Conferences (continued from page 24) the NVVt Kill bei .mst- id llir iiilllielli e id icIcMsiiin «e have been bnied In make .1 i lunge Plot id.i Si.lie .iKu abandoned n m(le|)endenl *>l .1 Ml x in join lire \ 11.1111 u ( u.isi ( nnleieni 1 lot lin.un leasons I think ue ueii- standing iii .1 dangemuv .lit a fx in^ mdrjK n■( •• »uv 1 \c; * *!l« ii '.utI ilMini l>niu» milc|n inl( iil. lull im' ir iioi .in id.uni liunMukU .issisi.tiH» >'iiimisMuiK i "I the \( ( n.iinnsr in die moves hv I’riiii Slate ,ui(l Miami We toilid scr dial eolie^c h vs .in (liaii^liii;Mu kl< s.ild W< had l<» mo\< <»i lx* i Mile Mil l * Minded Kin M i.nn i < l< .i i 1 \ den *11 >J i * i« d h"w t« h 11)i.i!I 11 >11(< i ( m < jumping i .in fui'ike t"i sli .mi'V Ixdtrllc»v\s I !u I I til in .11 If N I' 'Mini ill! i s« VNI v io| lilt d Kl\; i .»\l ( iintnciii rli» nci mi t mu «i i .t Ml .11 k« I l ii .i i 1 « .«t in s ’• '* |»t I * r II l «* t I li c i minti\ Km l.n V nl i mu petition m the olheiwiM w < .t k i i Mill* l c in c should f II Ml I f tin t< Hit 1 i.ili Jm.uc ilmusr lopsided VIC nuns .Mid |Mivsll)l\ .die lute othei Kil; i »st l.tll' |. dm I’.Hjiic-Mc . tin dll n Ini . d I»111»11« i (-1»111«>11n.!«11 the Bljk' i aM. t ei ' >^i»i/e« a i< ■ m ■ an then \N < went tni them fu\tin I iikimofj-. I I» Iniiiru I . *■./ I •»n I \\ - */. \l l l avelei , / J \ ; »i wn i/\< ■ 'J’U'.f'i ■ l fa' RIGHT GUARD SPORT STICK \MY THINC, LESS MX ILL) HE USX IVIL l/l l > ATHLETE SPOTLIGHT DAVID KLINGLER Gillette shines its athlete spotlight this month on David Klinglei quarterback ot the U ot Houston Cougars Klingler. who estab lished himself last year as one of the most dominant quarterbacks in college rootuaii nisiory is everybody's favorite candidate in the ra< e tor this year s Heisman Trophy Although the ink is still wet on the 33 NCAA records Klmgler broke or tied last year he appears poised to completely rewrite those books this year Klmgler threw tor an amazing 5140 yards and 54 touchdowns last season shattering previous marks held by Andre Ware and Jim McMahon, respectively But that should be a mere prelude to this year's action Klmgler has the luxury of operating within head coach John Jenkins seemingly unstoppable run and-shoot offense In addition, Klmgler s supporting cast appears well endowed with the talent to back him up The Cougars the No 14 pick in this year s preseason U College Football Poll will be aiming to better last season s 10 1 record Of course the Houston quarterback is still haunted by the ghost ot former teammate Ware Because he arrived on the heels ot another quarterback sensation Klmgler will have to silence the critics who claim Jenkins' system, not the quarterback is responsible tor his phenomenal stats No doubt he'll just let his arm do the talking One cannot tmdl ttfoahotmd and expect to catch any foxes. Charles Bartdey