Students cope with ‘yuppie flu7 I T't—rrr T"—7 ns r\i >1 nr i 1 i wi st * Slnr'-'u l * .Si »la l Vi ill 11; itcjn i A\nl. moods and if! a I tonal \ < Mil shnil iri lti llielliiilV in shot > « « aim an cpidenm in tin last 11« i .t( le. 1 )a\ |s said Sinulai t«* Mbs in some s\m|>!otns. ( I S alt.u ks the immune system, t ausmg it to d\slum turn, osc *ia< t. and enahh othet vim vs and hat lei la to alt at k tin I* m!\ Mthotiglt the c \ n t method ol liansnussion is undetemuned ( I S otten is tllggeied h\ sti« ss ( ollegr students lieijlientH stiess immgeis, an at a high i isk of t out! at ling the virus Davis said In a f< t cut lesean h studs h,MHi t I s patients weie found new i to e\|»eiieiu c Kfr \f sleep.' Daws said “Swuptoins t an i edm c ones a hi I its to flint lion bs at) pen rnt I o| students : he disease i an l>e dcs asLitiii^ hat i< W ■ m Is at l ul.uit l knows fins .ill «mi well \N t Is Ini lasses I d gel si i anxious and light-headed 1 would hast to i un out Woods said I icmembci one turn I didn t eseii hast the enei gv tot un h»« lass Woods demanding s» hedult and the emotional stiess of Ik i paients s< p.uation pic* « d< d the illness H< t atise ot the diseasi Wootls di opped seseial i lasses and I malls wilhdlt w ln*m I if i pn med majoi “Some nights 1 would lie in Ixd tossing and turning and 1 would « is m trusti ati<*n with Ik-mg unable to tall aslet j>. W • m *ls said I he in \t das 11 mildn t get up oi I d l« el strung out kind ot a hung osc i feeling " Woods said diagnosing the illness vs as half tin battle Hci fxivfiiend beliesed she was basing a nmnus bieakdown. while hei ti tends blamed het let lings on hei v<*gt tai lan diet I he fii st dot tots i I visited i weie so ut < »t depievsed I he disease is frustiatmg foi usualls ambitious active people Hat Kills wiffeimg flom the disease* base a stilt It It late w\ times lughei than non palicntv even though the disease has a mete > to s mtm LEE ANN flYNN V *. .MAN '■ I ><' 11 (III ItimialllV lati I hisis said 1 11 iik Hitk I palm king .ind Ssondcring Wlial s "long ssilh lilt .mi I living U' k «K v(uI i I S i\ mil i m ahli Iml ■ 111 Ik licalcd ss iiiplmnalu .tils I m u lInmgli llic disease isn't "in the mind," theiaps .mil emotional sllp|M II I [HUM 'll (All (IIK h 111 l| || III I 1.IMS said I).ms .( h ailing ( \pcii in ilu siudv id ( IS lilt (Mi/cs the i .him dl the disc use is siiiik lnm cm il niimcntallv i elated \s the hulls s mi in uni svsiein 11 ipes tviI It ihe im I cased lo\u its of I lie cm III 111 me III < I S and I il 111 i I cl.imch ness Ml uses im adc InilllailS 111 ncai cpidcinit ptnjxntiom. Davis said I In disi a sc is km ns il In iiiii iii Ian lilies and sun c n is mi al. n i mild Ik gcnciu alls cui i Klcd \ 11 a cm i lain ilia I 11 si an h pi' >gi am mi ( I S In the l S I into s Im I hscasc ( null III |C|KI| led Its living I iHMI i alls |ki II ion ill f loin ( I S siith ICIS I I S in lls Moving di git i s i an Ik ai UVc in a |K -Ison loi up lo I I sins hui is i a pal ilc o| lx a i lining dm main. 1 )as is said In ihei aps. Woods ssas taught lo su ss llic illness as a gill She said she has leal lied «> cope and is diung nun h heiiei lhis vinesiei I K all/ed dial I 111 not like escivone i I si I gel sad looking al i hildien I ii lining ai mi nil and pi as mg she said Ms 11 lends like going mu late dunking. Inn I have lo plan sslien I will go mil and sin k to .1 sleeping si hedule Georgia profs search for anti-DUI drug Bn ROS U Y\ THOMPSON / ht lift •i.’ lit . k. I <»! ( .(•« •! gia If l <■sc.ll ( it l)\ C Vs < > l of ( .COt gia professots goes as planned, students sn|nc(|,l\ Ml.tN be able lo bu\ a powdet Imm the lot al diugstoie that will lowei then blood alcohol levels so the\ tan di tve h< line s.iteb I) a \ id \\ hit m 11< at hemic a I engirieei and I an n < <>t nelius. a piofessoi ol small animal medic me. ate < m id in ting lab expel intents on a svnthetit eii/wnc designed t<» < tmibal t he ctfci ts of ah ohol b\ i emo\ mg ethanol hotn the bloss c .unpus Ir.ipin^ <*\t i « ui tis .uul » i .ishiiu; into tiers .md iht s ic !• imiil; ncn minute i >t it Kollcihl.ult s .» (I.idem.i! krd n.unr t<»i in lint* sk.itrs, It.tx«* icpl.ucd I<»llt*lskates ,ts llu* pic t( lied mode »»t shush\{XUi.iliuii .Hid f\rii im nn (attlpttsrs .ii K »ns the c ouilin r ’ K» »llci skah a .11 r llk< lh< .'K. s.tid L \l l/nli.l S t .11 c l I nllfl Made I 1 > 'III 1 1 ubrrtv "Rnilci'b-ladrs nr h^lilri and ni«»if iiunnivriable than ic^ulai sk.tfcs Rnllri blading is t s'M,d aciclm inn imp.u t Im in «'l < \c u 1st It is drlimlrK filing ionHiiiniu- togjtm 1 \t ■ ■ i <■ ih.m I t ui 111 > < ii v nl in Iiik skates lu\r Ixeu v 'lit ui 11ic- l s dining die last kfs\»oinaii Ini Kollci hladi I In I<-.itlutk* in.imii.uimn ■>! in-ltn<'>k.tu*v Niiur Its Hitti mIiii tli m III l‘*M . llu Ki illcl t>I.iilr < .<|Hillc<1 mole ih.m ">U |x n fill <>l (lie in-inn sk.iU- in.ii k< l List vr.u thru- balds .invlxxlv vvr.iimg lliclll," s.uil William I lliriu. manugei of tlx- Ik .11 li bum sk.tir stoic in Mi.uni 'll miu urn inllribl.ulmg |>* ■ 11• I< |ust thought vuu wen' weird. 1 his vr.u I get|xm i[il< In mi ages 10 U1 it) 1 ruling lollfi'tiladrs I hr nn >1 In n sk.itrs. wtin It 1.111 11 *s 1 .invwhri r hum $'>n In > v 111. .in 11 nil111 iscii ut .111 klr snug. 11V ll 111 1 i.uli let I ski bools lx iltril In loll 1 01 1 live porvurrthanc wheels BuinudersM) ' tin tin ill is worth tin* i osi I lie lust mill I till'll II I ti ll like 1 was l 1.1 skating on icmrm said Eri* 1 I :i ili in .i bladrt hoin St 1 outs B W ill'll I Ills! >1 mi iiilli ilil,nil s, n was ■ iiuredible I get the urge to go blading .iliimsi iM'is das ‘HZ^^°" Koli ll.ivslcll. .» sophomore .H the 1 ul Kt iilui k\ tali', blading frlix iouv" j)ii kmi* uj) s|Hf(i ami soil it 11«»I Uoinj; aiiMiitiif' i»»u u t Inn kmi; I in ijoiiu; in die N nil si.111 shaking, .mil ii.tnu ktiui Ymn knt-i s si.ii 1 in I mu kli Hill In llmv Irss nil Illlltl In Mil ll lllllsls nt lllllll.llilll’. Ill Imc sk.ili \ (.in ut III | H .u in .il In .11 ill lit-lit’tils. like- low iiti|>.n l .umini 111 iv. (i .lining It vnu mil .ill t)i< lime, it urn tide .ill tin tunc, mu just st.m to bum out," saiel 11.1\ slell "II urn yet on l III Inn skalev), li will vise vout knees liom 11fail sin « k ill 11 hum luit In in soul t>ii■ voui hf.tllh, so f\pri ifiit rti , lil.ulris suggest lxftith.ti icillci bladeis should ahvass weal a helmet, shoultlei pads and knee pads while blading '( 11inl»s \uii slow down and iio|h- Mm sumic (u UM* top; and (he (lev nils you In i|x sou mi mu- to tin- Ih it ton i without 11 ashing,' I lavslctt sud l t\lie lndetuiti of the Stati 1‘irss, \n:ona State I , al\a amtnbuted In thi\ '.lory