioiiship game bee ause the teams aie »omnutted lo ditieienl I row Is \nd < ountless se enai ios like that could nun tin ideal > hainpionship game I In Ik s! thing loi us would be to lia\e an alliance with the tlexibilils loi ans possible national e hampioti. he said Lhe set ond I test thing would be to do nothing I he worst [Missible thing would be to lease it 'the pi i »p< >sed Ih >v\ I alliam e i \11 tin bowl bosses have sounded then agreement with the plan and I lesta Bowl odinals aie panic ulai h pleased I hat bowl, plaved in lempe. \11/ was < hosen tic>in a group of games wing toi the hmrth slot in tin* agieement me hiding the ( Hius (»atoi Bloc kbustei and I bdidav bowls • unspu mms In Ms absent c is iIk Rum the only majoi game whost ii -.tins .in aulomatu ally drift mined I luBig I rn and I'.k Id send t hf-ii i I lam pious lu Pasadena f .ii Ii leal It a \ii 1 m \o. 2 Irani (unit's 11 mil those t Olllrt elll ts. I In' Rose Bo Vs I < oultl lendei i lit- new alliame s lop matt hups meaningless (u anted. I lie Iasi team to emerge hum Pasadena as national ( h.impiun was the 1 ol 'southern ( alilomia hi 1072 lluwrvri.m most ul 1 | s pit-season pulls, iln Big I en s Mu lligan and Pat Ids \\ ashmgtnn ate among the lop tluce pn ks in die nation Mid |K'tennial powci Penn Slate lo tin Big Ifn st hedulf m Id1 Id, and il lurthei damages the alliam e s t liant es ot fielding a tide game. < onlused- Piohahlv. hul most agte< dial tin anangemeni takes ai least a small step toward treating a national < hampionship game "1 dunk it s lieiiei than we have eve! had. said Hoi ida State \tliletu Ihintoi Boh ( hiiii “I hev went I tat k and looked at it and tumid that 12 m rati >r\ Spev taint, ni Prattival Nurse, to Phartnavv Speclalist. 'loti’ll serve part time, near In>me, usualIv one uvelvetuI a month, [Jus tut i weeks a year. Starting out van lx' e.Lsier than ever, too, thumph one of our finaneial i.xsistante programs. Out ilew Spev lalirevl I raining tor Army Readiness (SJAR) program is a preat example. It you quality, we II help pav tm your until >n, lx h >h> anvl fees at a lot al, Armv appn vevl v iviltan si hool t >t yt >ur v luiiv e. 1 hink about it. Tl\en, think about us. See ynut .Arms Reserve Recruiter Orcall I SOO-l !SA ARMY. BE ALL YOU CAN BE ARMY RESERVE